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Beware of fake marketplace links

Melita Magic

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Right now many group chats in Second Life are being hard hit by scammers. This is how the scam works:

A legitimate-seeming avatar posts a link to 'marketplace' and says something like 'free' or 'on sale' or something else to make it sound tempting.

The link is fake. It leads you to their own scammer website, disguised to seem like Second Life marketplace. If you go and log in, they take your password, take over your account and take your money. Then they proceed to use your avatar to continue the scam. They go to other groups with it, and post the fake Marketplace ilnk all over again. But your account is the one that seems to be doing it.

I just saw this with some poor lady's account she had since 2007. It looked like a very legitimate, average person's Second Life account. Felt bad for her. Don't let it be you! 

If anyone has any tips about this, or experience with it that might help others, please post.

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Perrie Juran wrote:



I'm beginning to think my thread needs to be pinned to the top of the page.

Honestly I think there should be a Safety forum set up for educational purposes to help residents stay safe

Keep the important posts as stickies at the top, and residents can post their security issues they run into in world.. I think it would serve a good purpose for everyone. The more people that get educated, the more they tell their friends and makes it harder for these phishers to succeed and they will disappear because the time spent will not be worth the return..

these important posts get stuffed to the bottom and people are not aware of the dangers


Will probably save LL some man hours dealing with this fraud

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Ceka Cianci wrote:

Thank you for the info on this ...

those scammers just keep coming up with new ways all the time to trick good people..

it's really a shame that you can hardly find a place that they don't exist on the net..

a real shame.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention, Melita.

This situation isn't funny at all, but Ceka's comment "....you can hardly find a place that they don't exist on the net" immediately made me think of a song that made the rounds on IRC back in the 1980's.  I did a search and found a video someone had done for the song. 

Set to the theme song for "Gilligan's Island".....I present:

Trapped on the Internet

 Edit: clarification

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Dilbert Dilweg wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:



I'm beginning to think my thread needs to be pinned to the top of the page.

Honestly I think there should be a Safety forum set up for educational purposes to help residents stay safe

Keep the important posts as stickies at the top, and residents can post their security issues they run into in world.. I think it would serve a good purpose for everyone. The more people that get educated, the more they tell their friends and makes it harder for these phishers to succeed and they will disappear because the time spent will not be worth the return..

these important posts get stuffed to the bottom and people are not aware of the dangers


Will probably save LL some man hours dealing with this fraud

Why people sometimes lose all sense of reason on the Internet completely eludes me.

While there are some problems we could say are unique to Second Life, certain In World griefing things for instance, there are still a lot of things that should come down to plain old good sense.  I don't say 'common sense,' because not all common sense is good.

I've bumped my thread a few times already.

I do also bump Void Singer's thread Official Resources occasionally.

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Perrie Juran wrote:

Dilbert Dilweg wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:



I'm beginning to think my thread needs to be pinned to the top of the page.

Honestly I think there should be a Safety forum set up for educational purposes to help residents stay safe

Keep the important posts as stickies at the top, and residents can post their security issues they run into in world.. I think it would serve a good purpose for everyone. The more people that get educated, the more they tell their friends and makes it harder for these phishers to succeed and they will disappear because the time spent will not be worth the return..

these important posts get stuffed to the bottom and people are not aware of the dangers


Will probably save LL some man hours dealing with this fraud

Why people sometimes lose all sense of reason on the Internet completely eludes me.

While there are some problems we could say are unique to Second Life, certain In World griefing things for instance, there are still a lot of things that should come down to plain old good sense.  I don't say 'common sense,' because not all common sense is good.

I've bumped my thread a few times already.

I do also bump Void Singer's thread

Yes very true. There is a large portion of people that are fairly new to the net and can be duped a lot easier than one who has been using it longer. The enticement of free lindens and free money gets em every time.... They forget the real world saying "If  it sounds too good to be true, it probably is" 


What kills me is people actually fall for those silly Nigeria Emails. Sometimes makes me want to smak those people in the back of the head and say " wtf were you thinking? " lol

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Dilbert Dilweg wrote:

What kills me is people actually fall for those silly Nigeria Emails. Sometimes makes me want to smak those people in the back of the head and say " wtf were you thinking? " lol


I love the people who specialise in scamming the scammers.

Ebola Monkey  is a riot.

His first reverse scam is a riot to read.

Another one that is a riot  is this, second set of pictures on the page, where the gal persuades the scammer to get a tatoo.

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You're welcome. Thanks for reading and commenting on the topic everyone.

I think in SL people's guard is down because it has a feeling of community. Especially in the further insular world of a group, and open IM chat within that group. Especially in the types of groups targeted, which often exchange news of bargains or fashion. Maybe other scammers tailor the post to different groups and targets within those groups. It seems like they put some thought into it. Scammers are getting smarter and more detailed.

In some of those groups people post marketplace links all the time. Marketplace doesn't keep log ins for long, so it can seem normal to log in again once there. 

It's always better to go to the SL website the old fashioned way, (type the site URL yourself) then open Marketplace from your own dashboard (log in.) It's such a shame. 

People often post links to marketplace on the forums too, and clicking them to see a product someone is talking about becomes second nature for many. It's so easy to forget we don't all know each other.

What makes this worse is that even if we DO know ach other, someone's account could be appropriated and hacked and used by the scammers...

Leaving 'open a second window and type in the normal SL url yourself' the only real option.

If there is some other way to foil this I'm all ears. 

Anyway they're doing it again :(



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Melita Magic wrote:


If there is some other way to foil this I'm all ears. 

Anyway they're doing it again



I have most of my groups turned off for chat and notices and just check the notice archives once a week or so to see if I've missed anything.  This won't be a good solution for people who enjoy chatting in groups or seeing the chat, but nothing irks me more than being in the middle of a build or putting new items in my shop and having a bunch of chat windows popping up and dinging.

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