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Learn English, please.

Paul Hexem

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Gadget Portal wrote:


No, I'm not xenophobic. I don't know anything about the person that sent me the IM.

I got a message that was complaining about ban lines at my new airport. Except I couldn't make heads or tails of it because the message made no sense. Something about bad advertising and ban lines.

I have no ban lines. On any of my parcels. I don't even have security orbs.

So it'd be nice if people learned to communicate with semi-literate English (this includes some Americans and British) before they sent an IM to an English speaking person. Especially if they expect said person to be able to do anything about it.

Well, then I certainly misunderstood you, for which I apologize. You must admit, however, that your post is a bit cryptic, and it certainly suggests that you are complaining about a non-English speaker.

I am very unclear why you would even post this here though. You can't really expect whoever it was to read it?

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Celestiall Nightfire wrote:

LaskyaClaren wrote:

Well, yes. Or should I say, bien sûr! :-)

What I was attempting to convey, of course, in my temporarily Gallic way, was that the mildly xenophobic ire of the creator of this thread was somewhat misdirected.

You're making two assumptions.

First that the OP is "mildly xenophobic", second that the OP was referring to someone who was not a native English speaker.
It's just as likely that an "incoherent rant" could be from someone who is a native English speaker.

Well, yes. They were indeed assumptions, and apparently incorrect, and for this I have apologized, although I remain mystified, in this context, as regards the point of this whole thread.


Celestiall Nightfire wrote:

my reply to Gadget was a goodwill gesture, as I think he's been lonely.  (my observation from his posts lately) ...and now he's pronouced as being "mildly xenophobic".....so..uh..."no thanks" to your misdirected umbrage.

I don't know Gadget well enough to know his moods, I'm afraid. If I did, possibly I might have better understood his post? And been more inclined to try to cheer him up, rather than (mildly) chastize him for what I took to be (mild) xenophobia.


Celestiall Nightfire wrote:

But, anyway Scy...err Laskya....

Alt Drama, real or imagined, is always a great deal of fun, and so easy to initiate with little more than a sly wink or subtle smile.

I had, indeed still have, a friend, a truly sweet man, who once tried to pass off a female alt on me. I think he was just having fun. His problem was that his writing style was very distinctively ponderous, slow, and old-fashioned in a nice sort of way. It took me about 2 minutes of conversation to figure out who she/he was. I decided, however, not to out him, as he was so obviously enjoying it. It was harmless, and he later came clean anyway.

Actually, I wonder what happened to her?

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As a resident of Second Life, it is perfectly reasonable and well within my rights to start a forum thread about any topic that doesn't violate the ToS, EULA, or forum guidelines.

Including topics about poor communication skills.

I suggest you not read the general forums if random and sometimes pointless topics bother you.


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LaskyaClaren wrote:

Vous êtes très chanceux d'avoir des voisins internationales! Une des choses que j'aime le plus à propos de Second Life, c'est qu'il me donne autant d'occasions de rencontrer des gens de partout dans le monde. J'ai des amis de presque tous les continents sur la terre!

Ce que nous devons faire est de démolir lignes interdiction plutôt que de les construire. Je comprends que c'est ce que vous faites. Je vous félicite.

Voulez-vous un Coke, au fait?


Screw Coke and their butchering of an American song.

Pepsi RULES!!!! :smileylol:

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