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LL PLEASE FIX THE ANNOYING " ( ??? ) ( ??? ) " PROBLEM! It's been months >.<


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I am still experiencing this problem. I am sooooooooooooo tired repeating the story. OMG. What can we do to fix this? Please anyone? It's so frustrating getting this ORANGE CLOUD named ( ??? ) ( ??? ) which makes me CRASH in an instant. It's double the frustration when I buy a home and I experience this in that place reason why I can't have a peaceful stay coz it will make me crash over and over. Sheesh LL please hear me out and fix this. PLEASE.



thank you for your reply but those are not the answers, unfortunately. I've already been told about those last year by the PH/FS support team and those aren't the reasons why I keep getting the ORANGE cloud. they said so coz we did some tests to see if it will get fixed if I perform those relogging, clearing cache, setting to LOW (graphics), setting the particles to a minimum too, etc. to no avail. and no, it's not white, it is ORANGE. the same kind of cloud we see when someone hasn't rezzed fully. and yes I've been told too that maybe it is just a duplicate of myself which can be possible too and the reason for that I DO NOT KNOW. what I want to know is what triggers this and how to REALLY FIX IT. I do check the avatar ID when I see that cloud and most of the time YES it has the same avatar ID as mine so yes too, it might be that it is me too but why on earth is it happening? no it's not the router as I have done those things on it, but really it hasn't been fixed by just tweaking those. and one more thing, when this occurs, it has specific places where it is likely to happen. I have been to places where it never happens. and when I go back to places where I experienced it, I am to expect that it will happen again. so am pretty sure there's just something that triggers it. 

this started happening when I went to halloween sims last year, one of which people were freely to rez things on the land. is it possible that someone might've dropped an item which when picked up by others, will somewhat cause the avatar to attract certain bugs/glitches? coz I am positive that this only started after I went to two of these sims. and the other sim is where I got these "stars" while walking pass them and at first I was clueless as to what they are, my landlord then told me "those are harmless" as they 'use them too'... these stars are from a company called BLETAVERSE. is it familiar to you? if so, are they really harmless? coz two things I did while visiting those sims where hunt for halloween prizes then the stars thing from BLETAVERSE. so both can attach stuff on my avatar right? 

people even told me maybe someone gave me something that's causing this but why hasn't it went away even if I am using a totally different avatar, like no trace of the one I used in those sims? So am like getting confused too coz if it is indeed ON MY avatar or in it... could the BLETAVERSE thing do this since "I got those stars" but they are not really in my inventory OR can they be invisible/ undetected scripts? 

I am just so tired telling the story over and over and not getting this problem fixed. *sigh*



LOL no it is simply orange because it is orange :P and not coz it was Halloween that time. Maybe coz of the viewer I am using that it is an orange cloud and not white. I am on Firestorm, if that helps :) Yeah it's a possibility too that I may have picked up something, but as I've said, even as I use a totally NEW full avatar, it still happens. it still happens even if am using an avatar that has no trace of my "default" everyday avatar/look. if indeed I picked up something, it may be in the inventory and going through 20k+ items in it and search for something I don't even know what to search for has been so tiring. too tiring to look for something when i don't even know what exactly it is that am looking for :P

Previous posts and detailed info about these encounters (links) below. Thanks :)




EDITED for everyone who just posted messages :)

As I mentioned a few times already, this only occurs in the familiar sims I have already been to then at some that I just discovered, which may or may not give me the same annoying prob. and when I go to the same place where I already know that it happens, there's more chance of it happening again and there are places where it NEVER happens. So simply put, this has got nothing to do with my connection or the ping or my server because IF it is my computer that has the problem then I should have been experiencing this since I joined SL but this only started November last year I think. and again, in the same places where I already experienced it.

I did the clean reinstalls over and over after removing other viewers and cleared cache and all the other stuff other helpers have advised me to do but I do experience this still. it's more frustrating when I find a parcel that I love and wanted to purchase then I'd encounter the orange cloud in that place, so it's already a sign that I shouldn't go back to that sim :(

thank you for taking time in helping out, I appreciate it ^^ have a nice Sunday!

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The WHITE cloud and the names (???)(???) are indications that information is not reaching your viewer from some reason or another. Possible packet loss on your end or Sl end..



But usually the cloud should be white, not orange . I wonder if this is a resident using some type of graphics crasher and can't get his or her name to block them . I would try settings your graphics settings to LOW and turn off particles to see if this changes and maybe get a name of the resident to block them

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Well Like I said the cloud should be white. Not orange, and since you mention that the cloud that you see is Orange. It is pretty much the official color of Halloween, Orange and Black. So you may be on to something there if there was something you may have picked up at that Halloween party. I would detach all and not attach any objects to your avatar until you see if this clears up, As well look in your inventory for WORN items. You can open your inventory and open the Filters to search your inventory and possibly try to count back the days you went to that party and enter that number in the "days ago" box and see if you can find what you picked up on that day and delete them if they seem strange to you

Hopefully you can sort your inventory list by that date and see what you picked up and hopefully get rid of it


I really wish we had a setting on our inventory filters to enter a specific date we received items.


It is really starting to sound like you maY have picked something up


Or maybe something tripped up in your video card on that day // Have you run any kind of video card ebnchmark to check your video card for issues?

EDIT: maybe reinstall your graphics drivers to wipe clean your video card cache

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Lol sounds like you have your self a heck of a firestorm issue. Maybe try the official viewer? No time to read really if you have. But Ll dont answer these posts so you may want to create a JIRA. Sounds pretty isolated


PS you can hit PERMALINK on the bottom of anyons answer to have a conversation rather than editing your anser . Yea I know. they should rename it to "comments" lol

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haha I almost forgot this ^^ thanks! or they could've simply called it REPLY >.<


I already tried JIRA but they said my prob is not for JIRA. sheeeeesh. first I tried SUPPORT (after lots of inworld reports) and SUPPORT says they can't help me UNTIL I UPGRADE TO PREMIUM ACCOUNT. wow. so I went to JIRA and I got hit like a ping pong ball bouncing back and forth without stopping unfortunately. darn.

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Valerie, my problem is not to test anyone's patience (people who willingly reply to my threads). I believe I am the one so frustrated here because LL is not helping in fixing the problem and if I am a different person I could have been bad-mouthing them already but that's not the case. I'm simply hoping they would hear this out because it's been months and it still is happening and yes it is a full-blown test for patience. am not saying Dilbert don't 'deserve the kudos for being patient" I just don't see why you look at his replying to me as something in need of patience when am not even being rude or like some people who post here, childish in their asking for help and solution.

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[ FYI Orange is the color of the avatar not rezzed partical cloud that Firestorm uses ]


OK follow my logic carefully please.

Since this problem is happening to you when you use your PC and log into SecondLife using a different avatar, that is an 100% indication that this is an issue with only 2 broad possibilities:

A) You have a permanent issue with either your PC, Software. PC Network Interface, Internet Router or ISP.

B) You have an issue with your avatars in regards to their use of "possibly" infected regions or objects.



The following tests will help locate the exact issue area. Please perform these tests exactly as outlined:

1) From your PC login to SL only at regions you normally do not visit, Use the "Violet" Help Center.

2) Using your primary account, Does the problem exist when you log into this region? If Yes Note this for this account.

3) Using your alternate account, Does the problem exist when you log into this region? If Yes Note this for this account.

4) Next, go to a friends home and borrow their PC and install the same SL viewer you use on it  and perform tests 2) and 3) again and note the results.


STAGE 1 Results

Outcome a) If you experienced this issue from both PCs, then your secondlife avatar accounts are the issue, not your PC/Internet equipment.

Outcome b) If you experienced this issue only from your PC, then your PC, other software on your PC or your Viewer installation is the issue.

Outcome c) If you do not experience this during this test,, then the Region(s) you normally log into are the issue.



If Outcome c) then you simply need to either

1) Get your landlord to get their act together and to clean up their regions of the objects that do this to your account. Failing that...2) MOVE and never return to that region. A landlord that simply excuses a problem on a tenants parcel is not much help,

But I doubt this is the issue your are encountering.


Outcome b) It's your equipment or software. At this stage of the problem I'm sure you've done the viewer clean installs and caught your PC up on all it's OS patches and Security. So your issue is deeper than that. Weird equipment/software failures that might cause TCP/IP packets to be tweaked in such a way to cause your SL Session to look like what you describe include

1) Root-kit planted Viruses, and Trojan-horses and/or DNS redirectors. Have a professional scan your PC to look for this type of issue. These issues are hard to get rid of, so if found be ready for a complete clean hard drive format and OS reinstall. 

2) Your PCs NIC [Network Interface Card] or motherboard Network Interface is really messed up. A professional can easily determine this with an IP packet sniffer. A piece of equipment most friends don;t have.

3) You have a faulty antivirus software installation.

4) Can you borrow another PC to use at your home to see if the issue happens on it? This additional test tells you that the issue is then with your ISP Supplied Router or with your intermediate network equipment

5) Other....... Take the PC in to a professional and have them thoroughly test it.


Outcome a) If this is the end result, then you are wearing an object [either on your person or by using an infected HUD] that allows some scripted object to do this again and again to you. Login to a new region not any of your normal ones and

1) Change everything about your avatar and get simple. Get a new look and dress using only the fabric layers clothing. Remove all other objects. Use a free LL hair from the Library or temporally replace your avatar with one of the LL default avatars. Is the issue still happening?

2) If 1) Above works, TP to your home and see if the issue starts up again.


Please post again after you have done these tests.

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Maia, dont misunderstand me. Your issue seems as weird and isolated as Dilbert said. I do understand your frustration and, believe me, if I had any clue of what is happening to you, I would be more than happy to help too. Being a helper here for quite a long time, I know how one can get involved and seeking for a solution for those who have to deal with major problems. My kudos to Dil were only an acknowledgment and congratulation to him for trying to get you sorted out.

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Hi ^^ thank you so much for taking time in helping out. It's much appreciated. Will update you when I get the time to do these. I haven't played SL in other computers when I started experiencing this so yes I do need to try it on a different machine, provided that any other people would let me download stuff on their PC^^ hihi. yes, I know the orange cloud is when an avatar hasn't fully loaded yet, I did mention that :) and correction, I do not log in with a different avatar, I still use just the same account and just change the avatar into a completely different one. someone told me to try that coz he said there might be something that got attached to my 'everyday avatar" that isn't visible (maybe a script or something like that) so I tried changing into a new full av using the same account but it still happened. so anyway, I'll try if I can do these sooner than later :) just busy in RL when am not here ^^ thanks so much again!

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I have been following the progress on your problem since you first posted her quite a while ago.  I'm afraid that I don't have any better solution now than I did before, and it looks like nobody else does either. 

It seems clear to me that you have a connection problem, but it's not a simple one.  It feels like you are timing out before you are completely connected to SL's servers.   This can happen if your ping time is very long, for example  (because you are either very far from SL's servers --- halfway around the world, perhaps --- or because your signal is being routed through some very slow nodes along the way).  Unfortunately, if that's the case there's almost nothing you can do to solve the problem (except move closer to SL's servers in California and Texas).  That would explain the orange cloud business and the fact that the name always comes up as (???)(???), and you will eventually crash if you haven't been fully connected.

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Dilbert, the color of the unrezzed avatar cloud was changed to orange some time ago. Some viewers, depending on their preference settings, may still see unrezzed avatars as a white cloud. For a short time recently, Blocked avatars were shown as a green cloud, but in the latest viewer the default is to not render them at all (invisible except for nametag). Firestorm has an options allowing you to still see the cloud instead.

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Follow KarenMichelle's troubleshooting steps to better isolate the problem.

I will add to her suggestions:  From your post and your previous posts, I did not see that you had done a clean install.  Please read the instructions on this link:  http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_clean_reinstall

After you follow her suggestions, if the problem is shown to be your computer, then first completely remove all SL viewers from your computer, per the instructions in the link.  Then re-install Firestorm.

If that doesn't fix the problem, then follow the rest of KarenMichelle's advice about tracking down the problem to a specific part of your computer or network setup.

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Firestorm uses a separate scripted attachment called the "bridge" which it attaches to you for things like the Firestorm radar. It's possible that your bridge has become corrupted somehow and it thinks that your avatar is someone else - especially because the mystery cloud's ID key is only one digit away from your actual one.

Think of it this way - the bridge might be thinking your name isn't "Maia" but is actually "Naia", so whenever you move the bridge is telling the viewer that "Naia" is moving. Your viewer knows your name is Maia and assumes that "Naia" is another avatar that has to be drawn and asks the servers for "Naia's" information but the server can't send it because there's no such avatar as Naia, so the viewer draws a cloud with no name. Since you're the avatar the bridge thinks is Naia the cloud will always be drawn in exactly the same place.

The bridge is stored on the servers so reinstalling Firestorm won't fix it, and clearing cache won't work because if the bridge is corrupt the servers will keep sending the corrupt information when your cache is being rebuilt.

Ask Firestorm support how to re-create the bridge and see if doing that helps.


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