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I'll try not to attract trolls now.. but how many people are there to handle abuse reports on any given day? Would you consider it Harassment if someone changed their display name to "yours" and then goes around causing trouble at venues? I don't understand why Linden Lab has done nothing to address the fact people are getting around being banned by generating a new IP address/ second life account.. only to cause people problems.  How many more years will pass before Linden Lab can get Second Life under control/block generated IP addresses and disable the ability to change a display name to match that of someone else?  This is truly ridiculous.. millions of dollars earned per year.. as Linden Lab sits back and allows a select few people ruin the game and the reputation of others (me) who worked very hard to promote not only Second Life Live Music.. but Second Life in general... after 4 months of abuse without any help/concerns shown from Linden Lab.. I may need to find another virtual world where I can live my life in peace.

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Robert69 Little wrote:

I'll try not to attract trolls now.. but how many people are there to handle abuse reports on any given day? Would you consider it Harassment if someone changed their display name to "yours" and then goes around causing trouble at venues? I don't understand why Linden Lab has done nothing to address the fact people are getting around being banned by generating a new IP address/ second life account.. only to cause people problems.  How many more years will pass before Linden Lab can get Second Life under control/block generated IP addresses and disable the ability to change a display name to match that of someone else?  This is truly ridiculous.. millions of dollars earned per year.. as Linden Lab sits back and allows a select few people ruin the game and the reputation of others (me) who worked very hard to promote not only Second Life Live Music.. but Second Life in general... after 4 months of abuse without any help/concerns shown from Linden Lab.. I may need to find another virtual world where I can live my life in peace.

sorry this has happened to you Robert .. as you may know in 2010 Linden Lab laid off 30% of their employees .. @ the time they had ~350 employes so these layoffs reduced their staff by ~100 ppl .. they said that the layoffs were intended to "strengthen our profitability."

with such a small staff .. mostuv whom presumably are techies who keep the servers running .. how many ppl do you think they can devote to reading & responding to ARs? a handful? few or none on any given day ?? i dunno .. but it cant be very many

i look @ SL as being the Wild West .. anything goes! unless someone files an AR against it & IF LL reads it & does something about it .. sometimes they do but usually not .. in your case apparently not .. this is why i never bother to file ARs .. what good do they do?  its not like iv ever been seriously griefed tho .. i had someone give me a robot that took all my clothes off in a dance club once .. & i had a guy use an avatar magnet on me .. big deal !! in your case the harassment you describe is a much bigger deal & LL ought to deal with the situation .. but will they? maybe maybe not

if you find a better virtual world than SL .. please let us know !!



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Changing a display name to the same name you have is not in and of itself Harassment.  A display name is not unique to any given avatar, only a user name is.  However if the person is using a display name to specifically impersonate you then that is a TOS violation under section 8.2ii. 

There are no Lindens here, just fellow residents so we can't tell you how many people work AR"s on any given day or any of your other questions about how they handle TOS violations.

When you file an AR  you only receive an acknowledgement in your email.  You are not told what if any action is taken.  LL does investigate AR"s though.  If you see no result it could be that they disagree that this person is trying to specifically impersonate you based on the evidence you submitted.  It also could be that the person receives a temporary suspension or outright ban. 

All you can do is continue to AR the person for each incident.  However you need to submit evidence, just saying that they are impersonating you because their display name is the same as yours is not be enough. Nor is general bad behavior unless you can show they are doing it to deliberately impersonate you.  However bad behavior may be dealt with independently if it is a TOS violation. Be careful though because you can be considered to be the harasser if you continually AR them and don't prove what you are complaining about.


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Yes.. 4 months.. long months.. I even attempted to protest against these people at the welcome areas where they hangout...in hopes they would leave me alone.. draw attention from Linden Lab.. it's was all a waste of time... they abused me at the welcome areas as well.. without any fears of Linden Lab doing anything of abuse reports.. following me now to venues.. crashing the sims... telling their victims.. I payed them to do it....changing display names to mine.. so people think it is me at first glance of these attacks.. rezzing prims they managed to get that have my name on them.  A few accounts have been banned.. but they just create new ones time and time again.. it's an endless problem.. Linden Lab.. does nothing... they are sitting in the welcome areas laughing at their victims.  It's truely sad.. with all the problems going on in real life.. these people have nothing better to do than to ruin a game that was meant for fun.  So the last time I attempt to speak about these problems here in the forums.. I was told.. I bought these problems into myself.. yeah.. I opened a live music venue, lost a live music venue.. and I'm still being harassed.. and Linden Lab does NOTHING to get this problem resolved once and for all...They have no control over these NONE.

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why don't you search my name.. and ask the person who is using my name as their display name what they did to a venue yesterday?  This same person has had several accounts deleted within the past few weeks.. only to make new accounts. It's like a dog chasing it's own tail around and around.. abuse reports after abuse reports time and time again on every single account they create.

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Robert69 Little wrote:

Yes.. 4 months.. long months.. I even attempted to protest against these people at the welcome areas where they hangout...in hopes they would leave me alone.. draw attention from Linden Lab.. it's was all a waste of time... they abused me at the welcome areas as well.. without any fears of Linden Lab doing anything of abuse reports.. following me now to venues.. crashing the sims... telling their victims.. I payed them to do it....changing display names to mine.. so people think it is me at first glance of these attacks.. rezzing prims they managed to get that have my name on them.  A few accounts have been banned.. but they just create new ones time and time again.. it's an endless problem.. Linden Lab.. does nothing... they are sitting in the welcome areas laughing at their victims.  It's truely sad.. with all the problems going on in real life.. these people have nothing better to do than to ruin a game that was meant for fun.  So the last time I attempt to speak about these problems here in the forums.. I was told.. I bought these problems into myself.. yeah.. I opened a live music venue, lost a live music venue.. and I'm still being harassed.. and Linden Lab does NOTHING to get this problem resolved once and for all...They have no control over these NONE.

sorry to hear Robert .. ~hugggzzz~~ ~

ps .. i love live music in SL !!



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I'd say I love live music in sl too... I have produced over 1500 videos over the past 5 years. Our dreams were to own and operate our very own live music venue (we had our venue 4 weeks.. attacked every week).. those dreams were taken away from us.. unwillingly.. and we will NEVER EVER attempt to open another venue unless Linden Lab gains control over those generating IP addresses once they are banned.


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Changing a display name to the same name you have is not in and of itself Harassment.


I'm sure you would see this from totally different point of view if it were "your" name being used by another person.

And do you honestly believe someone that can generate a new IP address/ SL account within 5 minutes cares about TOS?!

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Hello Robert, I am sorry this is happening to you.  I just did a search for your name and found someone with the exact same name.  That is sad to me, that someone would get off doing this to another person.  Their real life must be empty and lonely.  I know you probably don't want to hear this but I don't think Linden labs is going to do anything.  You could create a new avi and start fresh. Yes, you would be giving up a lot to start fresh but at least you wouldn't be harrassed any longer.

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Robert69 Little wrote:

Changing a display name to the same name you have is not in and of itself Harassment.


I'm sure you would see this from totally different point of view if it were "your" name being used by another person.

And do you honestly believe someone that can generate a new IP address/ SL account within 5 minutes cares about TOS?!

Display names came about because a lot of people wished to change their avatar's name for various valid reasons.  The problem is that all data concerning your avatar, land holdings and inventory is stored under you user name so it has to be unique.  So if they allowed a user name change, most people wouldn't be able to get the name they really wanted,, only the first person to sigh up for it, and it would relieve the problem.  LL's solution was the display name and it specifically was designed so you could have the name you wanted regardless if there was another one out there that was the same.

For the record, I was totally against display names when they were announced for the very reasons you are experiencing.  I dislike them now more than I did then as people started using Unicode characters to the point that you had no idea what their name is.  I have personally never used a display name and won't ever use them in the future.

The only way this will ever be resolved is for LL to stop allowing display names.  However since they took away the last names, it would fast lead to names with long strings of numbers in them etc., which is equally ridicules.

I sympathize with you.  My reply to you was to tell you the facts.  And the fact is that just as in RL, SL people can change their name to anything they choose, through the display name system, including a name someone else is using.  Not everyone with duplicate names is  a griefer or up to no good. 

In your further posts you do say that people are banned and just create new accounts, so its not like LL is doing nothing.

The real problem here is enforcing a ban.  If they ban by ISP address, a proxy can be used. In addition anyone at the ISP address is banned to, which is not fair to other family members or say students in a dorm that share the same ISP address.  If they use a hardware ban, all the griefer needs is another computer to get back in. 

They could require RL ID's but that would raise a hue and cry over privacy and half if not more of SL residents would leave SL.  And griefers that care nothing for the rules would just create false ID's.

So LL is caught between a rock and a hard place no matter what they do.  Unfortunately you are too due to their poor decision in allowing display names to begin with.



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so its not like LL is doing nothing.

Yes.. they have banned "a few" accounts of these people.. but some accounts still remain....and it's rather useless to ban these accounts when they just comes back with another account within 5 minutes. Linden Lab has truly lost control of the game we so love by allowing people to ruin our sl lifes....I speak for alot of people.. venue owners and performers.


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Robert69 Little wrote:

I'll try not to attract trolls now.. but how many people are there to handle abuse reports on any given day? Would you consider it Harassment if someone changed their display name to "yours" and then goes around causing trouble at venues? I don't understand why Linden Lab has done nothing to address the fact people are getting around being banned by generating a new IP address/ second life account.. only to cause people problems.  How many more years will pass before Linden Lab can get Second Life under control/block generated IP addresses and disable the ability to change a display name to match that of someone else?  This is truly ridiculous.. millions of dollars earned per year.. as Linden Lab sits back and allows a select few people ruin the game and the reputation of others (me) who worked very hard to promote not only Second Life Live Music.. but Second Life in general... after 4 months of abuse without any help/concerns shown from Linden Lab.. I may need to find another virtual world where I can live my life in peace.

I honestly do not think you will get banned for abuse reporting it. Just make sure you have a Valid reason to file the report for harassment, explain to LL what they did each time and if they did do it they can see what they are doing. While Linden's might view it as its their own account for example, and they want to go into a private simulator or club and start shooting guns to cause problems get banned from that club on that account or something, you might finally get a linden that will see they are trying to make people think its you and actually ban the griefer. * I report Griefers all the time across 3 different games I play, never once to my knowledge have I been banned from it they will either take action or they wont.* Just do not rage at the Lindens for it.*

I agree this is a problem with the Display name function. If used as inteded the display name is a fun way to RolePlay, and enjoy Second Life. However griefers are misusing this function to take names of other peoples original accounts such as mine, it has happend to me before myself. A user aka a griefer who griefed others I know and got perma banned across like 4 accounts changed their IP/Hardware came back and took the name of my account, and then they went to some creators sims, threatend and griefed them, spammed sandbox's, and griefed some clubs using my display name.


A person who is experienced in Second Life knows its not me, or at least can tell its not coming from my account, however a person who is a newbie, or has it set to display name online, and knows nothing about UUID/Avatar/Agent Key would not know the difference therefore this can be abused.

In addition to this, I know that Linden Lab as a company has laid off a lot of workers there, and I don't know how much they can deal with daily before they get a headache themselves, the problems can be addressed by the following as I started before, and the only way of doing it is to have verification reguardless of what people think or like.

I currently know of a Role Play community in Second Life that is still supporting Griefing heavily, they will deny it, and everyone knows the people I am talking about I am certain of, back years ago from things I have read they Stole scripts from someone else, and now they have a Griefer sitting in their regions Copybotting other peoples avatars, and they know it and do nothing. In fact I pointed out this person's constant griefing starting from threats, and then when they didn't get what they wanted they decided to CopyBot some builds that were used on their own sim and sent them around in the SandBox to a lot of people, I saw it, I Abuse reported it, I got IM's from the creator because of this person, and yet they still continue to grief, and use other alternate accounts connected to seperate IP's to post stolen content on the market place. Yes it gets removed due to DMCA, I have confirmation from the creators on some removals but it gets reposted over and over another store each time. Funny thing is this community is Advertised by Linden's on some places, and the owner is in one of those Anti Theft groups that is supposed to be protecting its merchants the best they can, but instead do nothing but support the grief.

In fact a couple of days ago I saw a post here where someone got suspended from Second Life because this person got the Stolen Content still going around in Second Life in SandBox from this person I am talking about because they accepted it not knowing and apparently got reported.

In fact in my view Linden Lab has done nothing to investigate the issue, due to the number of sims these people own, and Linden Friends they have. ( This is an opinion) as I know these claims will be denied by moderators, and Linden's themselves, but the way I see it, in fact a google search shows these people calling out their favorite lindens that help them.


How Linden Lab Can Help.

Griefing has been a Major problem for me with these CopyBot no good for nothing griefers, while I understand there are legit use for the bots they are majorly abused by most to Copy people I know, and yet there is nothing to protect merchants, or innocent people from others taking their names as a display name and griefing them to make them look bad and likely get them banned from places they have never been to for the LULZ they call it.

Methods to prevent griefing.

1. Require ID verification.

2. Require Telephone verification ( Phone Number) not SMS, so everyone can do it.

3. Have an option to restrict people from land that has no Real Life ID on file, if you do not require this method.

4. Require Payment Information.

The concern the community has is what happens if my Country, or State requires that I provide ID, or verify and such isn't legal in my territory.

That is simple everyone who already has an account isn't required to do it, however all newly created accounts beyond X Date require it, therefore such users can keep their account and enjoy SL. People would ask how it stops griefing, well if these people grief with their account and get banned, the griefer accounts list will start to shrink lower and lower each time therefore it would work to get rid of a lot of griefers.

And if people can't access it outside of their country from there on then they will just have to register an account, and do manual verification through Linden Lab or something.

These are the options I see and only way to prevent the griefing, and I would like to see somethings done to help other residents where possible to prevent it.

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The same person who changed their display name to mine.. also mentions this in another of their accounts about me:


Robert69 Little repeateadly films my avatar, and also opens and films my profile hes creepy Robert I love Admiral so much. I will never leave him for you STOP BOTHERING ME ROBERT GET A LIFE YOU WEIRD STALKER


and more in another one of their accounts:


Robert69 little is obsessed with me, and will post my profile on his libellous blog. He stalks me like a filthy old pervert, hes a nasty dirty old man, who is just a creeper. this man will deform himself and blame griefers for attention, he will also crash a sim and blame anyone.


Real World Biography

This is me rl smiling at admirals willy. I love him and I hope robert69 little leaves me alone and stops hitting on me


(I never thought I would see the day when an adult would act this childish.. so they go around crashing sims an attempt to make it look like I'm behind it.)



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Robert69 Little wrote:

The same person who changed their display name to mine.. also mentions this in another of their accounts about me:


Robert69 Little repeateadly films my avatar, and also opens and films my profile hes creepy Robert I love Admiral so much. I will never leave him for you STOP BOTHERING ME ROBERT GET A LIFE YOU WEIRD STALKER


and more in another one of their accounts:


Robert69 little is obsessed with me, and will post my profile on his libellous blog. He stalks me like a filthy old pervert, hes a nasty dirty old man, who is just a creeper. this man will deform himself and blame griefers for attention, he will also crash a sim and blame anyone.


Real World Biography

This is me rl smiling at admirals willy. I love him and I hope robert69 little leaves me alone and stops hitting on me


(I never thought I would see the day when an adult would act this childish.. so they go around crashing sims an attempt to make it look like I'm behind it.)



Yes I have had the same issue with a person like this. They created about 5 different accounts I know of claiming to be me with information in their profile, and put information similar to mine, joined as many groups as they could like mine, and then griefed others usually with CopyBot, or theft of merchants, and Crashing sims. It is a similar tactic.


This is not the first time, like a few months after that with that RP sim issue where the owners worked along side the Griefer CopyBotter who is still on their regions today to my knowledge, they did similar tactics creating random accounts to look like mine at least twice that I can remember, and griefing their own community sims to get the admins to believe I was behind it. They acted like perfect little angels to the admins as well to get on their sides of everything and cause a lot of drama, but moreless the sims reputation, and cost me mine there on those sims.

Could it be the same group of people, Yeah I think so there are like Three well known griefer groups I have heard of and seen griefing SandBox's and Welcome Area's using these tactics.

The problem is that While LL will not ban your account because you actually had nothing to do with it, or they can't link it back to you the reputation they are creating for you. Some people would understand that it is griefers and know its not you while others will flat out say they dont care they dont want the drama on their sims etc.

As for the Outside of SL blogs you could always file a harassment notice depending on the site or service operating such, and or if possible if you have the money get a lawyer to get it taken down and possible go for a suite against the person posting it, but of course its the internets and it might be hard to find out who anyways if they are hiding good enough. In other words it can be removed but reposted a million more times.

A lot of people in Second Life, especially RolePlayers, and Clubs have ignorant people, moderators, or admins who know absolutely nothing at all they just think they do, but fact is most people I know of you can easily grief the hell out of them because they don't even know how to avoid a graphics card crasher which is pretty sad especially if they are a sim admin or something. My point is when it comes to something like this they often accuse people who actually had nothing to do with it, or very little because some griefer decided to screw with them.

Personally I think that these people should be Publically Noted, and called out for supporting such activities outside of LL's jurisdiction of course.


LL really needs to do something to protect the actual residents who are just trying to have a good time, and the only thing I can suggest is to keep abuse reporting it each time something pops up, possibly file a ticket through the LL support portal, and or for stuff outside of LL's jurisdiction contact the companies hosting and such. I sometimes wish I was in the position to have GOD rights over the SL service, or worked for LL because I swear a lot of these DMCA requests and stolen content on the market place for one would be gone, and Second more security would be put into prevent constant registration of griefer accounts.

As for finding these names of the griefer groups all you have to do is use google you will find a lot of listings.

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You would think...Linden Lab would do something about these griefer problems... problems keep repeating time and time again.

They let 30% of the employees go..so you would think they would want those remaining to do a good job.. these endless abuse reports have got to be a major pain in the butt for LL staff. Hopefully LL will find a way to resolve these issues in the very near future.  I love the game, the people I have met.. the honor performers given me to capture their shows... and most of all.. my SL wife Annasue.. I would not have ever met her had it not been for SL live music.

Linden Lab.. should start monitoring the welcome areas...mainy Ahern and Violet.

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So I received some very troubling news from a very dear friend a few minutes ago:


It's gotten out of control with these griefers, Ron. Sorry to say I need to delete pretty much everyone in my friends list as a precaution. Please dont take it personally. But they are here in FB keeping tabs on me and those closest to me. I can't win with these assholes, so I need to quit singing in SL. If I come back one day, will be as an alt no one will know. Talk to u soon my friend.


Again.. another great performer is forced out of his Second Life music career due to the harassments of griefers in Second Life. I have seen this happen to alot of performers.. and Linden Lab does nothing what so ever to protect people from abuse...This is truly a very sad day in my life.


Would someone mind telling the following person to get out of my sl life?


Choufleurs: hows it going bob



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welcome to the club buddy of beening clone ,,, LL wont do a dang thing ,, i was clone and called a kiddy prev one thats beat his rl wife giveing her ratcoon eyes,, you name it its been done to me,, the only thing you can do is really get a lawer and sue LL BUT *notice the big but * you be wasted you time morst likey you ageed to there TOS ,,all  you can do is move on even it they keep cloneing you. search my name its crazy.

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The only logical explanation I can think of as to why Linden Lab fails to do anything about these griefer issues, somehow has something to do with "profit". It doesn't matter how much we invested into opening a venue.. how much we were renting the land for each month.. the loss of income performers may have earned during a show....this is about how much we will spend trying to protect "ourselves. Years of abuse reports.. years...and you see how little of concern griefers mean to them. Do I sound bitter?!...I think I have good reasons to be. Not once in 5 years have I heard anything of Linden Lab addressing griefer issues.

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Robert69 Little wrote:

Maybe they should
dedicate statues
of legendary
griefers at Ahern and Violet welcome areas.. and a
Memorial Wall
for the victims.

I agree I have seen Griefer extreme situations Sandbox's crashing overfilling MAX 15k prims sometimes more than 15k prims, filled cache files, I have been to Ahern, Violet, Moose Beech, the SL Help Area's seen it all.

Sometimes TROLLS, Trolling Trolls, or griefers griefing griefers.

While I do not agree with griefing like General griefing for example just crashing a welcome area because you can, or harassing/griefing random people who have no reason to be griefed.

There are situations where people do in my opinion deserve it.

Sometimes griefers GRIEF for various reasons, while I never agree with what griefers do in Second Life, or other MMORPG based sandbox titles such as harassment without reason. As you can see in my eyes Linden Lab is doing nothing to prevent griefers. So for example when I feel I have been abused by an admin in a specific simulator, what do you think is going to happen? It starts with drama, and later turns into griefing to the extreme, I have seen this in some cases and a lot too where a person causes drama, or Griefers supporting griefers, and griefers griefing them back.

There was an instance where a griefer posted a video crashing like 4 of this community's RP sims, and Linden Lab banned their account in under 5 minutes, I even have the chatlogs which were published on the internet public and this person got banned in like 15 minutes. Yet if I see a Sandbox griefed and crashed 4 of them it takes hours before LL even bans them. This goes to show that people or sim owners paying for over 10 sims will get support faster than anyone else. Its all about the money guys.

In my personal opinion this community I am talking about are a bunch of no good for nothing griefers including the simulator owner who backs up the admin or head moderator.

They post in their Simulator rules/covenant that they are allowed to Disclose chatlogs without consent, and they break so many rules, even support the worst thing on the grid Copy Bot because one person at least on their 10+ sims is using a copybot to maliciously copy a bunch of other avatars and sharing on torrents, but they do nothing to this person. I personally sent abuse reports on multiple accounts to Linden Lab on multiple griefer accounts doing this from the same person, and even exposed their community and admin's outside the LL forums, and game, on other MMORPG sites and such.

Linden Lab did nothing.

So yes its about money if you are not spending over $500+ Every month in Second Life, and or do not have linden friends who work for the company then do not expect to get fast support, let alone public area's like Ahern, or Moose beech these places are populated with trolls.

Oh btw I know a CopyBot who loves to hang out at Moose Beach as well in fact multiple CopyBot users... Good Lord you don't even want to know how many of them are there copying ripping and sharing.

Linden Lab again does nothing.

As long as LL is making profit nothing is going to be done about these griefers unless like the entire community shows outrage, until then it is going to be a complete circle of You Griefed me, I will grief you back. and that circle will continue.

Griefers list.

1. The Lulz Griefer, Does it for the Laughs shi* and giggles.

2. The Revenge Griefer, Only Griefs for a specific reason. (If they have a good reason I personally turn my back as long as they are not harming innocent people like public sandbox's or friends.)

If griefers want to get themselves banned then they are welcome to its not really my problem, but for the typical griefer there is no such thing as a ban because its the internets, and LL has no verifications in place to prevent it.

See Linden Lab the problem is... If you are going to lay down rules, then everyone needs to follow them even these rich sim owners, and if they are not following them, or supporting griefing in any form or way they need to be removed from SL and that is all there is to say on the matter.

As I said before a good way to see things is sometimes Sim Owners when on purposely doing nothing about actual griefing, let alone cases of Intellectual Propertly violations and they are aware of it should be treated just the same as the person CopyBotting the work that is my view on stuff. ** even with the drama that happend between me and that one person sending me * Death Threats* with an alt, and the rules on the sim saying we will disclose your chatlogs any way we please or however it said it, they should have been removed for that, or warned to change it.

Sometimes people miss it, or honestly have no idea, but a lot of times I see people aware of it looking on evil and doing nothing to help the SL community or the people creating the content.

But since they were not it goes to show more of the SL community that griefing is allowed, and before you know it SL becomes another (Something Awful) (4cha*) or worse. people doing anything they please.

Your World, Your Imagination? What if my world is so messed up I just want to sit on a computer all day ( IP)/ Hardware spoof and spam sand box's or even go to a welcome area scream on my mic like a kid. ( There is just nothing to prevent this which is why there is so many griefers without verification.)

There are also community based sims who do not support griefers, and I know some of those, and glad such places are around in Second Life. While there are thousands of sims there are only a hand full I know of managed by responsible people. The others are full of admin's, moderators, and owners who know nothing, and do nothing.


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Robert69 Little wrote:

The only logical explanation I can think of as to why Linden Lab fails to do anything about these griefer issues, somehow has something to do with "profit". It doesn't matter how much we invested into opening a venue.. how much we were renting the land for each month.. the loss of income performers may have earned during a show....this is about how much we will spend trying to protect "ourselves. Years of abuse reports.. years...and you see how little of concern griefers mean to them. Do I sound bitter?!...I think I have good reasons to be. Not once in 5 years have I heard anything of Linden Lab addressing griefer issues.


I'm puzzled. You're spending tons of money on tier and maintaining your venue. That, if I'm not mistaken, is profit for LL, and since LL is a business profit is very important: without same, the business fails sooner or later. Yet you suggest LL has a profit motive for not protecting you from griefers (or at least, that's the way I read the comment). Where could that profit be? Clearly not from the griefers, since they are registering as free alt accounts. Also not from the AR's you file: I have never done that but I've been told by people I trust there is no charge for filing an AR.

What is the "profit" motive for LL in letting your griefers come back?

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Dillon Levenque wrote:

Robert69 Little wrote:

The only logical explanation I can think of as to why Linden Lab fails to do anything about these griefer issues, somehow has something to do with "profit". It doesn't matter how much we invested into opening a venue.. how much we were renting the land for each month.. the loss of income performers may have earned during a show....this is about how much we will spend trying to protect "ourselves. Years of abuse reports.. years...and you see how little of concern griefers mean to them. Do I sound bitter?!...I think I have good reasons to be. Not once in 5 years have I heard anything of Linden Lab addressing griefer issues.


I'm puzzled. You're spending tons of money on tier and maintaining your venue. That, if I'm not mistaken, is profit for LL, and since LL is a business profit is very important: without same, the business fails sooner or later. Yet you suggest LL has a profit motive for not protecting you from griefers (or at least, that's the way I read the comment). Where could that profit be? Clearly not from the griefers, since they are registering as free alt accounts. Also not from the AR's you file: I have never done that but I've been told by people I trust there is no charge for filing an AR.

What is the "profit" motive for LL in letting your griefers come back?

isnt it obvious?

they dont want to pay salaries for investigating ARs & getting after griefers

they laid off 30% of their staff so that the big shot parasites could get richer .. staff could go on unemployment & griefers could run rampant harassing others

THATs the "profit" motive




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We lost our venue.. these griefers are professionals at ruining people's life... organized crime by a group of people to run people out of the venue business.. they run performers out of Second Life too. People buy security items trying to protect themselves and their sims.. useless items when you dealing with an army of griefers.. with countless accounts.. the profits are made by taking out the smaller businesses.. so to eliminate competition..

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Robert69 Little wrote:

We lost our venue.. these griefers are professionals at ruining people's life...
organized crime
by a group of people to run people out of the venue business.. they run performers out of Second Life too. People buy security items trying to protect themselves and their sims.. useless items when you dealing with an army of griefers.. with countless accounts.. the profits are made by taking out the smaller businesses.. so to eliminate competition..


No. In essence, the question I asked you was: what is the profit motive for Linden Lab? You've thrown up some stuff about performers and venue owners being run out of SL by the army of griefers. You say that that would make some businesses more profitable by "taking out the smaller businesses". I won't argue with the possibility that your premise could be right, but that still does nothing for LL: the loss of the smaller business and the associated tier is a loss for LL.

I don't have an answer to your problem. I just don't believe that LL is making it happen to increase their income.

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