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Who's ready for the Server Side Baking!?

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Perrie Juran wrote:

And how exactly does people using older Viewers hold up progress?  Pray tell, tell us how? 

Need to support features in them preventing addition of new features. Where incompatible, its the introduction of two conflicting codebases on the server - creating complications all around in terms of stability, server side lag, and so on.


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Czari Zenovka wrote:

Malanya wrote:

I have found that many people are pretty selfish and could care less about others.
If it works for them.. great, if not I am sure they would be singing a different song. I also find blaming those with older machines holding back any advancement here, I would think that would fall in LL and Viewer Devs laps.

(Bolding mine)

In addition to such "kind" comments as - People who can't afford new PCs should find another hobby - other similar comments that come to mind are:

I could list a lot more such "positive" statements but these are a few that go to your point, Malanya.

Well, which side is really the 'selfish' side?


The one that is willing to let people who can no longer keep up with 5 year old technology slide by the wayside, or the one who insists the rest of the world that is on technology made somewhere in the last 5 years be held stagnant for them?

Its a harsh way to put it - but technology moves forward and you end up having to choose - cater to people who have current technology, letting the application grow to become more stable, faster, and accept larger loads... or cater to people who are using technology of a former decade.

A choice has to be made, either way.

And because SL is not paid for by the government, its a private business, and it needs to keep attracting customers - so it makes some sense for it to try to cater to newer technology and to improve long standing weakpoints in the tech.


When I speak to people about buying computers... I tend to recommend computers in the mid-range, so you can get a lower price and get technology that will be good for about 4 to 5 years... The less money you have, the MORE research you do before spending it: because deals are out there for very good machines that will last a while.


- I've had periods where I have fallen behind, but I try to stay within a 4-5 year per update period, 3 if I'm doing well in work at the time.


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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

Czari Zenovka wrote:

Malanya wrote:

I have found that many people are pretty selfish and could care less about others.
If it works for them.. great, if not I am sure they would be singing a different song. I also find blaming those with older machines holding back any advancement here, I would think that would fall in LL and Viewer Devs laps.

(Bolding mine)

In addition to such "kind" comments as - People who can't afford new PCs should find another hobby - other similar comments that come to mind are:

I could list a lot more such "positive" statements but these are a few that go to your point, Malanya.

Well, which side is really the 'selfish' side?


The one that is willing to let people who can no longer keep up with 5 year old technology slide by the wayside, or the one who insists the rest of the world that is on technology made somewhere in the last 5 years be held stagnant for them?

Its a harsh way to put it - but technology moves forward and you end up having to choose - cater to people who have current technology, letting the application grow to become more stable, faster, and accept larger loads... or cater to people who are using technology of a former decade.

A choice has to be made, either way.

And because SL is not paid for by the government, its a private business, and it needs to keep attracting customers - so it makes some sense for it to try to cater to newer technology and to improve long standing weakpoints in the tech.


When I speak to people about buying computers... I tend to recommend computers in the mid-range, so you can get a lower price and get technology that will be good for about 4 to 5 years... The less money you have, the MORE research you do before spending it: because deals are out there for very good machines that will last a while.


- I've had periods where I have fallen behind, but I try to stay within a 4-5 year per update period, 3 if I'm doing well in work at the time.


I said that because of comments people make. Nothing wrong with having a heart. I would not want technology to stop and stand still because of that, but I don't think that posting rude comments about those who have a hard time keeping up with technology and changes selfish. I want and expect change, I just don't rub in in anyone's face if I have the ability, that's all :) and remain humble knowing that my situation can change at any given time.

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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

And how exactly does people using older Viewers hold up progress?  Pray tell, tell us how? 

Need to support features in them preventing addition of new features. Where incompatible, its the introduction of two conflicting codebases on the server - creating complications all around in terms of stability, server side lag, and so on.


To a degree possibly.  But isn't that inevitable?  Even among those who can afford it, how many of them will go out and buy the latest and greatest equipment as soon as it is available?  So there may always be transition periods.

It certainly isn't holding back LL from developing and releasing new code.

And could we say by the "supporting two code bases"  logic that people who use Macs are holding up progress?  Less than 4% total penetration World Wide.

There are two issues really that LL needs to deal with.  Moving forward with technology and keeping it accessible to people.  Balancing that must sometimes be very challenging.

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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

Czari Zenovka wrote:

Malanya wrote:

I have found that many people are pretty selfish and could care less about others.
If it works for them.. great, if not I am sure they would be singing a different song. I also find blaming those with older machines holding back any advancement here, I would think that would fall in LL and Viewer Devs laps.

(Bolding mine)

In addition to such "kind" comments as - People who can't afford new PCs should find another hobby - other similar comments that come to mind are:

I could list a lot more such "positive" statements but these are a few that go to your point, Malanya.

Well, which side is really the 'selfish' side?




The issue in this particular thread has nothing to do with holding up technology one way or the other, it is about mean-spirited statements made by some within this thread and others I have heard as referenced above.  Those are two completely different issues.

I don't see any statement in this thread indicating anyone is suggesting one's SL experience being "held back."  Therefore, to the specific point of this thread and my post in particular, instead of chasing red herrings, I would say the "side" who are making snide comments about people who cannot for whatever reason participate in SSB are the selfish ones.

As Malanya said, it's all about having a heart or the lack thereof.

Just wanted to add, several of the people who made snide comments directly to me on the forums last year when I could not afford a new PC, later apologized when I laid bare my RL situation in the Merchant Forums to the extent that one of them suggested holding an event to help raise money for a PC.   While still holding their personal opinions of how they would like to see technology within SL progress, they also understood a particular situation and showed themselves to be very caring people; therefore, the two issues (personal views of the pace of technology within SL and not making snide comments to people)  while two entirely different situations as presented above are also not mutually exclusive.


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Nagachief Darkstone wrote:


Second, it forces people to use the latest viewer, which means the special effects and new features I use that accidently crash older viewers can be seen properly!

I really wish people would refrain from using the words force, forces, forced in regards to SL. No one is forced to do anything. A person chooses whether or not to participate within a given set of parameters.


Looks like I missed a barn burner...maybe next time...

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