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Anyone know if direct delivery still has a deadline of October 1st?

Richie Kanto

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Pamela Galli wrote

For the record. 

At least as long as you have no clear reason yet to have it all deleted, yes.

Actually, I'm fine with it going on record, since it was clearly the plan CTL had in mind until I showed her that I was 100% expecting it.

And some day, when all is finally revealed, that will be revealed as the plan that was to be followed, as will be revealed that fact that it was changed specifically in response to the accusation that it was exactly what they intended to do.


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This time I was actually being facetious.

OTOH, keep ridiculing me for a few more pages and when I've got the upper hand, you can just have most of this thread deleted as before, and that will also remove the content you have ridiculed, as before, which I suppose solves a problem for each of us... except it's not a problem in my case, and that's why I'm encouraging you to do what I don't want you to do.

Nothing needs to be revealed for any of you to see the certain truth of what I have already said.

CTL doesn't do anything about support tickets or about people whining on blogs.

CTL responds only to things that frighten her.

Just look at everything CTL has done over the past year and it's clear that if you want CTL to do anything differently from what I have said she intends to do, she needs to be very deliberately provoked to action.

None of you have done that.

I have.


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I understand there's a 49% chance that was intended as sarcasm, but I'm chosing to take it as-is, so thank you for your support.

I would like to say that even if no one actually appreciates either any of the personal risks that at least some of you know I have already taken to try to resolve the root problem with SL commerce, and even if you all think I'm just an irritating, idiotic nutjob, my commitment is to the principle of fair business, not simply to people I hope will like me or something like that.

With a little more support and/or cooperation, we might be able to speed up this process, somewhat. But it's unclear.

Please be assured, though: I am diligently pursuing this matter on the basis of my own values system, not because I hope people will at some point start saying a bunch of nice things about me.

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Kampu Oyen wrote:

I understand there's a 49% chance that was intended as sarcasm, but I'm chosing to take it as-is, so
thank you for your support.

I would like to say that even if no one actually appreciates either any of the personal risks that at least some of you know I have already taken to try to resolve the root problem with SL commerce, and even if you all think I'm just an irritating, idiotic nutjob, my commitment is to the principle of fair business, not simply to people I hope will like me or something like that.

With a little more support and/or cooperation, we might be able to speed up this process, somewhat. But it's unclear.

Please be assured, though: I am diligently pursuing this matter on the basis of my own values system, not because I hope people will at some point start saying a bunch of nice things about me.

See responses in this other thread 


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Not sarcastic totally. I think your comments are helpful Kampu & more people should express their emotions as to the situation honestly as you do. Thank you for that.

Your theory does seem a little too detailed, thats the bit that makes some people think its off the wall... unless of course you have access to LL offices to see inner workings.

Are you a janitor at LL or somethin? :catvery-happy:

I am curious why you refer to CTL as 'she' when they could easily be a he, or most likely CTL represents a group of Lindens. As for 'Malefactor Linden' I think most of whatever is left of LL falls into that category at this point. Either that or 'Incompetent Linden' or 'WeCantAffordToHireQualityPeopleAnymore Linden'.

Only good Lindens left are Dakota and Sea in my opinion. I think almost all the good ones were fired or quit by now.

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WADE1 Jya wrote:

Not sarcastic totally. I think your comments are helpful Kampu & more people should express their emotions as to the situation honestly as you do. Thank you for that.

Your theory does seem a little too detailed, thats the bit that makes some people think its off the wall... unless of course you have access to LL offices to see inner workings.

Are you a janitor at LL or somethin? :catvery-happy:

I am curious why you refer to CTL as 'she' when they could easily be a he, or most likely CTL represents a group of Lindens. As for '
Malefactor Linden
' I think most of whatever is left of LL falls into that category at this point. Either that or '
Incompetent Linden
' or '
WeCantAffordToHireQualityPeopleAnymore Linden

Only good Lindens left are Dakota and Sea in my opinion. I think almost all the good ones were fired or quit by now.

I realize now it wouldn't have been 100% sarcasm, since whether or not we agree on the total product wind-down for SL, it would seem to have to be clear to you that that would include a wind-down of the SLM, which I think is happening.

I understand that my theory may seem to run counter to Occam's Razor for a lot of people reading it, but maybe they're actually the ones making the extra assumptions. In my case, all I have really had to do is to look at everything that has been done to the SLM over the last year, consider what common result each of these changes happens to have, and to consider whether it's simpler to explain the consistency of this common result as either intentional or unintentional.

I could be wrong about specific things, sure. But as a total model, I don't see anyone else coming up with anything as simple and elegant as my own. The formula is "if there were one more thing CTL could do to persuade merchants to quit the SLM for in-world marketing, what would it be?". When CTL makes an announcement, I filter it through this question to project what she will ultimately do. Only recently have I got far enough ahead of her to begin interfering in practical ways. But you can expect more progress. There is and has been plenty more to observe than most people bother to look into, and there is more and more to analyze and assess almost every day. If other people are not seeing the pattern as I am, it must be because they are either ignoring some of the pieces of the puzzle, or because they are resistant to putting them together if it makes a picture they just don't want to see. My guess is, more of the former than the latter. That's what I'm somewhat hopeful.

As I have stated elsewhere, CTL is essentially one person, trying to spread the blame for her own behavior among others be tainting them with inclusion to her "team". If there is any malefactor at LL at this point other than CTL herself, I think he needs to realize he's got some pretty stiff competition and he might do better to get out before he finds himself in her way. If this person can destroy a whole company with her infectious failures, she can probably only more easily destroy him.

That people don't realize Sea is gone just underscores the general lack of awareness about what's really happening with the Lindens. I also didn't know that, but I never directly interacted with Sea, either. There's plenty that I don't know, but people around here have a weird tendency to talk as if they know way more than I do about what must be going on, and yet there's almost inevitably some kind of WTF moment for them just around the corner. 13 September 2011. 14 February 2012.  Madstyle. No breedables on DD. Hidden JIRAs. The list goes on. Such a moment is already in the pipe for anyone who is still dismissing me, provided that SL is even around long enough for it to come out.

What people think they know about what's happening at LL has more to do with their own assumptions about how companies usually work than about what conclusions can be reasonably drawn from the facts when viewed as a whole.

Someone at a company like LL wouldn't really be deliberately shutting down, piecemeal, a utility like the SLM... would she?

Deliberately or not, that's ALL that we've seen her do over the last year.


Can that possibly be just a string of bizzarre accidents?



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Aw... I would say that is too bad, but I am sure Sea immediately found a much better job. 

I haven't been keeping up on comings & goings here, that is true. Central trend is LL is shrinking which I no longer believe is just for some attempt at cost-efficiency gains. The failure is systemic, their profit margin in decline & whenever execs & VPs grow uncomfortable their SL product will be abruptly ditched.

Wether or not that would mean the end of LL is debatable..... their other products don't look ready for prime time & will face heavy competition from highly similar (some pre-existing) applications.

I can't begin to guess their intentions with marketplace, but if they meant well... they sure flubbed it & might as well close it. Scrambling wide swaths of their product dataset makes marketplace effectively worthless so I'd expect it to be folded soon. The mess there sure can't be helping with retention of residents... if they are even trying to keep people onboard still?

Anyone know how many Lindens are left?

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