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avatar flight

Wack Zane

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To most of you i might talk jibberish since im not all that in typing technical english.
Here s my issue. for 4 years in a row i spend hunderds if thousands lindens in hud ganes.
Most hudgames inside sl involve flying of the avatar using flightassists build in in the huds.
Last few weeks my flying is totally ruined.
I see distance on my radar to target. I fly towards it. Distance decreases when i fly backwards distance
Increases. thats good huh.
Lol. But
My avatar keeps flying forward. While im actually allready flying backwards.
Same with flying up. flying down.
My view is totally wrong while distance on radar shows me glying away i see my avatar flykng towards the target/object.
I "fly off the minimap " over n over.
Hope i nake any sense in trying to explain my ussue.
Thing is. In this way hudgames i invested in and wich im enjoying are totally unplsyabke for me.
I heared it could have something to do with sl servrr update/pathfinder something.
How can i solve n fix my avatar flight problem.
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Besides the issue i mention is not the flightassisr bit its the fact that avatar movement in viewer is not realtime.

I go forward. then when i fly backwards. Avatar on viewer keeps going forward while actual distance to target is correctly corresponding.

After 5 sec the position of avatar gets adjusted by the viewer or sim. .

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This sounds like network lag -- your viewer is not getting updates about the avatar location as quickly as it apparently did before. In theory, it could be sim lag, but probably not:

Avatar on viewer keeps going forward while actual distance to target is correctly corresponding.

If this means what I think it does--that the sim is reporting correct change in distance to target--it must be only the viewer's representation of the avatar position that's lagging, not the sim. This would be further confirmed if it happens on multiple sims with ample spare time statistics.

I might guess that it's something in your local ISP connection that's slowing down the updates, but theoretically it could be anywhere in the network. (If it improves with a drastically reduced draw distance, or seems worse near the corner of sims with diagonal neighbors, then it could possibly be a bug that was introduced at the same time as Pathfinding--although the bug doesn't actually have anything to do with Pathfinding itself--which consumes a lot of bandwidth with useless data.)

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Problem started with last server update second life

Tried all viewers

Problem occurs with 90 percent of players in hudgame wich some are even situated in same state as slserver

View distance high or low makes no diffrence

Pressing a forward or backward button at same time with pgup or pgdown makes it even worse <diagonal flight>

I have it when lag indicators not even show lag <2 little bars upper right in viewer>

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Oh wait, so this only happens with the boost HUD, not when flying normally?  If so, we might be able to help over in the Scripting forum if the HUD scripter were to post the script. Otherwise, I think the scripter will have to figure it out.

Is this happening with multiple different kinds of such HUDs? 

[EDIT: Maybe more important question: Do you know if anybody else is seeing the same thing, using the same HUDs?]

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You need to get in touch with the one that made the HUD. Right click the HUD and edit it or select show properties. You should see the creator's name.

If the HUD is using a remote server, it may be having trouble updating data. The Lab is consolidating the server into 2 data centers from 3. So, the change may have affected the HUD's communication pathway.


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People that create airplanes or flying devices experience the same problem9 out of 10 with sane hud confirm same isue

The scripter points at sl server dynamics or pathfinding or something.

Surely there most b a solution to solve it?

If not. Anything that fly s in sl. Including avatars will find problems.

Even heared n readed that creators of airplanes bump into same prob and seeing tgeir business go to waiste

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I'm unable to make (what I understand to be) the problem happen flying unassisted, nor with my own (very fast) vehicle, all on Pathfinding-enabled sims. Also, I can't find a recent related jira, so if the problem started with a recent server release, somebody should be opening a jira that describes in detail how to reproduce the problem.

I mean, there's still all the usual sim-crossing nonsense, and Pathfinding did add a very small amount to Physics load on sims (maybe more, if there are actual Pathfinding objects scurrying around), but from the description, I'd expect I should be able to notice it, and I just don't see it.

I've read the description a bunch of times, and the only way I can get anything remotely like that to happen is when I cross sim borders which has been a problem for as long as I've been in SL.

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Ok. create the problem. attach flightassist to avatar. like zed. or mystitools any flightassist allowing you fly fast.

Press page up. To fly straight up. at same time hold arrow down pressed to fly backwards n.up and same time. Hence fly diagonal.up.

You will see what i mean.

Goes same with any combination up or down in combo with forward or backward.

If you only use forward or back. so. Straight horizontal. no problems

Only up or down. So straight vertical. no problems. but diagonal. up n forward. or up n backward. down n forward. Etc. you will notice what im talking about.

No matter what gamehud u wear the problem is persistent and occurs with every player no matter what connection ping. Good or bad.

This is not an lag issue.

Diagonal confuses slserver or viewer ever since that server update. Prob pathfinder

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Well, I tried with both Argent's venerable Flight Feather (cranked up to high boost) and MystiTool (been literally years since I've used that pig), and I can't get what I think you're describing.

I *do* see the cam swing around in front of the AV, so it appears to be flying forward when the back button is pressed, but surely it must always have done that.  I know for sure that it's always done that while walking backwards. I don't think that's what you were describing. And anyway, it behaves the same for straight and diagonal backward motion, so that can't be what you're seeing.

The closest thing I can get (which I also don't think fits the description) is turning off "Velocity Interpolate Objects" in Develop / Network. That makes diagonal flight look pretty funky, but it does it on the Mini-Map, too. If it weren't for other viewers behaving the same way, I might wonder about some of the physics interpolation Debug Settings, but that doesn't fit this case either.

Sorry. I hope somebody else can reproduce (or recognize) the effect you're describing.

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I to experience what Wack is speaking of. Playing various hud games if you are flying with a assist on and if you are to hit the page up and for instance the up arrow you seem to get caught in a lag that will take you off sim each and every time. I use the word lag for lack of a better word. Since the release of Pathfinder I am unable to stop flying up or down using page up or down. It literally takes a few seconds to change the direction in which my avi is flying which in any hud game is not good so you literally have to try to estimate the time it takes to make your avi move in another direction. Hopefully someone can reply as to how this can be fixed.

Futhermore I followed the directions on Phoenix on how to disable pathfinder on my sim but it does not seen to help the situation since the avi continues the exact same flight pattern. Maybe someone has a solution.

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I am a scripter and creator of one of these avatar flight assisted games. Since the pathfinding update there has definitely been a marked issue with regard to assisted flight in sl. I have tested with various flight assists and the issue is common to all assists. The problem shows when moving diagonally along the z axis during flight. Now there is something else i have noticed which is very peculiar, if you do test this take note of the altitude readin built into any viewer. At the time during which you are caught in the "lag spike" you will notice your altitude meter reads as you being at 4096 meters when infact you may be way above or byond this height. I really hope Lindens to take note of this issue and create an official jira with intent to solve this problem at some stage.

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About TIme Some 1 Started A thread thank wack.and ya this needs to be fixed i play the same hud game as the above people.and im pretty sure its not all of our isp connection as some 1 said.and before pathfinding it never had this problem.so it must be a sl issue please fix it.

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Riaz Loopen wrote:


I am a scripter and creator of one of these avatar flight assisted games. Since the pathfinding update there has definitely been a marked issue with regard to assisted flight in sl. I have tested with various flight assists and the issue is common to all assists. The problem shows when moving diagonally along the z axis during flight. Now there is something else i have noticed which is very peculiar, if you do test this take note of the altitude readin built into any viewer. At the time during which you are caught in the "lag spike" you will notice your altitude meter reads as you being at 4096 meters when infact you may be way above or byond this height. I really hope Lindens to take note of this issue and create an official jira with intent to solve this problem at some stage.

Riaz,you can and should open a JIRA on this issue yourself. Also, you mention being above 4096 meters - does this only happen above that level? There are fundamental differences between altitudes above and below 4096 meters.

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Well, I tried again with the MystiTool, on "Fasterer" setting, above 4096 this time, and I still can't figure out how to make the problem occur.

I'm wondering... because folks seem to associate this with the Pathfinding update, could it possibly be that this only arises on sims with the update but with Pathfinding disabled?  (I don't actually know where to find one of those to test for this, and I'm not currently able to turn it off of any sims myself.)

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Tried with my Omicron flight assist, my Jetpack, Argent's flight feather, and all work fine, no issues.

However, what you describe sounds like what happened to me one day when my flight assist crashed.  Any attempt to fly made me fly helplessly into the next sim. I reset the script and all back to normal.

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Thinking about what happened when my assist crashed, I decided to look at what may cause that.

And it seems I have found at least one way to simulate the condition.


    touch_start(integer total_number)
        vector pos=llGetPos();
        float height=pos.z-llGround(ZERO_VECTOR);


Wear that, click it while in flight mode. Your hover height will be set. Now click the 'stop flying' button. Your controls get stuck.  If you hit the 'stop flying' button while you have any momentum, you fly off the sim uncontrolably. 

I'm not sure if this is new behavior, but certainly your flight assist should check to see if you leave flight mode and remove any llSetHoverHeight() setting.  (using llStopHover()) 

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wack is 100 percent correct so is riaz it is not the hud I noticed this even before this was posted again this is sl and its pathfinding 1 and 2 sl has managed too freak up more than there fixing if its not broke don't fix it there changing other stuff that don't need changing and not doing as all online company's do I say shut sl down a few hours and then add the servers and do it properly  none of the repliers have even put this hud on too even say its the hud misty tool has nothing on this assist nor flight feather IM not bashing IM just giving my opinion i love being a hampster on a rolling wheel please sl fix this issue all im saying

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