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Issues with GTX 780


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Before start I would just like to say that I am very new to SSL, so I apologize if some of these questions might seem a bit weird/odd 

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50GHz (3500.09 MHz)

Memory: 16335 MB
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 64-bit Service Pack 1 (Build 7601)
Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 780/PCIe/SSE2

As you can see it should be good enough to run SSL on high settings, in addition to that I have 100Mbit up and down connection, so that should be sufficient as well I think.
My issue is that the SSL Viewer is that the character and environment textures takes soo long(10minutes) to fully load, even on medium/ high graphic settings. 

Here is the graphic settings I am currently running at 
As you can see on that image, my settings are fairly low and you can also notice that some of my graphical options are greyed out (check boxes on the left)
So I am just going to ask, since my knowledge about SSL and hardware is fairly limited. 
Is my computer just not good enough? Or is it normal to have these kind of  load times?

I also noted that when I tried to search for help under the help tab of the viewer, I saw this line  under Help>About Second life:

Windows Graphics Driver Version: 9.18.0013.2049

So deleted and reinstalled my graphic drivers but this doesn't change. Shouldn't it show up as Nvidia drivers and not Windows?

Again I am sorry for all the questions but I would really want to know what is causing my texture loading times to be so horrible. 

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Your system is quite good and should give you good performance.  It should easily run on medium graphics and higher in the advanced settings, unless you are using WiFi with a bad connection.  You should not often see big delays.  You should never see anything like a 10 min delay.  

If you are using Windows Graphics Driver Version: 9.18.0013.2049, that is probably your problem.   My recommendation: 

Google search for Nvidea.  Look for the download page.  Download and install the most recent Nvidea driver for your graphics card.  And never let Microsoft update (=screw up) your graphics driver.  If you allow Windows updates (and I recommend that), be sure your setting does not allow updates from other sources.   

If that does not solve the problem, come back and ask again.


PS -- The common acronym for Second Life is SL.  SSL has several meanings (Secure Sockets Layer to geeks). 


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I've recently read about someone else with the very same issue with a GTX780, the greyed out options that is.

As I remember, the lower end 600 cards had the same issue when they were new. The drivers you have are the latest (they always show up as windows drivers in SL), your computer is well over the requirements needed for running SL on ultra settings.

It's probably not what you want to hear, but I'm afraid you'll have to give it some time.

The delay in loading could be a network issue.

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This is a known problem, but because of an unfathomably stupid decision at the Lab, I'm unable to direct you to the defect in a way that you can see it.

The best I can do is point you to a related jira which you should be able to see, and suggest you look at the gpu_table.zip attachment there, then try replacing that table in your viewer installation.

An alternative may be the Firestorm viewer, which I believe includes the GTX 780 in the gpu_table.txt file distributed with its recent release(s).

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Qie hit it on the head. The Lab isn't very good at updating their GPU table file for newer hardware and so your viewer defaults to using some generic settings for another GPU. I'd imagine that this is at the root of your issue.

Also, I'm jealous that you're running a GTX 780. Hahaha. :smileywink:

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  • 1 month later...

For anyone that also has any NVIDIA GTX 780 based card, here are the simple steps to get Second Life to recognize it properly so you can use your Ultra settings... after all, you just paid a whack of cash for an awesome card, why not get the best out of it, right? :matte-motes-big-grin:

This applies to any GTX 780 based card, it doesn't have to be NVidia branded - mine is an EVGA GTX 780 Superclocked with ACX and it works perfectly. Thanks to those above in this thread that set me on the right path, you're awesome! This definitely works on Windows 7 64-bit using the latest Linden browser, and I suspect it should work for everybody else, too. This covers all of the GTX 7xx cards, including your GTX 780.

1) Close your Second Life viewer.

2) Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\SecondLifeViewer\  

3) Open gpu_table.txt in your favorite text editor.

4) Search for "NVIDIA GTX 690". You will insert new lines AFTER this row.

5) Paste the following into a new row below "NVIDIA GTX 690":


NVIDIA GT 710							.*NVIDIA .*GT *71.*									3	1	0	4.2NVIDIA GT 720							.*NVIDIA .*GT *72.*									3	1	0	4.2NVIDIA GT 730							.*NVIDIA .*GT *73.*									3	1	0	4.2NVIDIA GT 740							.*NVIDIA .*GT *74.*									3	1	0	4.2NVIDIA GTX 750							.*NVIDIA .*GTX *75.*								3	1	0	4.2NVIDIA GTX 760							.*NVIDIA .*GTX *76.*								5	1	0	4.2NVIDIA GTX 770							.*NVIDIA .*GTX *77.*								5	1	0	4.2NVIDIA GTX 780							.*NVIDIA .*GTX *78.*								5	1	0	4.2NVIDIA GTX TITAN						.*NVIDIA .*GTX *TITAN.*								5	1	0	4.2


6) Save the file.

7) Restart Second Life. You should get some kind of message indicating that your graphics settings have been 'changed to recommended' (or similiar) because your video card has changed. If you have a GTX 780, it should say it detected that you now have an NVIDIA GTX 780 installed. This is good. :-)

8) In the Second Life menus, select Me -> Preferences -> Graphics.

9) Move your slider over to "Ultra". Max out your settings. Go nuts. Your card can EASILY handle this. :matte-motes-evil:

10) Apply and have fun!

NOTE: I recommend UNCHECKING "Advanced Lighting Model", as if you leave this checked, then you will get shadows from every single object above you, including skyboxes that are way, way, waaaaaaay up at high altitudes. It's kind of absurd, as in real life you won't get a shadow from a smallish object at several thousand meters, but c'est la vie.

Also, whenever Linden updates the viewer, they WILL overwrite your modified gpu_table.txt, and as of this writing it still does have have the GTX 780 in it (c'mon, Linden, this is an EASY fix!). That means when you run SL again, it will reset your card to an old one that doesn't work, and all your settings will get messed up. Therefore, make a backup copy of your new modified gpu_table.txt file, and after you update, do NOT run the update until you copy your backup over the new gpu_table.txt file. 

If this works for you, pass the word along. If you're feeling particularly grateful, I gladly accept Linden donations. ;-)


Enjoy your SL! :-)

Zebotnik Sputnik

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I am presently running on GT 610 and this cannot surely handle Ultra settings. I see that the contributors in this thread are experienced in graphics related issue and hence I would like to pop my question here just in case someone of you can help me -

I have the option to upgrade to a GTX 690 OR GTX 760 OR GTX 770. My question is can anyone tell me which one of these cards can handle Ultra best and smoothly and if all of them can what would be the best choice to go with?

I am presently having 3 issues with the GT 610:


  1. In Ultra, I'm almost frozen
  2. DoF does not work with default settings in Ultra as it should - my ava gets blurred and everything around it
  3. Anti-Aliasing does not work - even when set to 16x it shows broken lines

A little help would be very much appreciated...



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I have the option to upgrade to a GTX 690 OR GTX 760 OR GTX 770. My question is can anyone tell me which one of these cards can handle Ultra best and smoothly and if all of them can what would be the best choice to go with?

Those will all be massively better than what you have now, and should handle Ultra settings just fine. I'd just look at this page to compare. Granted, Second Life may pose systematically different loads than the benchmarks behind that table, but I don't know anybody equipped to test lots of different cards on Second Life, specifically.

(LL has some performance data that they're talking about making available to TPV developers, but I'm not sure it would be better at answering that question. They did reveal that for higher-end cards, performance seems to be better when running with the Advanced Lighting Model enabled rather than disabled, which is very unexpected -- and leads me to suspect that there may be other differences that actually account for that improvement.)

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Qie Niangao wrote:

I have the option to upgrade to a GTX 690 OR GTX 760 OR GTX 770. My question is can anyone tell me which one of these cards can handle Ultra best and smoothly and if all of them can what would be the best choice to go with?

Those will all be massively better than what you have now, and should handle Ultra settings just fine. I'd just look at
to compare. Granted, Second Life may pose systematically different loads than the benchmarks behind that table, but I don't know anybody equipped to test lots of different cards on Second Life, specifically.

(LL has some performance data that they're talking about making available to TPV developers, but I'm not sure it would be better at answering that question. They did reveal that for higher-end cards, performance seems to be 
when running with the Advanced Lighting Model enabled rather than disabled, which is very unexpected -- and leads me to suspect that there may be other differences that actually account for that improvement.)

I watched that meeting on You Tube.  Was very informative.

If I recall correctly, Oz also said that they were updating the graphics tables in the Viewer also.

Those are the tables that tell the Viewer what default settings to use for your graphics card, i.e. low, high, etc.  If your Card is not in that table, it will come up as 'unrecognized.'  Being unrecognized does NOT necessarily mean, "will not work."

I have a similar problem on my computer.  I have an AMD processor and a motherboard that was designed for it.  I have the AMD drivers installed.  But Windoze, although it recognizes that it is a 3Gig processor still states in my system info, "processor unknown."  Everything still works though.

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Thanks for the reply Qie. In the page you shared it shows GTX 760 on 9th Rank, GTX 690 on 6th and GTX 770 on 3rd. So I interprete that since all of them can handle SL Ultra settings well, then my choice should narrow down between GTX 690 and GTX 770 based on the other benchmarks they have been tested upon. Moreover, then between the two obviously 770 is better but more expensive than 690 which is comparatively cheaper. And I can base my decision on that? Am I understanding wrong?

Also, I know it is rare to find someone who is equipped to test different graphics cards specifically on SL, but if someone is using GTX 690 or GTX 770 in SL, I would request them to please drop a line here stating if they are able to use Ultra smoothly and properly with DoF, Shadows and anti-aliasing.

Thanks a lot again for everyone who's extending help, I'm in need of making this decision and I cannot afford to get a "wrong" graphics card that won't support Ultra. So it means a lot to me. :)



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I recently got a new system  with a GTX 770- and Win8, both of which SL  considers "unsupported", however,  it  does run fine on ultra settng,  and  (after inserting the lines In the gpu-table.txt  file---  as  described in the  chart provided above (previous page)  for the  700 series  cards), I now can run Ultra and all of the advanced lighting options, including DOF- and all seens  fine.

One other thing I learned here somewhere about the NVidia numbering---- the  second number of the  series is the oen that indiciates  performance where as the first number is the sequence of  release-- there fore theoretcially, a  690 may out-perform a 710-- all else being equal--its just tthat the 700  series is more recently  released and may have other  enhancements that make it  overall  better.. I actually think my  dual GTX 285's bring me  a fuller graphics "warmth" than the GTX770, of course i have a lot more  RAM with the  GTX 285 also, so that may the reason there. but both run fine now on ultra--with  full Advanced lighting options enabled.

Hope this helps  you.

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renatasteele wrote:

Awesome! Thanks Gregg, thats exactly what I needed. So I know now GTX 770 runs Ultra fine. GTX 690 anyone?

Of course that will run ultra just fine. I can't speak from experience, but it's one of the fastest cards out there. It's really two 680's in SLI. I'd expect it to perform a little less than a 680, because SL doesn't make use of the SLI. It should be a bit faster than my 670 though, which has no problems with ultra settings.

The SLI configuration is probably why it's ranked so low in the benchmark table Qie posted as well. I don't really trust the score on that video card.

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if you have the money for a 690 and want the best get a 780 or titan gaming wis the 780 and titan are nearly same performance only the 780 only costs $649.99 while titan is over $1,000 as for 770 the titan and 780 destroy it pure domination the 690 beats out all but that is only because it is sli two gpu's on a single card and that has set backs as you will need to have application support to utilize the 690's dual gpu power vs the titan or 780 and 770 single gpu power can be utilized anywhere





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For the cards you specifically named 690, 760, 770, they can all run second life on all settings maxed out my 460 ran second life on all settings maxed out with out issue and those 3 cards destroy my 460

770 is faster then a 680 and a 690, 690 is a double 680 so 770 beats it performance wis you will not be abled to always use the 690 properly due to lack of application support or drivers ect so 770 is a much better card then 690 and far cheaper at $399.99 vs $999.99 and the 760 would be a great entry level gaming card on a very tight budget

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I notice you are a bit wary about getting another card similar to the 610

the 610 was never designed or meant to ever run any games it was only made for turning a pc on and opening a web browser and nothing more where as the 760 and above are designed for gaming if you really want smooth game play buy the biggest graphics card you can afford or save up for the biggest as they all will vary in performance




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iceing Braveheart!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH :matte-motes-big-grin: I really appreaciate taking time to explain so elaborately and solving my issue. You have just given me the exact information I needed to take the decision and I think I will be going for a 770, since SL does not support SLI spending more money for 690 will not be worth. I am not an avid gamer and my sole purpose for investing in a graphics card would be to run SL smoothly on ultra settings, specially for photography and maybe machinima at a later time. So 780 and Titan are way out of reach for me. But really, I cannot appreciate you enough for all the explanation and links. And thanks to all the others who contributed and helped me make this decision. Love you all.

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  • 4 months later...

To get pass the Access denyed you have to open note pad and run as administrator. then open file in note pad and open the file in c:\program files\secondlife or x64 it be c:\program files (x86)\secondlife then edit the text file with admin notepad and then paste the info. This will avoid the denyed from windows.

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