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I'm not quite sure this is the right forum to post this, so it might be moved, but anyways:

I want to make for the first time an haute couture mesh dress for my store and for events and such. The target is basically models, people who would like to wear and look good in this type of very tight, very tall clothing. Problem is, I never met a model in SL.

I believe most people who model in SL buy custom mesh shapes, but I was wondering if anyone knew more or less what were the measurements, in terms of SL default avatar sliders, to make an avatar with the basic similar shape as a model.

I'm mostly looking for measurements in term of:

+height (particularly leg size)

+general body mass

+waist size

+bust size

+arm size and mass


Also, if anyone could give me aditional information on a SL model's body shape or event any shopping preferences (hair, skins, etc) that would be fantastic.

Thank you all very much!

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Ah A friend of mine would be very interested in talking to you! She is always complaining about how the mesh clothing always has a huge bust and that she didn't want  huge bust so she has refrained from getting mesh dresses etc.

I'll ask her when she gets online today!

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Spinell wrote:

I was wondering if anyone knew more or less what were the measurements, in terms of
SL default avatar sliders
, to make an avatar with the basic similar shape as a model.

What it sounds like you're looking for is an initiative by mesh clothing creators that creates 'standard sizes', you've probably seen them in mesh items, ranging from XXS to XXL.

The original shapes, created by a collection of estabilished SL content creators, is available Here.

Further information about the Standard Sizing Initiative can be found Here.

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I have the standard sizing package, but I didn't think any of the sizes were relatable to models. Rather than streatching it out myself with little rhime or reason (sounds unprofessional) I wanted to instead get some measurements for the "model body type", apply them in SL then extrat the model onto blender and work from there. That would get me a better starting base.


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I think the modeling industry in SL has seen better days, I personally would look for a broader market than just models... A lot of people are screaming for mesh clothes that are built for small-busted avatars as it seems most mesh is made for those larger up-top -- so maybe that would be a good market to target and encompass the models as well.

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Why not wait for the deformer to be released? I may have misunderstood what I've read about it, and if I'm wrong I apologize. But isn't the idea that this new technology is just around the corner, and will make sizing much less of a concern? If he clothing can be made to fit the avatar, which is one of the few things that sl system clothes do that mesh does not, then won't that be better for your sales, not to mention a lot less work on your part?

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What you are talking about is standard sizes for models, assuming they are different that the shapes of most people.  Standard sizes really don't work for a lot of people .This thread will give you a good idea of why.  .the same problems that regular standard sizes have would probably be problems with model standard sizes. 

I'm not sure why you would want to do this unless you are looking to make one of a kind clothing for use on a runway, as I doubt there would be much of a market for it.

The suggestion to make clothes for smaller busted women is a good one though.  I don't have my breast sliders turned up near as much as most women do and the breast area is a big problem for me with mesh clothing.

Also be aware that anything you do now will be obsolete if and when the deformer is available.  For it to work with the deformer, you will have to upload you mesh using the mesh deformer client then in use and may have to rebuild the mesh itself.

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