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Happy 10th Birthday to SLers past and present

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Hated? Now who could hate a sweet old lady? Well, okay, maybe she wasn't exactly your classic lavander and lace granny...

Really nice to get a post from you, Tari. Yes, life's nice and full these days and I'm kept both busy and happy. I hope you're keeping well yourself and that both your lives are full of contentment.

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Interesting that you are getting such a warm welcome, you were never anything but rude and condescending to me. In particular was when I supported someone's wish to have a home and garden forum, you pretty much said I was an idiot for entertaining such an idea.

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Thanks, Dillon. Lovely to read you again too. Void's gone from the forums? If my memory serves me right, I think I can imagine why. Eloise gone from SL? Really? We swapped RL names, e-mails, etc. when she taught me creating skills, so I'll try to track her down outside of here. She was a really, really nice, clever lady. 

Things are going very well, I'm happy to say. Having said that, I (mostly) enjoyed my time in SL too, but I just haven't the time or energy for it now. You never know, if one day things get a bit less hectic, and SL doesn't shut down, I might even come back, though probably to do something arty-farty creative. We'll see.

You take care.

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Oh my God - Storm. Long time no.... oh, wait - we never ever did actually see one another inworld, did we? Funny that - there were quite a few people who I interacted with regularily in the forums, but never actually 'met' inside SL. You were one of them. Thanks for your kind words. Hope both lives are being good to you.

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You mean there's more than a couple of us 'oldies' made an appearance recently? Maybe the same spate of SL annversary articles which caught my eye? Or maybe, as you say, some inexplicable digital force dragging us back here. Certainly, I for one spent a good bit of time (and money) on SL and, in all honesty, for a few years, even if not constantly (I'd have 'off' periods), a lot of my freetime hours were invested in SL and the people I knew here. Looking back on it and them, many of the memories are just like RL ones - of people 'met' and places 'visited' - even though I didn't actually meet or visit anyone or anything. 

I'm still convinced that what could have been a incredible social experiment fell very short of reaching its full potential, despite the skill, enthusiasm and passion of so many of its users. I've no idea of what the population might be nowadays - maybe it's even higher than a few years back - so if numbers are the measurement to use, possibly it's still a commercial success. However, I'm one of those who doesn't measure success just in figures.

Very nice to see your name, Deltango. Seems, reading the last few lines of your post, that you're still inworld. All the best to you there, and elsewhere.


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Yeah, something like that. Although I learned loads of new skills here, overall SL made me a bit lazy. When I reflected on how many freetime hours could slip away fiddling with a prim, I decided to avoid temptation altogether and move on and start a project I'd been planning for years. Take care.

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I called you an idiot? Really? Over you wanting a home and garden forum? That's awful. I hope you reported me. I'm afraid I don't remember that particular post - it has to be a couple of years ago minimum, maybe more, but if it's stuck in your mind all this time, it must have really bothered you. Please accept my apologies.

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Carole Franizzi wrote:

I called you an idiot? Really? Over you wanting a home and garden forum? That's awful. I hope you reported me. I'm afraid I don't remember that particular post - it has to be a couple of years ago minimum, maybe more, but if it's stuck in your mind all this time, it must have really bothered you. Please accept my apologies.

Yeah, it was maybe two or three years ago, I was very new to internet forums and the way you spoke to me really upset me, I thought this was a place to have fun.

Reported you? I wouldn't even know what for. I was the one who was the idiot, according to you.

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Heyup, and a Ha-ha-ha(ppy) SL Birthday to you too Carole, it made my RL av auto-smile :matte-motes-big-grin:

Some journalist bloke was on here the other week wanting to write an article (from a newbie's point of view) about SL, in view of it coming up to 10 years in existence. You were one of the first people who came into my head, and I thought how much better an article you'd write - not walls of text at all, rather well thought out paragraphs of thought-provoking and balanced observations.

So I dug a hole, threw him in, and stuck a dozen bots on his grave so no one would ever find him again.








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Charolotte Caxton wrote:

Carole Franizzi wrote:

I called you an idiot? Really? Over you wanting a home and garden forum? That's awful. I hope you reported me. I'm afraid I don't remember that particular post - it has to be a couple of years ago minimum, maybe more, but if it's stuck in your mind all this time, it must have really bothered you. Please accept my apologies.

Yeah, it was maybe two or three years ago, I was very new to internet forums and the way you spoke to me really upset me, I thought this was a place to have fun.

Reported you? I wouldn't even know what for. I was the one who was the idiot, according to you.



From what I can recall, these new forums had just come in, and there seemed to be far too many sub-forums as it was, and they were clusterf4ckery to try and navigate around.

But you both look like you had a bit of a clash - look at it now - does it really look that personal?

When I was new to forums, I jumped right in and made a right t1t of myself, misunderstood loads, rattled a few people's cages. First impressions always stick. :matte-motes-frown:

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We really were struggling to get used to the new forums software, and the addition of any new sub-forum seemed really daunting to a lot of us.

And just sometimes people clash. Bloody shame when you could really have been great friends and supporters of each other if you'd 'met' on a different thread.

What I remember about you, Charolotte, from when I first saw you in the forums, is your early attempts at photography/machinima. And haven't you got at least one windlight setting that's yours in the Firestorm viewer? You done good, girl.

We've all got strengths and weaknesses. Let's shake hands and throw the bag of bowling balls away.

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The windlight setting was a surprise, it is because William Weaver (paperwork resident) asked me what my favorite color was and I told him purple. He made a setting based on that and took my photo. He is the developer of Phototools in Firestorm.

Anyways, I am sorry I have been mad at Carole all this time, for you, I will throw the bag of balls (omg!) away.

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Marigold! Grinning here myself! How are you, Ms Devin? Great to read you. 

I have to confess, as self-opinionated as I undoubtedly am, I'd be hard pushed to explain what SL really is. I'm not sure anyone could. It's what each person wants it to be - even in some cases an almost -substitute for real life. So the variants of what-SL-is are pretty much infinite, wouldn't you say? Cheek of it! Coming in here trying to figure out the unfigurable in a few days for an article! Glad you sorted him out though. :matte-motes-big-grin-squint:

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Charolotte Caxton wrote:

The windlight setting was a surprise, it is because William Weaver (paperwork resident) asked me what my favorite color was and I told him purple. He made a setting based on that and took my photo. He is the developer of Phototools in Firestorm.

Anyways, I am sorry I have been mad at Carole all this time, for you, I will throw the bag of balls (omg!) away.

I wondered how people got their windlight settings built into the viewer, and the main reason why I stick with Phoenix/Firestorm. 

My favourite colour is purple. Always has been (possibly because it's Donny Osmond's favourite colour - or he said it was - when I was about 7 years old). Purples, lilacs, mauves.

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Carole Franizzi wrote:

Marigold! Grinning here myself! How are you, Ms Devin? Great to read you. 

I have to confess, as self-opinionated as I undoubtedly am, I'd be hard pushed to explain what SL really is. I'm not sure anyone could. It's what each person wants it to be - even in some cases an almost -substitute for real life. So the variants of what-SL-is are pretty much infinite, wouldn't you say?
Cheek of it! Coming in here trying to figure out the unfigurable in a few days for an article!
Glad you sorted him out though. :matte-motes-big-grin-squint:

Indeed! My heckles rose so much that I still look like I am sporting a neck mohican!

Do you think you will stick around on the forums for a while? RL's been dragging me out a lot more, and as my computer's getting too old and crusty to stay inworld for very long, I haven't been fighting with it so much lately (smiley-sad-but-not-the-end-of-the-world).

And you're right about how to explain what SL really is. While there seem to be phases that are common to all of us (obligatory box-on-head, being asked for da sex, falling in and out of love/friendships, getting griefed) every single person's version of what SL is would be very different. Just like if Picasso, Van Gogh and Monet all tried to paint the same thing, the finished pictures would look totally different.

The journo should just say Happy Birthday Second Life - (and many more?) :matte-motes-evil-invert::matte-motes-big-grin:

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Actually, it turns out I said nothing of the sort. I did wonder. I'm not usually a name-caller. However, I was certainly very brash, but in the world of forums, brashness is not the worst you can expect. It looks like you've clocked up a good number of posts since then - almost 7,000 - congrats. That makes you waaaay more forum-savvy than me now. If our interaction was the worst you've had to put up with, then you've had a pretty good running (I've just had a PM from an old 'enemy' with a new name wishing me a lonely and painful death!), however, as I said before, if it upset you, then I apologise. You're free not to accept the apology however. At the end of the day, it's your choice. Keep well.

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Charolotte Caxton wrote:

I'll have to look up Donny Osmond, but I have always liked lavenders and soft purples, my second fave is pink but that seems so cliche I don't admit to it much

Donny Osmond currently presents The Pyramid Game, which seems very odd (but rather marvellous) to me. He's a grown up! And that seems very odd to me. I must go check see if he still likes purple... off to Wiki or somewhere.


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