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What to do when this happens?


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Hi all!

It’s difficult when such things happen as what now happened to both me and my girlfriend.

It’s not about that the buys destroyed our economy, but for the cause of it.

I finally found the most lovely pumps (mesh) here.

These heels took just 2-3 hits making em larger to fit and then snapped em on legs. It took 2 minutes.

When I put on the heels the skin for the feet is very pale as a preset and that I wanted to change pretty fast :)

Now for the problem.  As I opened up the HUD. A very simple HUD indeed, with settings ONLY for the changing of the skintone for your feet. It has 10 preset tones at the left side and then has a vertical and a horizontal line you can drag up/down left/right. And by that you should be able to fix your tone of your feet pretty easily. It also has a box  where you can type in the colors/tones by values. But no, nothing changes, regardless of effort,  because this HUD is corrupt.

I made contact with the creator which led to a chat at her  place. Well, there the creator gifted me a new pair of the same heels. This time the skin was a little too dark by preset? Ok I thought they may work then. But no...

The creator's girlfriend was there too and both wore the very same heels as me. The seller told me to look at the girlfriend's heels as she pulled the slider (well the two lines inside the HUD) and yes I saw very clearly that it worked. No matter how hard I tried to get mine to do the same it didn’t happen.

I told them it’s hard to understand what you mean, because as I drag my “slider” or click the preset colors or typing in the color nothing happens, but I will talk with my girlfriend and ask her to help me. I went out and bought the very same heels for my girlfriend and yes, the skin of those heels were just like the first ones I bought. Very pale and with no ability whatsoever to change the tone/color for em with that HUD.

My girlfriend made contact with the creator and who promised a chat just like with me the day before. (Has not happened, yet). Then the creator told my girlfriend that the heels had sold  15 pairs and that no one had this problem, ignoring the fact that I had mentioned it the day before. OK, of that we can arguing about till death.

I think more who complain or state that this HUD is just not working, the greater the chance they will improve.  Often,  I think that people don’t take time to type about such things. Or newbies give up and think they are the ones to blame. Not seriously expensive heels, not at all, just perfect if it had not been for the bad HUD.

The creator also says we have the wrong viewers?  The creator did not recognize Firestorm as a viewer.

I think it’s a shame when such things happen. When I was totally green here and had HUGE problems with setting heels, I got so much good advice from sweet caring people here. I even got chats from the awesome creators Debrah and Viktoria von Brandenburg and they really really helped me out..I am happy there are such sweet caring people out here at 2nd life. And because of them you love and stay here.

Best Regards:  Sara

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Let's see.   We know the hud works for the creator's girlfrend, since you've seen it in action, but it just won't work for you or your friend.

I'm wondering if, when the creator's girlfriend demonstrated the shoes, she was using a pair she already owned or a fresh pair from a vendor.    It' sounds to me rather as if the hud or the shoes (or both) aren't recognising that they've got a new owner -- to my mind, that's the most likely thing to be going wrong.     If possible, try resetting the scripts in both the hud and shoes (though I don't think this will be possible if the items themselves are no-mod).

It can't, I suppose, hurt to test the items using the official viewer -- I can't see why the viewer you are using should make a difference here, but I do understand people who won't support their products for any viewer other than LL's (I don't agree with them, but I do understand them).    If they do work with LL's viewer, then at least you can adjust them (and take up the matter with Firestorm) but if they don't, you can at least tell the creator that you've tried it.     

If I were the creator -- and I do know a bit about scripting this sort of thing -- I would have an alt buy a pair of the shoes from the vendor and try to adjust them.    If my alt couldn't adjust them, I would then want to look at the scripts in both the hud and the shoes and check that that they all reset themselves when the owner changes (or at least the ones with a listen event do).

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Actually RGB isn't that accurate because you (or someone) has to pick up the values from your a skin which will vary depending on where you or they put your cursor.  Skins are not one shade.  Each pixel is slightly varied so you never get a perfect overall match.  This also only tints a texture already on the foot and the base color of the texture will effect the result too.

Many of the high quality creators are now providing preset textures (not tints) for specific brands and tones of skin.  One creator I buy shoes from includes a version for each skin creator that contains shoes with feet textured in each of the various skin tones offered by that creator. The ones I have bought using either method are mesh and are matched so well that I don't need to wear anything to hide the seam where the foot meets the leg.

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I definitely think you are exactly on the right track. I bet they simply forgot to add a reset in the script in order to refresh the llGetOwner. Or anything else related to that.  

And yes to the idea of the creator at least trying to buy one of the vendor or marketplace items in order to check if there is anything wrong. It might be ignorance or maybe just being inexperienced - something, one can only guess.

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Thank You for all responds. Very sweet of you all indeed, ty.

We tried to place the HUD on floor and tried to reset the scripts....but that option is down lighted so hmm, hopeless right now. I also sent the creator the link for this thread, to read.


Hugggs Sara

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I am glad you have things resolved.  Sounds like the Designer/Creator bent over backwards to help resolve the issue for you.  Hopefully, if you have issues with a Designer/Creator in the future, you will allow them time to resolve the issue.  Not every issue can be resolved in 5 minutes, and somtimes, not even resolved in five hours or, a day. 

Most Creators work our butts off to make sure we have satisfied customers.  The majority of us are NOT out to scam people for money.   Many of us create for the love of creating and let's face it, most of us will be lucky if what we sell covers our costs of creating.  Sometimes, what works for us may not work for some of our customers no matter what we do.  Most of us do try our best to resolve issues, but sometimes it is difficult to pin down issue that needs resolving.  It can become quite frustrating for all parties involved. 

I am sure your patience with the Designer/Creator went a long way in getting this resolved. Patience is definately a virtue in SL.

Welcome to Second Life.  I do you hope you enjoy our lovely world.



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