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super social people for help with my life! :)


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Hi all!

I'm doing my university masters paper on the advancement of online technology and whether we can live our lives socialising soley online. If people would like to discuss and help me with some research/insights i'd be totally grateful!

People wishing to contribute or just have a discussion about interests and stuff, feel free to message me via profile message and we can talk or discuss a meet up in second life to talk in more detail!

(Note: anybody who wishes to contribute to my research will of course receive strict anonymity regarding information about them and their character)


Thank you very much! :matte-motes-nerdy:

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Welcome to Second Life,

The answer is yes.

The answer is no.

Is that what you want?

Brilliant minds, are wondering about this? Do humans need physical interaction? Really? Science doesn't know the answer? Then they go home to their families? ...insane

Some Residents do not like these Surveys. I agree with the majority of those Residents; some students expect others to do their work for them.



What are we talking about?



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The internet cannot change our diapers before we're potty trianed.

Nor can it feed us until we learn to cook.

It cannot wipe away our tears when we cry.

It cannot partake in our moments of success, even if it can congratulate us afterward.

We cannot learn of consequence when win + right arrow + enter allows us to just shut it off.

We cannot feel loved by a machine that does not cuddle.

We cannot be comforted by a machine that does not embrace.

Text is empty of both inflection and empathy.

The only real human interface is another human.

SL is fun, but there's a very good reason why it's called SECOND life.

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solstyse wrote:

The internet cannot change our diapers before we're potty trianed.

Nor can it feed us until we learn to cook.

It cannot wipe away our tears when we cry.

It cannot partake in our moments of success, even if it can congratulate us afterward.

We cannot learn of consequence when win + right arrow + enter allows us to just shut it off.

We cannot feel loved by a machine that does not cuddle.

We cannot be comforted by a machine that does not embrace.

Text is empty of both inflection and empathy.

The only real human interface is another human.

SL is fun, but there's a very good reason why it's called SECOND life.

you obvious on a old version of the interwebz

my interwebz loves me. adores me even. tells me every day that it Likes me. millions of times over and over. and I got like about 4000 zillion frends. even people I dont even know wants to be my frend. bc they all love me. is true


maybe you can upgrade. is a trainer module for newbies that you go on. can find here:



something like that. i forget. bc i not go on that interwebz newbie welcome area much anymore. bc they not cool. not cool like me. they all want to be me tho. but they cant. bc i am special and like i say already. everybody loves me

jejejeejeje (:


is so truuue!!! these guys even made a song about me


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16, I think you need to put the lid back on Pandora's box right now.

By not agreeing with me, here's what you're inviting....

Women will be posting ad nauseum that the guy's they have been trying to be romantic with from halfway around the world aren't who they pretend to be.

Men will post complaingin that the women they've been masturbating to on adult sims arent' really women.

Babies will be forced to eat their own feces in front of computer screens because nobody will be there to change and feed them. (maybe I went too far with this one.)

hahaha, sure I jest. But people really do expect way too much from the internet.

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but the interwebz delivers

i read that on the interwebz. can give you a interwebz link where can confirm that if you like


and you wrong about babies. they can work the interwebz better than their parents. they just born that way these days. is lots of interwebz studies can confirm that as well

they really smart interwebz babies. dont even need parents really anymore. can easy see the day come soon when they not even need the interwebz itself even. they be almost like gods then. a whole other evolved super race maybe

dunno what they ever going to do all day tho. probably some really advanced/evolved something something (:


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In reply to everybody's so helpful answers.


I do not expect people to do my work for me but as part of my masters is to conduct my own primary qualitative research, the word primary already tells you it must be conducted myself (not reading another theorists research). I have been inworld for the past week, conversing and getting to know people and am thoroughly enjoying it.


Some residents have been extremely friendly and helpful in discussing with me their views and opinions and I have had many an interesting discussion that has be born purely from the topics we have ended up on.


I apologise to any who feel like I am in anyway victimising them for wanting to take an interest. This is not a forced topic on me it is one of my own choice so I do actually have an emotional and psychological investment in it.


I guess it was my own fault for being vague in the above description but my research is based around people's opinions, thoughts and experiences so I'm simply asking "tell me about your experience with second life" and from the beginning discussion I am going on from there, as it is qualitative research.


Thank you to the people who have messaged me and taken an honest interest.





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binweasel wrote:

In reply to everybody's so helpful answers.


Thank you to the people who have messaged me and taken an honest interest.




i help you with this part of your super social study. like:

"Thanks everyone for the helpful answers I received. A big shoutout to those who messaged me as well. Thanks heaps. You all really helped me :):"


should always try as best you can to gives thanks directly to the people who did help you. is humble way that. and is seen to be genuinely given and is received in the same way

if have a urge to slap people trolling your thread then do in a separate post. or if have a urge to explain yourself. try not to mix up your own message that you imparting

can make this a part of your study/paper if you want. etiquette is a big part of social behavior. for both parties in an exchange


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Hi Binweasel...as the regular forumites are probably getting tired of hearing by now, I also conducted much of my interactive research for my Masters in a psychology-related degree online; it was long before SL so I utilized the text only Internet Relay Chat (IRC).  I appreciate education and research.

The reason you're receiving these responses is that we in the SL forums are asked regularly to participate and/or answer questions for a class/paper/research, etc.  I've been active on the forums (including former, now archived ones) for 5 1/2 years and have probably by now seen hundreds of these requests.  Many are not as well-defined as your OP was.  I applaud you for going in world and participating.  That is really where your best research will take place - from the people you encounter in world plus your own experiences.

Good luck to you. :)

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You registered here two days ago. Is that how long  you have been in Second Life as well? Or have  you been in Second Life at all?

You don't...sound like a person writing a Master's Thesis to me. If English is not your first language then I apologize but there is nothing in your OP about that.


(ETA: and here is another one. So, currently at least 3 topics asking "can I study you" on page one. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/Dissertation-research-on-second-life-brands-short-questionaire/td-p/1822641 )

We get hit by 'will you let me study you' requests fairly often. One or two a week on average probably. Very seldom do the people asking seem studious or serious. We have no way to know otherwise. We take posts on face value here. It's an anonymous forum, after all.

If you want to engender some good will here, at least spend some time in world so you can ask some intelligent questions about it. That's my advice. It's meant to be helpful or I would not have bothered.

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Thank you Czarl,

I'll admit I didn't look into whether forums had been asked and do apologise after seeing so many educational posts!
My posting was meant in good faith as the digital era is a subject (and my career) that fascinates me.

Conversing inworld with various residents has been enlightening and I have partaken in some brilliant conversations (in general, not just in concern to the study) It is an extremely enjoyable experience, part of my research is conducting a personal diary of my own experience with SL (but as you will know, personal research cannot be justified as the entire research done for the paper)

Thanks again for the helpful advice and reply.

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Hi Melita,

I registered on the forums two days ago, but I have been inworld for the last week. And was inworld in 2008 but drifted apart from it unfortunately.

My original post was not intended to sound like an incredibly professional, well thought out piece of work (that of a thesis) due to my own personal interest in the topic and personally; being bombarded with jargon would only tire myself as well as I can imagine others. I suppose the reason my OP is misleading/confusing is due to my method of research as I would rather have the conversations first and then apply or seek theory from the dialogue.

I have been inworld, meeting people and conversing (on a broad spectrum, not just solely on the topic) and have found it very enjoyable. Various destinations hold very different conversation and it is interesting and fun.

As previously stated, I apologise to those who have taken offence, and have thanked those who have inboxed me offering their help.

Thanks for your reply!

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Hi 16,

In my OP I had asked those who wished or were intrigued to inbox me and those who were, have. So I have thanked them through that personally, and have arranged or had meet ups inworld - where I once again gave my gratitude.

Nevertheless, thank you for the reply and advice.

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Yes the topic title is a bit misleading or confusing as well. It sounds like you want to make friends, not study a community.

I don't know that anyone was offended so much as exasperated. We get way too many of these topics here. Then again it does give us something to kvetch about.


binweasel wrote:

I suppose the reason my OP is misleading/confusing is due to my method of research as I would rather have the conversations first and then apply or seek theory from the dialogue.

As previously stated, I apologise to those who have taken offence, and have thanked those who have inboxed me offering their help.

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Tex Monday wrote:

Here's a thought, dude....

Go in world..stay there for a week...no outside interaction. Then make your own F***NG decision. Stop bothering us!!


If this is bothering you so much so why do you even read such thread ?

You know there are plenty of other thread that i avoid bec i dont like or dont pay no mind about their topic. I just dont read them. And im fine. You should give a try.

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