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Strange Prim Attachments Issue

Czari Zenovka

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I have this issue intermittently with a handful of prim attachments, but not all, which makes the issue all the more puzzling.  Sometimes with hair or shoes there appears to be "bald spots" meaning parts of my head or foot are showing through *but* only when my camera angle is pulled back a bit.  When I zoom in closer to inspect it and see if I need to modify the prim, it looks fine.

I am on the Phoenix Viewer with low settings. I did increase the draw distance to see if that helped - it didn't.  Does anyone know what causes this appearance?  Is it my old PC, having most settings on low, or....?  I have no idea if others see this issue on me and it's annoying because at first I did the obvious - make the prim larger - but that doesn't seem to be the issue.

Thank you for any responses. :)

While I'm here...I'm in the market for a new skin and AO as well.  In skins I like a "mature" look - not in terms of "aging" but not the pursed up lips or the skins that look like one is 16. (I know - not much to go on...will probably just have to get out there and look).

I have the same AO I purchased when I began SL in 2007.  It is no longer sold but is the Reverie AO called "Lady" something.  I love the poses but it is now dated as there is no movement other than switching poses.  My preferences are elegant, lady-like poses that don't have a lot of extraneous movement.  (I tell my SL brother he looks like he has ADHD...lol.)

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I adore my Vista AO's (I have several, for different looks). They can be pretty dynamic, but all of the ones I have come with a couple of different settings, one of which is a more "relaxed" setting that indludes the more sedate poses that have less movement. They have demos of all the AO's at the mainstore. ETA: They have a recent release that's very ladylike: the "Elegant Woman." It's what I'm using right now, and I like it! They're rather pricey, but wonderfully made.

Skin-wise, a lot of times it's the combination of skin and shape that create the really young look. That being said, you probably want to avoid stores like Pink Fuel. (I LOVE Pink Fuel skins, and in fact my avi is wearing one at the moment, but they do look rather young.) LAQ is good, and I've heard good things about Al Vulo, Belleza, and The Body Co.
But yes, you will probably have to go inworld and get demos of different skins to decide which you like best with your shape.

I remember having the prim issue before, myself, but I don't remember what I did to fix it! The fix was recommended by someone here in the forums, though, so I'm sure they'll pop by and help.

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Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

My initial guess is that these are sculpted items and your LOD needs to be set higher.  In Phoenix believe you set that in the debug settings "RenderVolumeLODFactor".  Set it for at least 4.  This should not cause any more lag for you.


I didn't even think of that!!  I know I've adjusted the LOD in the past when I received a notecard about it but I do know that sculpty furnishings were not rezzing correctly at one point and, when I checked, somehow the LOD had "reset" itself.  Thank you, Amethyst - will check that out as soon as I get back in world.

ETA: That was it and the LOD had indeed gone back again to 0.5...grrrrr.  Now I know what it is for the future. :)  Interestingly I knew to adjust that when sculpty furnishings weren't looking right but didn't even think about it for prim attachments.  /facepalms    Many thanks again. :)

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Thank you so much for your suggestions, Ariel.  I have received several recommendations for a Vista AO from friends so will head there; I appreciate the suggestion of the "Elegant Woman" - sounds like an AO I would enjoy.

Yes, skins are tricky which is why I get one I like and then don't change forever...lol.  I'm currently wearing a Belleza skin and love it, but I've seen avatars with a bit more of a "life like" look recently - not sure if those are photosourced.  I purchased something from the Body Co. years ago so will check that out as well as LAQ, Al Vulo, and the latest at Belleza.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is really necro-ing but I knew I remembered seeing this discussion and last night was the first time I'd had a chance to check. I have a pair of black chunky MJ's that I really like but I'd seen the same thing you were talking about when I wore them with white sox: up close looks fine, back away and white shows through. I'd gotten to the point where I only wore them with black stockings (not all that good a look: my legs are skinny enough as it is). I wore something last night that included those shoes so I tried Amethyst's suggestion and she was absolutely right. LOD 4, the shoes look perfect.

Of course, someone at the same place took a pic and sent it around. Sure enough: in her picture my white-socked heels showed through!.

Shall we start a movement to make everyone use exactly the same settings?

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