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Your third day in SL? Oh my. Well, welcome to a wacky, wonderful, world full of imagination and potential - and strange people :matte-motes-wink:

Keep a blog, or a personal diary, watch how your Second Life develops.  I keep a personal diary, rather than a blog, with tons of photos. I look back to my early days, and it was very strange. I almost gave up within the first fourteen days so many times too. But I am so glad I didn't. It's fab, and every day brings with it a whole something new.

Focus on the positives rather than the negatives, and you will have a brilliant SLife too.

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16 wrote:

when did you decide to try flip the parcel for 4,000L given that it looks like you paid 2,488L for it?

before or after the wall went up?

we can get a better idea of why the wall went up depending on when you decided to flip the parcel


Snarky remark is not helpful and comes across as aggressive. It's no one's business how much anyone pays for their land or how much they decide to sell it for. The market decides.

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Dilbert Dilweg wrote:

Make a prim moustache and put it up on the skull


ROFL!!!!  Good one, Dilbert ;)

Alternatively, if not using Phoenix/Firestorm viewer, create a prim the same size as that one, keeping it inside your property lines - texture the side you see with a photo, scene, etc. of your choice. 

I don't get the neighbor's point as well.  To the OP, I know this can be distressing, especially if this is your first house or first situation like this in SL.  I do think LL will remove it though.




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16 wrote:

when did you decide to try flip the parcel for 4,000L given that it looks like you paid 2,488L for it?

before or after the wall went up?

we can get a better idea of why the wall went up depending on when you decided to flip the parcel


Just upping the price for a parcel shouldn't have any bearing on the wall, imo.  People buy land on the mainlaind sim where I live and try to flip for more all the time.  To date no walls, or other ugly features, have appeared due to that.


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valerie Inshan wrote:

Ouch. Ugly. If on mainland, you did right reporting. LL will come and clear the place. If this is not mainland but a private region, unfortunately your report won't help as LL won't interfere into resident to resident disputes.
Did you try to speak with the owner? 
Can't you right click on the structure and send it back? 

Btw, please edit your post and remove the  owner's name, this is against the community guidelines here and you could be the one who gets in trouble. 

Actually I will be surprised if they do anything at all.  I have friends with mainland that have been trying for 3 YEARS to get LL to do something about a neighbors similar eyesore 20 times bigger that, and my friend is concierge level too. She has filed numerous tickets and talked to them numerous times.  So if you now a way to get LL to do something , let me know so I can pass the info to her.

 That's the problem with mainland IMO, no covenant and people can do what they want.  I prefer private regions where an estate owner would NEVER let this slide unless the estate has no covenant ,  is a themed region where it is appropriate, or the estate owner is just a very bad estate owner.  But most of them aren't.

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Hello again, Nedlloyd.  Thank you for the updates.  We hope, now your neighbour has sold you his land too, you will remain happy in your chosen sim.


This is where I live on the mainland - my house is the retro-looking one in the middle of the photo. 

Not all parts of the mainland are so ugly, as you'll see if you are not a home body. This, for example, was the view from the first land I owned.

view from first land.jpg

As well as being welcome to bring up topics and questions here, please also know there is a mine of regularly-updated information on the Knowledge Base (see tab above).  I would advise you look at this one, as you are a landowner already.


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Melita Magic wrote:

Building, buying land, rezzing a house, talking about renting to other residents. You are doing very well for being in Second Life only three days.


I was thinking the same thing, Melita.  After 6 months in SL I was still trying to figure out the difference between "buying land" vs "renting land" and what the difference was between Mainland and Estates.  :matte-motes-bashful-cute:


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Echo Hermit wrote:

Hello again, Nedlloyd.  Thank you for the updates.  We hope, now your neighbour has sold you his land too, you will remain happy in your chosen sim.


This is where I live on the mainland - my house is the retro-looking one in the middle of the photo. 

Not all parts of the mainland are so ugly, as you'll see if you are not a home body. This, for example, was the view from the first land I owned.

view from first land.jpg

As well as being welcome to bring up topics and questions here, please also know there is a mine of regularly-updated information on the Knowledge Base (see tab above).  I would advise you look at this one, as you are a landowner already.

Cool photos :)  Wanted to comment on "Not all parts of the mainland are so ugly..."  I've lived on two mainland sims my entire time in SL, on one parcel for about 6 months until the owner sold it, and on my current sim for the best part of the last 4 1/2 years.

Both were/are water sims. Someone built a meditation/Tai Chi area for public use on the first sim.  Something I also found interesting, given the nature of mainland sims, all the builds/homes at "water level" were Japanese styles; it was the closest mainland version of living on a themed estate I've seen.

Ambrosia Mediatation Garden.JPG

I hadn't learned how to take photos without the UI yet.

Not sure if this swan ride was part of the meditation center, but at any rate was provided for everyone by another resident.  The generosity of people who build amazing areas for others to enjoy and ask nothing in return is the other side of the coin, so to speak, of some of the more annoying types we sometimes encounter in SL.

Ambrosia Sim.jpg

The spooky looking house in the background was on an adjoining sim - I think this was taken around Halloween 2007.

I've always lived in the sky so it's immaterial what things look like on the ground, or water, but overall, whenever I do go to check out any new builds on my sim, I'm usually pleasantly surprised.  (Of course there was the little pavilion smack dab in the middle of the (keep in mind) water sim once that had a purple grand piano on it.  That was it - pavilion with grand piano.  It was a conversation piece for sure...lol.)

I haven't taken any photos of the sim lately (makes note to do so) but this is one of my favorite photos taken at ground level on my current sim - taken years ago.  No, that is not my house...lol.  I lived in the sky and took the photo from a little piece of land I owned at the time.

1536 Parcel -  Sunrise Sept. 08.JPG

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Czari Zenovka wrote:

Echo Hermit wrote:

Hello again, Nedlloyd.  Thank you for the updates.  We hope, now your neighbour has sold you his land too, you will remain happy in your chosen sim.


This is where I live on the mainland - my house is the retro-looking one in the middle of the photo. 

Not all parts of the mainland are so ugly, as you'll see if you are not a home body. This, for example, was the view from the first land I owned.

view from first land.jpg

As well as being welcome to bring up topics and questions here, please also know there is a mine of regularly-updated information on the Knowledge Base (see tab above).  I would advise you look at this one, as you are a landowner already.

Cool photos
  Wanted to comment on "Not all parts of the mainland are so ugly..."  I've lived on two mainland sims my entire time in SL, on one parcel for about 6 months until the owner sold it, and on my current sim for the best part of the last 4 1/2 years.

Both were/are water sims. Someone built a meditation/Tai Chi area for public use on the first sim.  Something I also found interesting, given the nature of mainland sims, all the builds/homes at "water level" were Japanese styles; it was the closest mainland version of living on a themed estate I've seen.

Ambrosia Mediatation Garden.JPG

I hadn't learned how to take photos without the UI yet.

Not sure if this swan ride was part of the meditation center, but at any rate was provided for everyone by another resident.  The generosity of people who build amazing areas for others to enjoy and ask nothing in return is the other side of the coin, so to speak, of some of the more annoying types we sometimes encounter in SL.

Ambrosia Sim.jpg

The spooky looking house in the background was on an adjoining sim - I think this was taken around Halloween 2007.

I've always lived in the sky so it's immaterial what things look like on the ground, or water, but overall, whenever I do go to check out any new builds on my sim, I'm usually pleasantly surprised.  (Of course there was the little pavilion smack dab in the middle of the (keep in mind) water sim once that had a purple grand piano on it.  That was it - pavilion with grand piano.  It was a conversation piece for sure...lol.)

I haven't taken any photos of the sim lately (makes note to do so) but this is one of my favorite photos taken at ground level on my current sim - taken years ago.  No, that is not my house...lol.  I lived in the sky and took the photo from a little piece of land I owned at the time.

1536 Parcel -  Sunrise Sept. 08.JPG

Nice :matte-motes-grin:

Looks so serene, and I adore the idea of a swan ride being part of a meditation themed area. 

I truly love the mainland. Parts of it change often, and so no two days of explorations are quite the same.

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Czari Zenovka wrote:

16 wrote:

when did you decide to try flip the parcel for 4,000L given that it looks like you paid 2,488L for it?

before or after the wall went up?

we can get a better idea of why the wall went up depending on when you decided to flip the parcel


Just upping the price for a parcel shouldn't have any bearing on the wall, imo.  People buy land on the mainlaind sim where I live and try to flip for more all the time.  To date no walls, or other ugly features, have appeared due to that.


OP buy

neighbour then erect skull wall


question: did OP set to flip sale before or after wall went up?

if set to sale before wall  then OP did want to sell

if set to sale after wall then OP did not want to sell, had intended to live there. didnt at the time know how to block it out and so set to sale to quit and buy elsewhere. (wall would have no effect on OP living there bc can derender wall or block it with a more pretty wall of his own)

understand motive of OP then can understand motive of neighbour in erecting the skull wall


as it turned out OP did buy with the intention to flip sell. motive of neighbour was to deny OP any realistic chance of selling the parcel and coerce OP into buying neighbours parcel. which since happened

OP is brand new and not understanding how the land flipping game works in SL thought to try to make a quick profit. Neighbour decide to take advantage of OP and make a quicker one


So to OP. is kinda hard lesson this. am sorry you been caught like this on your first foray. but can say that you now got a really nice parcel and hope you do well with your fledging rental business







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Worry not about what some people have said in this thread. You could be excreting rainbows and butterflies from your anus and someone would be snarky about it.

Second Life is a huge learning curve. I've been a resident for almost five years, and still am learning something new every day. 

If in doubt, read properly the Knowledge Base, Terms of Service, Community Standards. 

Be aware, though, that to be buying and selling land so soon in your Second Life could mean that you are missing out on a heck of a lot.  When I was buying and selling land, I found it took up so much of my time, I forgot about the joys of exploring.  And because of RL constraints currently, I find I am missing out on a lot of great events. 

It all boils down to what you want from your own Second Life.


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Ok, I'm still not following your logic...

16 wrote:

OP buy

neighbour then erect skull wall


question: did OP set to flip sale before or after wall went up?



as it turned out OP did buy with the intention to flip sell. motive of neighbour was to deny OP any realistic chance of selling the parcel and coerce OP into buying neighbours parcel. which since happened

OP is brand new and not understanding how the land flipping game works in SL thought to try to make a quick profit. Neighbour decide to take advantage of OP and make a quicker one


The OP buys land that is already for sale.  If the neighbor's motive was to "...deny OP any realistic chance of selling the parcel..." then, following that logic, the skull thing would have been erected by neighbor already, which it apparently wasn't. 

The second part of that sentence is, "...and coerce OP into buying neighbours parcel. which since happened."  This makes more sense and is a high-pressure tactic used by, imo, jerks when they want to sell land, have offered it to a neighbor perhaps, neighbor says no, ugly something put up to pressure neighbor.  Even though the end result was the OP buying that parcel, I still don't get why, if this person wanted to sell the land anyway, he put up the skull.  The other common reason someone puts up some ugly build is if his neighbor put up something ugly.  Maybe the neighbor didn't like the OP's original build.

I'm not trying to be argumentative, just trying to follow the logic of this and I could very well be missing something.

To the OP: What Echo said -  You have a nice house in a lovely area.  I went over to check it out when you first posted but couldn't get too close before I got orb warnings, I'm assuming from the beach houses next to your land, but I could hover out of orb range and see how picturesque the area is.

You're off to a great start in SL.  Enjoy!


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