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Are both Darwin and creationist wrong?

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What we ingest is very important.

People have the right to at least know what they are ingesting and where it came from, as much as is feasible.

If the only food sources on the planet are GMO lab created foods and are patented and controlled by a handful of, or one giant, global corporation(s), that is very bad news. These people do not respect 'the common man' nor do they respect life on this planet. A quick look at some of their track records and history of bullying threats and intimidation makes that clear.

What if they control things so utterly they don't even have to threaten lawsuits? They are already, some of them, reportedly sending police of their own hire, to people's land and farms along the lines of some sort of gestapo. This isn't hysteria, or science fiction, it's been happening to people already. (What are they capable of if they control all food, the one thing no one can do without?)

I do think the GMOs have to do with bees dying off. Einstein said without bees the planet will perish.

It doesn't take a genius or much thought to figure out the risk involved if GMOs flourish but, apathy kills.


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Boudicca Littlebird wrote:

As you all think me a nut you are safe, but should that change then that is a different story, your logic is flawed.

So let me get this straight...we, the human race, are spared annihilation because we all think of you as a nut, & do not believe your theories, right?  And, as soon as anyone believes you, we are doomed.

In order for your logic NOT to be flawed, you have to believe that the entire human race sees you as a nut also.  And, this includes anyone else that has the same beliefs and theories as your own.  Otherwise, we'd all be toast.

Is an awesome concept to consider.   That a group of people who believe in the same thing, are each an island unto themselves, believing that those that are like minded, are all nuts.

You all have mirrors there where you live?

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Boudicca Littlebird wrote:

As you all think me a nut you are safe, but should that change then that is a different story, your logic is flawed.


It's tricky, I don't think you are a nut, in that you are mentally unstable, I think you are very intelligent. However I think your brain is wired in such a way so that it does not function in the way that society would deem "normal". This is called conspiratorial cognition and it manifests itself in the following 4 traits:


  • patternicity, or a tendency to find meaningful patterns in random noise;
  • agenticity, or the bent to believe the world is controlled by invisible intentional agent;
  • confirmation bias, or the seeking and finding of confirmatory evidence for what we already believe;
  • hindsight bias, or tailoring after-the-fact explanations to what we already know happened.


Everybody displays these traits to some degree, however those who display these traits strongly are allot more likely to be embroiled in one or more conspiracy theory that overtakes them to the point that it dictates the way they choose to live their lives.

The more elaborate a conspiracy theory is, and the more people that would need to be involved, the less likely it is true

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Boudicca Littlebird wrote:

You put a very good point, pity most here can't get out of the school yard, but I agree with you, it was watching the affects of GMO on bees that made me create this theory.

Just ask the nanny if you want to leave that badly...

Modern day human that suddenly existed came from another planet, mistery solved

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Boudicca Littlebird wrote:

You put a very good point, pity most here can't get out of the school yard, but I agree with you, it was watching the affects of GMO on bees that made me create this theory.

Thanks and I am glad you did. And, glad I clicked. I had hestitated in case it was yet another 'bash the Christians' religion thread.

To answer your original post question more directly: I think there is more than one possible theory, for how life came to be and also how it evolved and continues to be. 

Personally speaking, I am a Christian. (So that answers my personal belief on origin of life, although many will fill in blanks wrongly on exactly how I meant that.) Also, I do not believe at all that religion and science are opposite things. I also do not believe a creator would refuse to allow for a species to adapt or evolve. 

I also believe we are not the only planet with life on it and I do not believe that is contrary to Christian belief either.

Those are my own personal beliefs. I respect those of others as well, and hope for the same.

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I knew you would say that...LOL.

The term conspiracy is very wide, first of all. It only means that two or more are in agreement on a given plan.

Pol Pot's regime.

The efforts of global corporations to stop awareness of, and labeling of, GMO foods.

The communist overthrow of Russia.

Those are just a few...

I won't even get into the famous or infamous ones, since lately the forums seem to be 'in the playground' as Boudicca put it.

I have a lot to do this morning so I will take off for a while.


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Boudicca Littlebird wrote:

As you all think me a nut you are safe, but should that change then that is a different story, your logic is flawed.

So, in your opinion, what you're doing is trying to bring about the end of the human race, because that's what will happen when people know the truth that are you doing your best to spread. Shouldn't you be keeping quiet about it? Or do you prefer the destruction of the humanity?

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LOL, like the photon you are trying hard to understand my motives, do you think the human race as it is now is a benefit to nature. Do you know why the native American was wiped out, it is all to do with glands in the brain, those that have them and those that don't.


A clue, those that collect gold do not have them, those that mine the gold do, how did that come about?

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I am honestly not trying to understand your motives. I understand your mind so motives are irrelevant.

The human race is part of nature, although I'm sure that you believe it is not a natural part of this world's nature - because someone said so and it appealed to you.

Boudicca Littlebird wrote:

A clue, those that collect gold do not have them, those that mine the gold do, how did that come about?

It came about by some fruitcake in this world dreaming up an idea about ancient aliens, and later someone dreamed up the idea about glands in the brain. Sadly, nobody has ever managed to show any such gland, so it remains as mere imagination, which is believed as fact by those few who have those special brains that can "understand" it.

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Yes I suppose it could be interpreted in such a fashion.  I don't know the OP.  But perhaps you know her well & are able to understand what she 'means' as opposed to what she actually wrote.

Howevver, after re-reading that particular post, as well as the OP's others, I think my conclusion is quite logical & based on what has been said, holds more water.  Statements are very clear.

Also, based on what the OP has said in this thread is that should anyone believe, it would be the end.  If these beings can know such things, our thoughts & beliefs, then telling ourselves that it is not so, does nothing.  Why?  Cause they are all seeing and would KNOW we were telling ourselves otherwise to feel safe.


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Wow are you wrong, a simple scan can show if you have an active gland or a dead one, and so many studies have been done that they found one percent have an inactive gland, every person that was inactive headed a bank or corp., please get your facts right before posting, there was even a BBC documentary about it, now doctors can see this they are talking about there being 2 species of human on the planet, wow are you out of date, I could give you links to the documentary but I won't as I don't wish to help you.

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Boudicca Littlebird wrote:

Wow are you wrong, a simple scan can show if you have an active gland or a dead one, and so many studies have been done that they found one percent have an inactive gland, every person that was inactive headed a bank or corp., please get your facts right before posting, there was even a BBC documentary about it, now doctors can see this they are talking about there being 2 species of human on the planet, wow are you out of date, I could give you links to the documentary but I won't as I don't wish to help you.

Well I'm not worried one bit.

As a child, I had mine removed with my tonsils.

And I should correct you here, there are actually 3 species, I know this cause my mother hails from such a place.

Who knows?  Could be another as well .... a whole race of people who think today is Friday.



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Boudicca Littlebird wrote:

Can't you find it yourself, stop trying to get others to work for you, sound like that 1%, but you can't be as you are here.

Never let it be said that I left others to do what I could myself. While you were writing the quoted post, I searched on Google for "2 species of humans". I found one BBC article that's about the human species splitting into 2 starting a thousand years from now - nothing to do with a gland in the brain. I read the Wikipedia article on humans and there's nothing there either. I did find an ebook (not a book that any publisher felt worthy of being printed) that claims there are "Two Species Of Human On Earth Now" but the write-up about it didn't suggest that it's anything to do with a gland in the brain.

So show it or it doesn't exist and, if you believe it exists, then it's merely something that you've been told, presumably by reading the writings of some fruitcake or other, but have no evidence for. It won't be me who looks a fool if you don't provide links ;)

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