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Kudos to Linden Labs

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Yesterday I logged at 7am SLT and discovered 2000L gone from my account. Checked transactions and apparently my AV had 'gifted' 2000L to someone I didn't know (was asleep at the time) While I was investigating, I was logged out by an administrator and put on Temporary Hold. I quickly changed passwords and opened a support ticket. As of 5am SLT today - my account is active and I have my lindens back.

I've done my fair share of Linden bashing over the years and have had my fair share of successes with them as well. But this is the quickest I have ever seen them move without a phone call! Thank you for the quick support.

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Individual admins can be nice and helpful and even act like compassionate human beings rather than braindead labbers. A couple of years back I made the n00bish mistake and clicked on a link in some group IM ... was sposedly to some or the other survey. Clicked it, nothing happened, so I went on minding my own business. While later I get an IM. A Linden typing me a short message "tssk tssk" and POOF! I'm gone. Me thinking WTF? and trying to log back. Don't work. So me logging back with alt and asking the Linden "wtf?" Turns out he thought I was involed in a criminal scam and banned my main. Theybanned the culprit and thought I was an  accomplice. What, little Orca? I was still cute and cuddly back then and pretty innocent. I was like "oh noes, me just clickered that link" and he like "Girl, check Orca's account!" Okay, me checking account ... it's all empty, like 48000 L just went poof! :smileysurprised:

So my alt told him what happen and he was so super nice and reinstalled Orca. Pheeew. And even better, all my money was there as well. Since that day I'm all clued up and super clever and keep my wallet on a chain. And never click links sent to me by unknown peeps.

Loved LL in that moment. Was the first and so far the last time ever.

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So you just clicked the link someone posted? You didn't even have to log in with your SL password?


Orca Flotta wrote:

Individual admins can be nice and helpful and even act like compassionate human beings rather than braindead labbers. A couple of years back I made the n00bish mistake and clicked on a link in some group IM ... was sposedly to some or the other survey. Clicked it, nothing happened, so I went on minding my own business. While later I get an IM. A Linden typing me a short message "tssk tssk" and POOF! I'm gone. Me thinking WTF? and trying to log back. Don't work. So me logging back with alt and asking the Linden "wtf?" Turns out he thought I was involed in a criminal scam and banned my main. Theybanned the culprit and thought I was an  accomplice. What, little Orca? I was still cute and cuddly back then and pretty innocent. I was like "oh noes, me just clickered that link" and he like "Girl, check Orca's account!" Okay, me checking account ... it's all empty, like 48000 L just went poof! :smileysurprised:

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@ Jennifer & Melita:

Yes, now I remember. Dunno exactly but I guess it sent me to a fake SL website and I had to log in there. I never care much about all that stuff, having a firewall and antivir and all that stuff. They all telling me "Woman you save with us so stop focken worrying!" So I stopped worrying and ... got burned. :smileysad:


And up to today I still have much more important stuff to do with my time than spending it worrying about my safety. I'm not SL's most sexy crash test dummy for no reason. :smileywink:

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My experiences with the LL-Support were generally positive, most issues got resolved in less that 6 hours.
Only this plywood abomination took a day to remove because of its size and mass:
(It completely covered two sims and was visible on the map as well)

The other issues were griefer devices - a **bleep** sprayer, tons of yellow balls and similar junk.
Plus some map issues (missing tiles, slow inworld loading)


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