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Sculpt bowling pins not showing up - weird SL Viewer 3 problem?

xBrianx Bergson

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Here is a link to a Screencast I uploaded demonstrating the problem:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8qbTmIOhAY

So this odd problem was pointed out to me sometime last week, I believe Saturday, 2/2/2013. A client of mine said that my bowling lane wasn't showing correctly and that not all of the pins were showing up.

I logged in and confirmed - only the back four pins would show up at this sim. I went to mine and tried to drop a copy. I would see them during the installation process of my lane, but never would see them when I actually started the game.

That is when I then learned that it might've been Second Life Viewer 3.4.4. I logged into the Phoenix Firestorm viewer and voila - there were my pins.

So I went in SL Viewer 3 down to my bowling alley (where lanes were already installed) and tried a game. It was working! I immediately uninstalled the bowling pins, then reinstalled the pins. When I went to play the game - it wouldn't show ANY of the pins for me. It was the weirdest thing I have ever seen...

I have tried various locations with the same results, all running different versions of the SIM server. I do not think the issue is related to lag, but either with how a browser recognizes a rezzed object.

I believe the bowling pin is a sculpt (with a cone prim attached to the bottom of it). It is not a mesh item.

I increased the Level of Detail to 2, from ~1.25 and this didn't resolve the issue. I am at a blank as I do not know how to fix this. There are some people that use my system that USE Second Life Viewer 3. It use to work fine for a year and a half that I have had this system out there. This problem JUST started to occur.

Does anyone have any thoughts?

You can find my location Bergson's Bowling on Pleasure Island. It is the weirdest thing. I'm not sure which forum to post this in.

*** NOTES ***

Dropped new lane, installed pins, saw pins during install process, went to login to lane and start game, game started, couldn't see pins.  = I popped into Phoenix viewer and I could see the pins.

A client showed me his lane... he was using Viewer 3 as well. It would only show the 4 pins at the very end. It would show during install process, but would only show rear 4 pins from usual distance.

I went to an already working lane - logged in and played with NO PROBLEM. Uninstalled lane... reinstalled lane.. logged in.. started game.. I couldn't see any pins.

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I'm not sure if it's an issue with the LSL scripting, with how it is Rezzed... because some pins will show and other's won't..

I'm not sure if it's viewer related - as two viewers demonstrate two different issues.

I'm not sure if its the sculpted pin design itself.

Any direction would greatly be appreciated.

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That doesn't look like a script Issue, but let's see - just a few thoughts:

- Pins are really there since you can see them with another viewer.

- There is only trouble with a newly rezzed lane and pins

- Btw. - don't lower the LOD but increase to 4

- Replace the pin sculpt by another sculpt - does it make a difference?

- Rez a few pins manually from inventory, all there?

- A script runs on the server and only interacts with the server - I can't see a way to get different results with different viewers.

- Did you try Firestorm? Different viewer but based on the Linden viewer.


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I've had issues lately where certain simple sculpts (pants cuffs to be specific) don't take their correct shape if I'm already wearing them when I log in. They look correct when I attach them for the first time or if I detach and then re-attach them. Clearing cache doesn't help. This has only started in the last few months and happens with Viewer 3-based viewers. This problem and the bowling pin problem may be related.

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The bowling pins all intiailize during installation, which I see all 10 of them.

When I go to start a game, the pins should drop down and be visible. When pins are knocked down, they should go transparent, then move out of the way.

However, NOTHING shows at the start of the game. I can't even view transparent. However, when I start to click where pins SHOULD be at, I may get one to appear. I can then see the transparent piece of it, then the other. I'll click for another pin, then I'll get that one to show. However, I haven't been able to get all 10 to show up.


Here is a link to a Screencast I uploaded demonstrating the problem: 

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I took a field trip to Pleasure Island. I managed to see the effect once, for just one pin (the #1 pin in a fresh set) but as I cammed into it, it appeared without having to click at it. (This with LL's 3.4.4 (268864) with deferred rendering, shadows, and all that jazz.)

I don't know if it's related, but for maybe six months, I've seen something vaguely similar to this with regular prims initially not appearing when first teleporting into a sim. Sometimes they spontaneously appear after a few minutes (long, long after everything in the scene has rezzed) but usually they need a click, at which point they'll instantly pop into view.

One thing I didn't watch carefully: Are the pins rezzed anew (and start out opaque) when reset? Or are the same objects alpha-toggled to regain visibility? (If the latter, I'd suggest trying the old trick of forcing a full object update by changing invisible hovertext.)

I noticed this particular sim has a megaprim surround which took quite a while for my viewer to rez out where it belongs, meanwhile hovering ominously in the sky only as I approached the bowling alley location in the sim. Sort of doubt that has anything to do with anything.

FWIW, in this case, I suspect the difference between viewers is actually a subtle difference in settings.

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Lately I have seen (or not seen) sculpted large prims when entering a place.

With newest Firestorm, different places, different sculpted prims, happens only very unfrequent, (so rarely that I decided to ignore it) prim appears after a while, prim appears immidiately if I right click it, not visible with transparency view. (Didnt try left clicks because I do never random left clicks at foreign locations)

Looks related to your case.

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I think we're each seeing versions of the same thing.  Firestorm has a stepped draw distance feature that takes some of the load off your GPU as you enter a new area by rezzing nearby objects before ones at a distance.  By default, it steps in 20 second intervals, but I reset mine (in Preferences) to step at 10-second intervals instead because it seemed to me that some objects were taking an interminably long time to rez.  As others have said, you can sometimes force a recalcitrant object to rez if you either click the spot where you know that it has to be or hover over it with your mouse.

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Since I've been helping brian inworld I'll say my own experience with the matter.


Waiting a while doesn't have the pins appear. You can click and or hover some pins and they will appear but the other pins act as if they don't exist, at all. THis is odd because the pins are not rerezzed. The pins are all rezzed at the beggining set up of the lane and then when the lane isn't using the pins it moves them into a part of it and sets them transparent. So even if the pins are not in their correct spot you should be able to select them where they are hidden but you cannot. 

Here is an example of a situation I experienced. During the lane set up I saw all 10 pins. The lane then moved the pins and hid them. When the lane went to start the game 4 pins showed up on my screen but only 3 of them were actually visable. I  saw the 4th pin after trying to group select and see if any more pins would appear. The rest of the pins, the pins that were closest to me, would not appear and it was the back row that would appear for me so I don't suspect this is a view distance issue at all. If you jumped into firestorm at that exact moment you would see all 10 pins even though  a moment ago they didn't show up in viewer 3. If you go back to viewer 3 you still won't see all 10 pins.

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Today - I logged in to try again. Same issues, however when I try to do a group select - I can see all 10 pins hiding around.

My viewer version is Second Life 3.4.4 (268864) Jan 10 2013 04:16:34 (Second Life Release). I believe they did a sim reset, so that may have corrected some other issues.

However, the transparency to visible is still confusing.


I also tried it with Firestorm 4.3.1 (31155) Dec  2 2012 00:45:37 (Firestorm-Release) with Havok support:
When I logged in, I could see all pins. I let the pins go through a few cycles and then suddenly they ALL didn't reappear again. It wasn't until I did a click to drag (and select all) that I was able to make them instantly appear.

Does anyone think it has to do with how the viewers pass on the transparency status? Are there some settings that can be tweaked to correct this? Perhaps a piece in the scripting that would give it a bump? Any and all thoughts are greatly appreciated - I appreciate everyone's help!

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