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Bad manners from a store owner


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today I contacted a popular store owner for a business proposal.

After some hour a person contacted me about this, not the owner, perhaps his helper or a manager.

I wrote what I wanted to pass to them and then the response was:


"you know what...piss off and dont bother him with that **bleep** again...kk thanks"


I was shocked. I immediatelly contacted him again:


[18:47] Babylon (xbabylonx): is this a way your interact with people?
[18:47] Babylon (xbabylonx): respond or Ill post this in forums
[18:48] <owner>: Stop IMing Me. I'm not interested.
[18:48] Babylon (xbabylonx): shame to you people
[18:48] <owner>: Go away.
[18:48] Babylon (xbabylonx): Ill sent you the forum link, have a nice day
[18:48] <owner>: **bleep** off.
[18:49] Babylon (xbabylonx): you will regret this
[18:49] <owner>: I've never heard that before.
[18:49] <owner>: Bye bye now.
[18:50] Babylon (xbabylonx): you will cause you dont know anything about what I was talking about
[18:50] <owner>: <owner> (busy reponse): You must be a truly unique individual, to have done something so irritating I actually blocked you.


Should I post his brand? Maybe you wouldnt believe it...

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XbabylonX wrote:


today I contacted a popular store owner for a business proposal.

As a very TINY merchant on SL, I get 2 or three "buisness proposals a weeki.

They are usually of the "I have a great idea, I want you to provide me with the lindens/land/talent to get my great idea going"

And you know what ... I'm not interested either.


And when I say "no", I'm not usually as polite as the person you contacted.


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I contacted about 100 store owners, if not more.

If someone reads that, can say if I was rude or anything else. Everytime I got a response like "No" or anything negative, my answer was "Thank you very much for your time, have a nice day"

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What was your business proposal, in general terms? I at first thought it had to do with the site you use as a signature but I'm guessing I was wrong. That's a place to create wishlists for the SL Marketplace. The link you give (yours, presumably) doesn't exist, but clicking on the Homepage link takes one to the correct screen.

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I don't know what happened between XBabylonX and this store owner, but I've communicated with XBabylonX recently when I saw her proposal on the forum.  She's been very good to work with, and I like the concept of an online wishlist.  I asked her to put one of her signs in our store to see how things go.


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XbabylonX wrote:

today I contacted a popular store owner for a business proposal.

After some hour a person contacted me about this, not the owner, perhaps his helper or a manager.I wrote what I wanted to pass to them and then the response was:

"you know what...piss off and dont bother him with that **bleep** again...kk thanks"

I was shocked.
I immediatelly contacted him again:

[18:47] Babylon (xbabylonx): is this a way your interact with people?

[18:47] Babylon (xbabylonx):
respond or Ill post this in forums

[18:48] <owner>: Stop IMing Me. I'm not interested.

[18:48] Babylon (xbabylonx): shame to you people

[18:48] <owner>: Go away.

[18:48] Babylon (xbabylonx):
Ill sent you the forum link, have a nice day

[18:48] <owner>: **bleep** off.

[18:49] Babylon (xbabylonx):
you will regret this

[18:49] <owner>: I've never heard that before.

[18:49] <owner>: Bye bye now.

[18:50] Babylon (xbabylonx):
you will
cause you dont know anything about what I was talking about

[18:50] <owner>: <owner> (busy reponse): You must be a truly unique individual, to have done something so irritating I actually blocked you.

Should I post his brand?
Maybe you wouldnt believe it...

I bolded the parts that tell where you messed up. 

It also let's me know that you're not someone with which I'd ever want to do business, as you immediately went from making unsolicited business proposals (which is annoying to people) to making threat, more threats, and still more threats.   Then posted the conversation here in the forums.  

All, because someone said to ""you know what...piss off and dont bother him with that **bleep** again...kk thanks"

Your inappropriate overreaction, and immediate escalation to threats, tells me that you're not able to handle stress well, and that you're easily offended.  Not good for business.

So, I'll give you some unsolicited advice.  Delete your post here in the forums,  and go on your merry way.  The person who told you to "piss off", has helped you, as you now know something about your own ability to handle adversity.  (You need to learn to handle it better)

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So when a manager of a shop tells you to piss off and such, you responding "Thank you very much"


Really, who has the problem?


And really, you think I contacted him again to ask him the reason he is not intresting??? Isnt obvious I contacted him because his manager was rude without a reason? Or the reason is that proposing something to someone is a serious crime?

Unsolicited? If he/she doesnt want what someone proposing, he/she cant just say "No thanks", so easy. Do you use to sending people to hell instead?

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XbabylonX wrote:

So when a manager of a shop tells you to piss off and such, you responding "Thank you very much"

Really, who has the problem?

And really, you think I contacted him again to ask him the reason he is not intresting??? Isnt obvious I contacted him because his manager was rude without a reason? Or the reason is that proposing something to someone is a serious crime?

First, managers of shops don't tell me to piss off. You know why?  Because, I'm not annoying them with unsolicited business proposals.  

BUT, if I did have a total lapse in judgement, and made an unsolicited business proposal to someone, then I'd be fully prepared to be told to "piss off".   I'd then it'd chock it up as a learning experience.  Which is something you're not doing.  Instead, you're playing the victim card, and not only not learning, but digging yourself a bigger hole.

People are rarely rude without a reason.  But, often we (or you in this case) just aren't aware of the reason. 

So, try to use your imagination, and see if you can figure it out.  I'm guessing that like Nefertiti said, it's because they get unsolicited business proposals all the damn time, and are sick of it.  Which is something you should have thought of,  and also thought about how you might get some negative reactions, and what your response would be.  You were told by the manager to leave them alone, so that's what you should have done.  (Instead you threaten them?!  WTH?)

From your responses to people in this thread, and the thread itself, it's clear that you aren't learning from your experience. 


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"Because, I'm not annoying them with unsolicited business proposals"

So this is a crime! More of that, something is unsolicited after your being told it is. Before that, as any normal human being has to say/propose something, believes has something intresting to propose.


"then I'd be fully prepared to be told to "piss off""

Im sorry, I havent yet dealt with cruelty.


"it's because they get unsolicited business proposals all the damn time, and are sick of it."

If it was you, would you react the same? Would you react like this to someone who might be not only a... spammer, but a customer of yours?

If the answer is "No I wouldnt react like that", please stop write.

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As others have pointed out, the only person in this whole story whom we know without a doubt is willing not only to behave unprofessionally but to come and advertise that fact, is you. 

I get whackadoodle IMs a few times a week. I do not respond at all, much less come report it in the forums and threaten to reveal names. Why? Because I take my job here in SL seriously.

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XbabylonX wrote:

So when a manager of a shop tells you to piss off and such, you responding "Thank you very much"

Hmm, yup.  That's pretty much how I handle it. 


XbabylonX wrote:

? If he/she doesnt want what someone proposing, he/she cant just say "No thanks", so easy. Do you use to sending people to hell instead?

It really doesn't matter how you, I, or 15 other people, might have reacted.  It only matters what that one person did.  They weren't happy and told you to "piss off".  That fact alone should have let you know that they aren't interested.  But, instead of taking heed, and leaving them alone, you immediately started threatening the person!  

Anyway, have a good day.  I still think that you should delete your post.  Cheers!  : )


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XbabylonX wrote:

"it's because they get unsolicited business proposals a
ll the damn time
, and are sick of it."

If it was you, would you react the same? Would you react like this to someone who might be not only a... spammer, but a customer of yours?

Heck no.  I'm even nice to people that hit on me, stalk me inworld, etc.    But, it doesn't matter what I would do, that's not the issue.  The issue is your reaction to the person who told you to "piss off". 


XbabylonX wrote:

then I'd be fully prepared to be told to "piss off""

Im sorry, I havent yet dealt with cruelty.

Really?!     Hmm, I dealt with cruel people in first grade at age six.  I guess you have some catching up to do.


XbabylonX wrote:

If the answer is "No I wouldnt react like that",
please stop write.

LOL!    People on the forums stop writing them they feel like it, not when an OP tells them.  



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I grant that the owner's rep was a bit rude in his/her reply. You said yourself  'a single "No" is enough for me, my intentions are not to disturb anyone.' , but you did.  You should have left it at that. But no, you have to contact the owner and chastise him or her like you were the mom

[18:47] Babylon (xbabylonx): is this a way your interact with people?

Then threaten:
[18:47] Babylon (xbabylonx): respond or Ill post this in forums

To which you go the 'I'm not interested" i.e. NO response. (see your quote above)

[18:48] <owner>: Stop IMing Me. I'm not interested.

  You then had to point the finger, again like mom and continue to threaten and escalate it:

[18:48] Babylon (xbabylonx): shame to you people
[18:48] <owner>: Go away.
[18:48] Babylon (xbabylonx): Ill sent you the forum link, have a nice day
[18:48] <owner>: **bleep** off.
[18:49] Babylon (xbabylonx): you will regret this
[18:49] <owner>: I've never heard that before.
[18:49] <owner>: Bye bye now.
[18:50] Babylon (xbabylonx): you will cause you don't know anything about what I was talking about
[18:50] <owner>: <owner> (busy response): You must be a truly unique individual, to have done something so irritating I actually blocked you.

For someone with a 'business proposal" I think you were more than a bit rude yourself.  You sound like the mafia guy with an 'offer you can't refuse"

If you are going to do a business in SL that relies on the cooperation of shop owners I suggest you grow a thicker skin.  People with successful businesses in SL are contacted constantly by people like you with all kinds of new schemes that rely on feeding off their success.  Some know how to do it right and are successful, but most are like horse flies and get swatted like you did.

NEVER be rude in return for rudeness.  If you had left it at the first refusal, when your business was successful, then you would have had a chance to contact them again and perhaps get their interest or they may have even contacted you.  You have now lost them as a potential client forever as well as probably other shop owners that are their friends.  Shop owner's do talk to one another and warn each other about things like this.

Busy shop owners have limited time in SL to talk to people like you.  They don't appreciate being randomly IM'd when they are in the middle of something.  It is annoying.

I suggest that for the ones you know are running a large operation that you think about drawing up a brief marketing proposal on a notecard. It should mention something flattering specifically about their business to show that you have taken the time to research it and get to know more about it  Explain briefly what your proposal is and give clear facts as to how it will benefit them  I don't mean, "everyone will want to use this" pie in the sky stuff but "I've been in business only a few weeks and have signed up a X number of  shops and already have web traffic on my sight that is <give your traffic number> and X number of user accounts. Include screen shots of your web site to show it is professional.    If there is no cost then say so up front,  If there is a fee you can say something like 'the small fee you pay will more than pay for itself with increased sales" Then politely ask for an appointment at their convenience "I know how busy you are but a few minutes is all I need" to 'answer their questions" and 'discuss further how this benefits you". 

Name the notecard you send something that will intrigue them, not just Business Proposal or something like that.  Drop it on the merchant.  If you get no reply leave it.  Try again when you have better statistics to quote or have made a buzz.

Bottom line is think and act like a professional.  Learn good marketing techniques and tailor your presentations to each target group of owners.  Be patient if you get turned down or get no reply.  If your idea really is a good one it will sell itself once you reach a critical mass. At that point the owner may remember how professional you were and want to do business with you and contact you themselves. 



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