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Why so small?

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So in the new viewer profile, the profile pic is a tiny little thumbnail. OK. Click to zoom. doh! still this tiny little little image - and just what aspect ratio is it anyways?

Seriously, this is pretty annoying. Some people pay a few L$ for a nice pic, a nice photo is made for them, and this is it? some tiny little distorted pic is all we get to see from all that work? Let alone how STUPID it is that you can no longer load in a pic from inventory, like WTH

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They are square (1x1).

Profile pictures uploaded under the old system can be squished into the square. Different old viewers used different aspect ratios, so the system doesn't try to guess what was intended.

Newly uploaded profile pictures, through the web interface, can be an arbitrary ratio, they will be cropped to square for display. Enlarging will show the whole thing.

If you click to enlarge a profile picture, it will be shown at 300 x 300. The actual image can be as large as 600x600, if for example you right-click and open in a new tab.

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Charolotte Caxton wrote:

So is this smaller than pre 2010?

On viewer 1.23, with the UI size set at default, the profile picture displayed at about 180 x 135 pixels. That is larger than the 75x75 thumbnail in the new profiles, but there was no zoom to 300x300 like on the new system. The underlying texture could be any size supported inside SL.

Early viewer 2 used the old system but displayed the profile textures in a square panel. I don't have any early 2.x on this machine to check the pixel count, but i would guess it was around 150x150. (OK, old diocs say it was 100x100)

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Pretty much yes because the OP says that all we have is tiny thumbnails but I am not seeing that, I am seeing a large picture, I just want to make sure I am not missing something and since you know more than I do I thought you would be able to point out something obvious I may be missing. Do I know if 3 is bigger than 1? Yes. Do I know exactly if that is what we are talking about? No.

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Firestorm continues to use the 'old style' profile set at 4:3 (and textures loaded from inventory)

I only now switched to Niran's and the new SL viewer as I read the gridline bug had been fixed and Niran's was one of the viewers to implement that bug fix. So for me - the 'new style' profile, is well, new. 

I had always made profile pics per spec - 4:3. But a 4:3 photo in the current profile view renders a really small and stretched image

But now I know it is 1:1. Unless people are using Firestorm. then a 1:1 is distorted.

Maybe the good people at linden can all gather around the table one day and come up with a simplied and universal aspect ratio for the photos. Or would that be just way too much common sense? 

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Jackson Redstar wrote:

Firestorm continues to use the 'old style' profile set at 4:3 (and textures loaded from inventory)


I only now switched to Niran's and the new SL viewer as I read the gridline bug had been fixed and Niran's was one of the viewers to implement that bug fix. So for me - the 'new style' profile, is well, new. 


I had always made profile pics per spec - 4:3. But a 4:3 photo in the current profile view renders a really small and stretched image

But now I know it is 1:1. Unless people are using Firestorm. then a 1:1 is distorted.

Maybe the good people at linden can all gather around the table one day and come up with a simplied and universal aspect ratio for the photos. Or would that be just way too much common sense? 

Actually you have a choice in Firestorm of seeing the web based profile or legacy profile. You set it in user preferences.  If you choose the legacy format then you can still see the web profile in the web tab. 

An easy way to make a picture work for either one.  Make your profile picture background 4:3 but put the important stuff in the center of the picture in a 3:3 area.  On web profiles the pic will show as 1:1 as it is cropped for display by SL but it won't distort for someone looking at it in a legacy profile format.

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Jackson Redstar wrote:

Maybe the good people at linden can all gather around the table one day and come up with a simplified and universal aspect ratio for the photos. Or would that be just way too much common sense? 

Maybe I'm just being silly, again, but don't they have a universal aspect ratio? In the Official viewer? Linden does not control the third party viewers. Please correct me if I'm wrong, anyone.

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From: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Limits


    Aspect ratios of profile, place, etc. pictures — all of these were measured at UI size (Edit menu > Preferences > General tab > UI Size) = 1.000:

1.x Series Viewers

(official Viewer up to 1.23.5, most Third Party Viewers)

    Search > All for "Classifieds", "People", and "Places" - 4:3 (256×192 pi×els)
    Search > Places and Classified tabs - ~7:5 (398×282 pixels)
    Search > Land tab - ~7:5 (358×252 pixels)
    Profile > 2nd Life tab - ~4:3 (178×133 pixels)
    Profile > Picks tab - 16:9 (288×162 pixels)
    Profile > 1st Life tab - 1:1 (133×133 pixels)
    Profile > Classifieds tab - ~3:2 (206×137 pixels)
    Profile > Web tab - 1:1 (400×400 pixels)
        A scrollbar uses 15 pixels on the right-hand side.
    About Land > Options tab - ~3:2 (178×117 pixels)
    Group Information > General tab's "Group Insignia" - 1:1 (126×126 pixels)
        Some of these textures are shared (for example, Search > All place pages, Search > Places, and About Land > Options use the same image), so you should pick a well-balanced ratio and size.
        Learn how to get correct texture aspect ratios when editing images.

2.x Series Viewers

    Search > Classifieds thumbnail - 4:3 (60×45 pixels)
    Search > Classifieds expanded - ~4:3 (252×188 pixels)
    Search > Classifieds expanded > Details - 17:7 (272×112 pixels)
    Search > People - 4:3 (188×141 pixels)
    Search > Destination Guide thumbnail - ~4:3 (45×34 pixels)
    Search > Destination Guide expanded - 5:3 (250×150 pixels)
    Profile > 2nd Life tab - ~1:1 (100×99 pixels)
    Profile > Picks thumbnail - 8:5 (88×55 pixels)
    Profile > Pick expanded - ~5:3 (285×172 pixels)
    About Land > Options tab - ~20:13 (193×125 pixels)
    Places > More information - ~11:7 (272×173 pixels)

Second Life has crazy amount of different aspect ratios and image sizes, depending on where they are used.
The bove list is not even the complete one (like for example the image sizes in web profiles).

You may want to check this too:

I find the below statement a bit amusing in the above link:

"I've long heard Residents rightfully complain about our bizarre jumble of aspect ratios. We endeavor to simplify this in the future, so there's less of this..."

I wonder when they will simplify this cacophony? :smileytongue:

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Coby Foden wrote:


"I've long heard
Residents rightfully complain about our bizarre jumble of aspect ratios
. We endeavor to simplify this in the future, so there's less of this..."

I wonder
they will simplify this cacophony? :smileytongue:

LL did their part, it's long past time for other viewers to catch up.

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Cerise Sorbet wrote:

Coby Foden wrote:


"I've long heard
Residents rightfully complain about our bizarre jumble of aspect ratios
. We endeavor to simplify this in the future, so there's less of this..."

I wonder
they will simplify this cacophony? :smileytongue:

LL did their part, it's long past time for other viewers to catch up.

I don't understand your comment.  Are you saying that it is now rightful for LL to allow this bizzare cacophony to remain?  I still see a long list of different aspect ratios for different things listed.

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Well, not sure snarkyness will adress the issue... but...it would be nice yes to have a standard aspect ratio in particular for a photo that would be used in several different places. and from what I have seen, 3rd party viewers seem to use the same formating as linden viewers...

But my main question was answered to main profile pic is a 1:1, not 4:3 like on the 'old' style (and I never even knew there was a preference in Firestorm to change that!)

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Cerise Sorbet wrote:

Coby Foden wrote:

"I've long heard
Residents rightfully complain about our bizarre jumble of aspect ratios
. We endeavor to simplify this in the future, so there's less of this..."

I wonder
they will simplify this cacophony? :smileytongue:

LL did their part, it's long past time for other viewers to catch up.

Actually what Linden Lab did when Series 2.x viewers came, was that they changed the aspect ratios and sizes in many places compared to earlier ones in series 1.x viewers.

Series 2.x viewers have these in various places:


  4:3 (60×45 pixels)

  4:3 (252×188 pixels)

  4:3 (188×141 pixels)

~4:3 (45×34 pixels)

  17:7 (272×112 pixels)

  5:3 (250×150 pixels)

~5:3 (285×172 pixels)

~1:1 (100×99 pixels)

  8:5 (88×55 pixels)

~20:13 (193×125 pixels)

~11:7 (272×173 pixels)

Where is the promised "simplification"?



It still looks like a bizarre jumble of aspect ratios and image sizes. :smileysad:


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