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pc to no SSE2 secondlife /// Fin para usuarios sin SSE2

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And I wonder unanswered, today August 21, 2013, after six years in secondlife, adapting my cpu to minimus enough, I find that I can get into second with older viewers but I do not see any avatar all gray I understand not see the mesh because my processor is not SSE2 application and can not be increased, I assume, but as I chew that are not capable of thinking about users who can not buy another PC with a processor that has SSE2, not update these viewers to the new SSA code ..???
They think that all PC users have new,,? because not that many of us that we have devices with almost 10 years in very good condition and perfectly acts to date secondlife, this situation hurts me, hopefully one developer to remember us, and although we do not see the mesh because of our processor more old, we can use any viewer that allows us to see the other avatars in the code implementing SSA for new servers, development supposedly less powerful computers to work less at the time of upload avatars, and I think that computers less powerful are those who just can not use this new function because there is no SSE 2 quen viewers have that code.
I would like someone of you contestarais me poor me I'm a humble profane, alone am guilty of having a second life with my home and my family and now I can not see my partner or my friends, and I can not buy another pc with the current situation.
Greetings to all and sorry for estenderme is that I feel very frustrated and have not found where to vent.
brujamai June carmen ...


Y yo me pregunto sin respuesta, hoy 21 de agosto del 2013, despues de 6 años en secondlife, adaptando mi cpu a los requisitos minimos suficientes, me encuentro con que puedo entrar en second con visores antiguos pero que ya no veo  ningun avatar todos grises, comprendo no ver los mesh porque mi procesador no tiene la aplicacion SSE2, y no se puede aumentar, lo asumo, pero como mastico que no han sido capaces de pensando en usuarios que  no pueden comprarse otro PC con un procesador que tenga SSE2 , no actualicen dichos visores al nuevo codigo SSA..????
Acaso piensan que todos los usuarios disponen de  PC nuevos,,? pues no que somos muchos los que tenemos aparatos con casi 10 años en muy buen estado actualizados y perfectamente actos para secondlife, me duele mucho esta situacion, ojala algun desarrollador se acuerde de nosotros, y aunque no veamos los mesh por causa de nuestro procesador mas antiguo, podamos usar algun visor que nos permita ver a los demas avatares implantando en el el codigo SSA para los nuevos servidores, supuestamente se desarrollo para que los ordenadores menos potentes trabajen menos a la hora de cargar los avatares, y yo pienso que los ordenadores menos potentes son los que precisamente no podemos usar esa nueva funcion porque no hay visores sin SSE 2  quen tenga ese codigo.
Me gustaria que alguien de vosotros me contestarais  yo pobre de mi soy una humilde profana, solo soy culpable de tener una segunda vida con mi casa y mi pareja y ahora no puedo ver a mi compañero ni a mis amigos, y no puedo comprarme otro pc con la actual situacion.
Un saludo a todos y perdon por estenderme es que me siento muy frustrada y no he encontrado donde desahogarme.
mari carmen...brujamai  jun

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Woweee that's an old computer.

SSE2 is not new (it was implemented in 2001), the requirement for it (in order to make SL work) is also not new. Viewer 2 and above only work on SSE2-compatible PCs. Whether it's a requirement for SSA I don't know, I don't think it matters.

If you're using a PC from the 1990s, I am not surprised or sympathetic toward you having trouble in Second Life. You'd have trouble everywhere else, too.

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/me shakes his fist at LL nonetheless.

/me looks behind him and looks at his old 80486 SX with Trident - graphics and Voodoo 3DFx -card combination.

"Stop sulking. Don't listen to her. She actually has a soft spot for early computers."



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My first computer was a 386, but I wouldn't run SL on it.

I might use it as a space heater, or a barbecue pit.

(I'm teasing, but I did set it on fire. By accident.)

The first computer I used for SL (in 2006) only had 4Mb integrated graphics - I had to run SL with no textures for months. I'd probably give a damn about the OP if this were still seven years ago. Nowadays I can load up a text viewer on a Raspberry Pi and spend less than $50 on a perfectly mobile SL access method.

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Look brujamai,

I understand from your posts that you are using a v1.23 based viewer. With SSA / SSB you will have to wait until a third party of the v1.23 you are using will implement that code into the viewer. That will be a hell of a task for any developer, perhaps to all of them not worthwhile to bother at all.

This is irreversable and aside the question of SSE2 compatability, although I understand you have a computer without it and are therefore only able to use v.123 .

There will be more older computers benefitting from SSA / SSB than the oldest computers that will remain able to use old viewers based on 1.23.

That decision has already been made by the company and is in it's final stages now.

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Hi brujamai :)

I was in your identical situation not many months ago so I totally understand and feel for you in this situation.  I, too, had a 10-year-old PC (10 years as in that was the last time I was able financially to upgrade my motherboard/graphics card - the PC case itself was modular so I just replaced PC parts as needed) and, contrary to what other posters have indicated, the ONLY thing it did not run, and run well, was SL.  I had no problems with playing games like EQ & WoW, could stream videos (I also don't subscribe to cable TV), etc.  I'm sure someone will come along to give the (unhelpful) info of why I could do that vs. being in SL but the point was, as you said, I could.  Thus the only reason I really *needed* to upgrade was for SL and that, of course, is not a *need* but a want.

I also began SL in 2007 and due to my RL situation (being disabled), SL is a great part of my social interaction so, while certainly not a *need*, I too was upset that when SSA arrived I would have a very limited SL experience.  I too received similar responses as you have from people who have not yet had that moment in time happen that can change a person's life in an instant - be it health, financial, or both.  I was told to "get a new hobby" and other comments that, while I responded to on the forums, were very hurtful.

That being said, I have heard (not verified but just by word of mouth) that some of the third party viewers (maybe Singularity?)  are working on the SSA code for v1 viewers, but I'm not positive - just a bit of hope there at least.  I was blessed by having a family member finally realize how important SL was to me and gifted me with money to buy a new PC.  Had that not have happened, I would be in the same situation as you.  There are quite a few people with non-SSE2 PCs who, for whatever reason CAN NOT afford to upgrade.  (Choosing not to is a different discussion.)  They likely just do not post on the forums (the forum population is only a tiny fraction of SL as a whole) so some on the forums "assume" they don't exist.

I know this post won't solve your issue, but I have really HAD IT with the hurtful comments people fling around on the forums on this issue.  Just wanted you to know I've been there, I understand, and if you ever want to chat in world, please feel free to send an IM as I won't be revisiting this thread to read more of the unhelpful/hurtful comments others may leave.

The best to you. :)

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Depending on where you live, it may be very possible to find a used or even free computer that would be SSE2 compliant. Look at thrift shops and church rummage sales. You can also look for refurbished computers on-line. There is a whole range of possibilities between a ten-year-old computer and a brand  new one.

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Theresa Tennyson wrote:

There is a whole range of possibilities between a ten-year-old computer and a brand  new one.

And even a lot of 10 year old computers will have SS02. If I'm not mistaken all Pentium 4 CPU's (and newer) have it. For AMD it's everything from AMD64 up. The P4 was introduced in 2001, the AMD64 in 2003. That's why I think it might be possible to just replace the CPU.

If brujamai can pick up a free computer, that's of course a better option :)

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Please answer not a bad decision to add code to the viewers SSA V.1,, And I hope it happens because we are many PC users prior to 2004 we can not use the last viewers, or we can buy another pc with the crisis so great we're having in Spain.
If they do secondlife will lose many users and have great sorrow and many tears that we are completely and users with a second life, as in my case, it's hard not to see your partner because they add a code for old viewers can use the new servers and let many users we can still be happy in secondlife ....


Gracias por contestarme no es mala decision  añadir codigo SSA a los visores V.1 ,, Y espero que suceda porque somos muchos los usuarios con PC anteriores al 2004 que no podemos usar los ultimos visores, ni podemos comprarnos otro pc  con la crisis tan grande que estamos teniendo en España.
Si no lo hacen secondlife va a perder muchos usuarios y  tendremos mucha pena y muchas lagrimas usuarios que estamos completamente ya con una segunda vida, como es mi caso, es duro no poder ver a tu compañero porque no añadan un codigo para que los visores antiguos puedan usar los nuevos servidores y seamos muchos los usuarios que podamos  seguir siendo felices en secondlife....

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Sorry, you do not stop the advance of technology understand and be open to all, which may change from pc every 5 years like you and like me and many of us are mired in a tremendous crisis in which we can not stop eating or pay the mortgage to switch pc.
It is easier to insert a code into a series of codes and we can with v.1 viewers use the new servers and see the avatars, it is logical to see all the normal world and see the gray avatars, be a little more civilized and think of those who can not change your pc.
You will have more speed, and see everything with more sharpness to have better pc, I will continue as usual watching my partner and friends but go slower.


Perdon, no es frenar el avance  de la tecnologia comprender y ser abierto a todos, a los que pueden cambiar de pc cada 5 años como tu y a los que como yo y muchos estamos sumidos en una crisis tremenda en la que no podemos dejar de comer o pagar la hipoteca para cambiar pc.
Es mas facil insertar un codigo en una serie de codigos y que podamos con los visores  v.1 usar los nuevos servidores y ver los avatares, no es logico ver todo el mundo normal y ver a los avatares grises, seamos un poco mas civilizados y pensemos en los que no pueden cambiar de pc.
Tu tendras mas velocidad, y veras todo con mas nitidez al tener mejor pc, yo seguire como hasta ahora viendo a mi compañero y amigos aunque vaya mas  lento.

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My pc is 2003. I have a processor ...... AMD Athlon (tm) XP 2400 + 2.00 GHz ...... 2.00 GB of RAM .......

Works perfectly with secondlife so far, this processor does not have any use SSE2 .. I can not see the mesh ...... but that does not matter.

The problem is the new way to render avatars with the new SSA code ..... I have only the last V.2 and V.3 viewers .......
Many users can not use them because we have pre-2004 processors, does not mean they have bad computers, we can not simply extend the processor, and the economic situation is not to buy another computer.

Just ask SSA to implement the code in V1 viewers, although never to see the mesh ... we can at least see the avatars that there are many who do not use mesh.

With the new implantation of SSA code do not see the other avatars for us are gray, the rest of the world works the same, and we can move, build, all the same, but ........ see everyone gray. ......

Not ask you to slow down, ask them to let us back to those who can not run, and let us see the other avatars.

You can go fast, but let me run my my way slowly until you can buy another pc when this tremendous crisis passes.


Mi pc es del 2003. tengo un procesador......AMD Athlon XP 2400+......2.00 GHz.  2.00 GB de RAM.......

Funciona perfectamente con secondlife hasta ahora, ese procesador no dispone de la aplicacion SSE2.. no puedo ver los mesh......pero eso no me importa.

El problema es la nueva forma de renderizar los avatares con el nuevo codigo SSA..... que solo lo han puesto a los visores ultimos V.2 y V.3.......
Muchos usuarios no podemos usarlos porque tenemos procesadores anteriores al 2004,,, no significa que tengamos malas computadoras, simplemente no podemos ampliar ese procesador, y la situacion economica no esta para comprar otra computadora.

Solo pido que implanten el codigo SSA en los visores V1, Para que  aunque jamas veremos los mesh ...podamos almenos ver a los avatares  que hay muchos que no usan  mesh.

Con la nueva implantacion del codigo SSA  no vemos a los demas avatares para nosotros son grises, el resto del mundo funciona igual, y podemos movernos , contruir, todo igual, pero........vemos a todo el mundo gris.......

No pido que se frene , pido que nos dejen atras a los que no podemos correr, y nos dejen ver a los demas avatares.

Tu puedes ir deprisa, corre pero dejame a  mi a mi paso despacio hasta que pueda comprar otro pc cuando esta  tremenda crisis pase.


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I appreciate your kindness,, and made me happy that someone understands, is very sad not to see your partner in secondlife, and not being able to upgrade the processor, because you can not, you can only buy another full pc.
My pc only has the problem of being in 2003 in which by processors the application still had not SSE2 .... but my problem is not that I do not mind not seeing the mesh,,,,, but please, do not see the other avatars just for not implementing the SSA code in ancient viewers when you really know that many of us use them , and not everyone in secondlife has pc new, keep in mind that there are users from around the world, from countries that are much more outdated than you in the United States, and not implementing the SSA code is breaking old viewers life many people who live their second life naturally, with wife, husband, children, parents, I think that deserves respect, and sensitivity, was created this wonderful second world and this new Captcha code is causing tears ....
I use a google translator to communicate in this forum I do not know English I apologize if the translator does not translate well what I espresar


Te agradezco mucho tu amabilidad, y me ha hecho feliz que me comprenda alguien, es muy triste no poder ver a tu pareja en secondlife, y no poder actualizar el procesador, porque no se puede, solo se puede  comprar otro pc completo.
Mi pc solo tiene el problema de ser del 2003 en el cual por procesadores no tenian todavia la aplicacion SSE2.... pero mi problema no es ese no me importa no ver los mesh ,,,,,pero  por favor, no ver a  los demas avatares  solo por no implantar  ese codigo SSA,  en los visores antiguos cuando realmente  saben que somos muchos los que los usamos,, no todo el mundo en secondlife tiene pc nuevos, tengan en cuenta que hay usuarios de todo el mundo, de paises que estan mucho mas anticuados que ustedes en  Estados Unidos ,,  no implantar el codigo SSA en visores antiguos es  romper la vida de muchas personas que viven su segunda  vida de forma natural, con esposa, esposo, hijos, padres,, creo que eso merece un respeto, y una sensibilidad, se creo este maravilloso segunda mundo y este nuevo codido esta  originando lagrimas....
Uso un traductor de google para comunicarme en este foro yo no se ingles  pido perdon si el traductor no traduce  bien lo que quiero espresar.


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Can not update the AMD Athlon (tm) XP 2400 + 2.00 GHz ...... I've been to a service technician.
If you do not implement the code in viewers SSA V1. I can not see the avatars, they're all gray, the rest of the world is perfect.
And I can not spend 600 euros on a new cpu that is the price we have in my country a cpu new.
And I'm not the only user with this problem, and although I'm trying not to understand English who have either read me this is not for seconlife advancement, is the loss of countless users both free and paid that to see the whole stop crying gray world with this second life.
In my case many tears because secondlife live a full life with husband, land, etc.
I'll have to leave a lot of pain because I can not buy another pc, or go inside watching everyone perfect and all gray avatars.


No se puede actualizar el AMD Athlon XP 2400+......2.00 GHz.  ya lo he llevado a un servicio tecnico.
Si no implantan el codigo SSA en visores V1,. no puedo ver a los avatares, son todos grises, el resto del mundo va perfecto.
Y no puedo gastar 600 euros en una nueva  cpu que es el precio que tienen en mi pais una cpu nueva.
Y no soy la unica usuaria con este problema,y aunque no se ingles estoy intentando hacer comprender a quien tenga bien leerme que esto no es adelanto para seconlife, es la perdida de infinidad de usuarios tanto gratuitos como de pago que al ver a todo el mundo gris dejaran con llanto esta segunda vida.
En mi caso muchas lagrimas porque vivo en secondlife una vida completa con esposo, tierra,etc
que tendre que dejar con mucho dolor porque no puedo comprar otro pc, o seguir dentro viendo todo el mundo perfecto y a todos los avatares  grises.

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That's not true I've been in secondlife since 2007 and was not required to have a processor with SSE2.
That requirement was implanted in 2012 to implement in secondlife mesh textures ...
I do not mind not seeing textures mesh until you can buy a pc if available with the application processor.
But if I do not see pain avatars others see you all gray, because the SSA code of the new way of rendering the avatars only been implemented in the viewer and I V.2 V.3 .... they can only use the pc with SS2 .......
Those who do not have SS2 can not use any viewer of the last old viewers use both second life as other third parties,
and have not implemented that code in them. so in addition to not see the mesh logical thing now ....... not see the other avatars even ourselves.
I do not know if it has explain well or you do not understand the situation.
I ask halt the progress of the computer, but if you let us live to those who can not go so fast at the moment, think that code and those new viewers was created to offload the pc, and the avatar load them to these viewers, that serves that helps new powerful pc, but pc nacesaria is like mine and we can not use it because they have not agreed to the smaller .........


Eso no es cierto yo llevo en secondlife desde 2007 y no era requisito tener un procesador con SSE2.
Ese requisito se implanto en el 2012 al implantar en secondlife texturas  mesh...
No me preocupa no ver texturas mesh hasta que pueda comprarme un pc que si disponga de un procesador con esa aplicacion.
Pero si me hace dolor  no ver a los demas avatares verles a todos grises, porque el codigo SSA de la nueva  forma de renderizar los avatares solo se ha implantado en el visor V.3 y creo V.2....  que solo pueden usar los pc que tienen SS2.......
Los que no tenemos SS2  no podemos usar ningun  visor de los ultimos  usamos los visores antiguos tanto de second life   como de otros a terceros,
y no han implantado ese codigo en  ellos,. por lo cual ademas de no ver los mesh cosa logica, ahora.......tampoco vemos a  los demas avatares incluso a nosotros mismos.
No se si me esplico bien o es que ustedes no entienden la situacion.
No pido frenar el progreso de la informatica, pero si que nos dejen vivir a los que no podemos ir tan aprisa en estos momentos, piensen que ese codigo y esos nuevos visores se creo para quitar carga a los pc,, y que el avatar  se carge en dichos visores, de que sirve esa ayuda a pc potentes nuevos, mas nacesaria  es  en pc como el mio y no podemos usarla porque no se han acordado de los pequeños.........


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Sadly, people do not think, because people are people, and not a game secondlife is a world full of people who have virtual albeit a life full of love and friendship.
It is logical that the technology advancement to make things more perfect, but I think we also have to think about people, and they know that there are many users using V.1 viewers .. and not seeing their friends or virtual family will suffer.
I am suffering from yesterday my eyes are tears My heart aches into my second life and see my beloved husband, and see my friends,
are all gray, I feel sad and heartache.
I know many and many are in my same situation and do not know where esponerlo without saying, I look out this window to tell us what is happening to many users, with google translator because I'm not English Spanish but that many people in other countries with the same problem.
We use V.1 viewers and they have not been implemented the SSA code ...... see all gray avatars.

We can not use the last viewers, because our pc can not use them, and we can not buy another pc,,,
Thanks for your kindness


Es triste, no piensan en las personas, porque  los usuarios somos personas, y secondlife no es un juego es un mundo lleno de personas que aunque de forma virtual tenemos una vida llena de  amor y amistad.
Es logico que la tecnologia avance para que todo vaya mas perfecto, pero yo creo que tambien hay que pensar en las personas, y se que  saben que hay muchos usuarios que usan los visores V.1..y al no ver a su amigos ni familia virtual van a sufrir.
Yo estoy sufriendo, desde ayer mis ojos son lagrimas me duele el corazon entrar en mi segunda vida y ver a mi amado esposo, ni ver a mis amigos,
son todos grises, me siento triste y con dolor de corazon.
Se que muchos y muchas estan en mi misma situacion y no saben donde esponerlo ni decirlo, yo me asomo a esta ventana a contar lo que nos esta sucediendo a muchos usuarios, con el traductor de google porque no se ingles  yo soy española  pero se que hay mucha gente en otro paises con el mismo problema.
Usamos los visores V.1  y no se les ha implantado el codigo  SSA......vemos a todos los avatares grises.

No podemos usar los ultimos visores, porque nuestro pc no puede usarlos, y no podemos comprar otro pc,,,
Gracias por tu amabilidad

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brujamai Jun wrote:

Can not update
XP 2400
to a service

Unfortunately, that's the case. The socket on your motherboard doesn't have SSE2 instructions.


I can
euros on a new
is the price we
in my country
a cpu

I hope you mean a new computer, not a new CPU. From what I can find, computers aren't more expensive in Spain than they are here in the Netherlands. A new CPU should cost maybe 50-300 euros.

Anyway, you don't need to buy a new computer or new CPU. Like suggested before, you can buy a second hand one. A dual core PC shouldn't cost more than 100 euros I think, if you're lucky you can pick up one for less, maybe even for free.

Try ebay, offers like this (single core P4) are very common.

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Can not update need to put all the new motherboard, and new such as boards have different slots is not worth any device that has installed my cpu or video card or sound card or hard drives, there to put all new, better a new pc, but in the current situation in which in my house are 4 and the four we stand, I can not buy a new pc, I need that money to eat.
My problem and solved many SSA implemented CODE,,, IN THE DISPLAYS OLD,,,,,, V.1 ...
If developers secondlife take that step and implant in for example (((Snowglobe))) or other third-party developers viewers, avatars as I can continue living our second life but NOT see textures mesh, it does not matter,,, but we can see the other avatars in the same way that we saw so far.
Right now users have this problem only V.1 viewers are able to use for secondlife paraplegics, our technical ability is impaired by causes that in these times of crisis we can not cure, and Messrs. secondlife owners and developers not had forgotten us, and given us a kick up the backside from seeing the other avatars.


No se puede actualizar hay que poner toda la placa base nueva, y ya ese tipo nuevo de placas  tiene las ranuras distintas no vale ningun dispositivo de los que tiene instalada mi cpu, ni tarjeta de video, ni tarjeta de sonido ni discos duros, hay que poner todo nuevo, es mejor un pc nuevo, pero en la actual situacion en la cual en mi casa somos 4 y los cuatro estamos parados, no puedo comprar un pc nuevo, necesito ese dinero para comer.
Mi problema y el de muchos se soluciona IMPLANTANDO EL CODIGO  SSA,,, EN LOS VISORES ANTIGUOS ,,,,,,V.1...
Si secondlife  los desarrolladores dan ese paso y lo implantan en  por ejemplo (((Snowglobe)))  o otros desarrolladores de visores a terceros,  avatares como yo podremos seguir viviendo nuestra segunda vida aunque  NO veamos texturas  mesh, eso no tiene importancia,,,,pero podremos ver a los demas avatares de la misma forma que los veiamos hasta ahora.
En estos momentos los usuarios que tenemos este problema de solo poder usar visores V.1 somos los paraplegicos de secondlife, nuestra capacidad tecnica esta mermada por causas que en estos momentos de crisis no podemos curar, y los señores dueños y desarrolladores de secondlife no se han acordado de nosotros, y nos han dado una gran patada en el trasero impidiendonos  ver a los demas avatares.

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Mira Brujamai..

no es posible encuentres un computer de segunda mano ? 

mira aqui o aqui

veras que hay unos que suficien para entrar en sl por solo 100 euros. Claro esos no son de los mejores, pero si ya te has acostumbrado a un SL lento, eso por lo menos te permitira entrar en SL y a ver a los avatares normales, y tambien veras meshes.

no puedes pedir a la sociedad de cariñar a las personas, porque, como lo puedes ver cada dia, la socieda en cuya vivimos no lo hace... siempre corre adelante, y olvide a los humanos... Asi es...

Entonces mejor encontrar una solucion barrata para que puedas seguir en sl, que llorar sobre la sociedad de hoy.

Ten cuidado por la carta grafica tambien, no necesitas una estupenda, si no quieres pagar mucho, pero necesitas una que funcionara en sl. O a lo mejor puedes tomar la que tienes ahora en tu pc. No se. Enterra te.

Te todo modo, mucha suerte a ti. Espero que te lo vas a solucionar. Vivo cerca de España y se el lio que se pasa con la crisis. 

un besote a ti.

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Muchisimas gracias por tu apoyo, se que lindel land apuesta por eliminar los visores antiguos V.1  y esta es una de las formas radicales de hacerlo, de que nos sirve poder entrar con ellos si no vemos a los demas avatares, y mira mi pc no va lento no es un mal pc, es un procesador potente no se lo que es el lang, pero claro es de otra generacion, y no tiene la aplicacion SSE2, que se implando en secondlife para introducir unas texturas las mesh que requieren esa aplicacion, por lo demas yo funciono perfectamente en secondlife con mi pc.

Incluso no me importa no ver las texturas mesh, muchos avatares no las usan, entre otras cosas porque son mas pesadas que la ropa normal que siempre se uso, y producen lentitud en el pc,  PERO...  la implantancion del nuevo codigo SSA para  leer el avatar, hace que podamos estar en secondlife  ver todo igual movernos igual  pero viendo a todos los avatares grises, porque no han metido ese codigo en el visor V.1  y ningun desarrollador de otros visores V.1 tampoco.

Con esto no solo yo morimos en secondlife, somos millones, pero nadie sabe donde espresarlo, no son asifuos de foros son personas con incluso niveles culturales bajos, porque recordemos que hoy dia  no hace falta ser ingeniero informatico para tener un PC. no solo yo estoy con este problema.

Mi suplica no es solo para mi,  es para millones de usuarios que funcionan en secondlife con visores V.1 Perfectamente, y ahora seguimos funcionando igual de bien  pero viendo a  todos los avatares grises.

No es justo eso, que nos dejen vivir a los que solo podemos usar los visores V.1 que no es cierto que seamos unos pocos.

Yo de momento seguire asi viendo a mi esposo y a mis amigos y a todos grises hasta que mi marido encuentre trabajo,y pueda comprarme otro pc, ahora mi querida amiga no puedo gastar ni 100 euros en un pc, porque a mitad de mes ni los tengo, somos tres en casa, tengo una hipoteca de mi casa de 460 euros, y del paro cobramos 900, de lo que queda hay que pagar luz, agua, el lote de todo junto, telefono-movil-internet, comer, etc,etc,

No puedo, y como yo somos  muchos, muchos, te lo aseguro, asi que todos morimos,

Realmente secondlife esta consiguiendo perder usuarios.

Yo cuando pueda tendre  otro pc, aunque me tenga que quitar de comer y ir juntando para poder comprarlo porque tengo una vida en seconlife no soy nueva llevo sin ninguna pausa desde  2007 , y  soy dj. constructora, y me encanta vivir mi fantasia de niña aunque soy ya una señora de en nada 49 años, asi que cuando  pueda comprar otro pc, os lo dire. ajajajajaj.

Pero vuelvo a repetir NO ES JUSTO..... quien pueda ir hacia delante corriendo ok.  los que tenemos que ir mas despacio porque tenemos una pierna rota que nos dejen ir a nuestra velocidad, dejandonos usar los visores V.1 con el codigo SSA

Haber quien es el desarrollador de visores a terceros que tiene las narices de hacerlo, y se adelanta a lindel land.

Es un reto,


Thank you so much for your support, is that land Lindel commitment V.1 remove old viewers and this is one way of doing radical, we used to go to them if others do not see avatars, and see my pc not going slow is not a bad pc, is a powerful processor is not what the lang, but of course is another generation, and the application does not have SSE2, which implando in secondlife to introduce a mesh textures that require that the application , so others in secondlife I worked perfectly with my pc.

Even I do not mind not seeing the mesh textures, many avatars do not use them, among other things because they are heavier than normal clothes always use, and produce slow on the pc, BUT ... In setting the new SSA code to read the avatar, allows us to be in the same move secondlife see everything the same but seeing all the gray avatars, because they have not put that code in the viewfinder developer V.1 and any other viewers V. one either.

This is not just me die in secondlife, we are millions, but nobody knows where espresarlo are not asifuos forums are people with even low levels of culture, because remember that today does not have to be a computer engineer to have a PC. I'm not alone with this problem.

My plea is not just for me, it is for millions of users operating in secondlife with viewers V.1 perfectly, and now continue working just fine but seeing all the gray avatars.

Not just that, let us live to which viewers can only use V.1 is not true that we are few.

So for now I'll keep watching my husband and my friends and all gray until my husband finds a job, and can buy another pc, now my dear friend I can not spend even $ 100 on a pc, mid-month because I have neither the , are three of us at home, I have a mortgage on my house 460 euros, and unemployment charge 900, what is there to pay electricity, water, the lot all together, mobile-phone-internet, eat, etc., etc. ,

I can not, and like me are many, many, I assure you, so all die,

Secondlife is getting really losing users.

When I can I'll have another pc, but I have to remove to eat and to be joining because I have to buy a life seconlife am not new led without pause since 2007, and I am dj. construction, and I love living my fantasy of girl but I'm already a lady of 49 years at all, so when I can buy another pc, I'll tell you. ajajajajaj.

But I repeat NOT FAIR ..... who can go forward running ok. we have to go slower because we have a broken leg they let us go to our speed, leaving us viewers V.1 use the SSA code

Haber who is the developer of third party viewers to have their noses to do it, and is ahead of Lindel land.

It is a challenge,

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