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Is the MP Offline for anyone else?

Arwen Serpente

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Hi All!

Every time I try to access the MP, I get this message:

The connection was reset
             The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.
  The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few
  If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's network
  If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure
    that Firefox is permitted to access the Web.


Is it just me, or is something up?

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Peggy Paperdoll wrote:

An easy first check is to go to the Grid Status page.

Though it's sometimes a few minutes behind problems that occur anywhere in SL it's pretty much up to date.....and official, too

Bookmark it for future reference.


OP's post was written at least 20 minutes after MP was down for me. I have been refreshing the Grid Status page since then, no word for about an hour so my next place to check was here and found this post a few minutes ago. So obviously the Grid Status page is not the best place to find answers.

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Shutting off the website seems like a pretty desperate way to compensate for the fact that yesterday's sales slump couldn't simply be continued by the same means.

OTOH, I was making a little too much money before this incident occurred, at least for someone who has neither converted to DD nor opened an in-world shop. 

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It's the best place to find an "official" answer.......perhaps the only place to find such an answer.  The delay with a posting on the Grid Status page just might be explanable by the fact that today is Sunday, late afternoon.  Whatever happened to the MP was definitely not planned and grid monkeys almost undoubtedly had to be called into work to check out what the problem is.  It's for that reason, that any apparent problems with anything SL should be reported to the appropriate LL support people.....otherwise the problem persists before any attention is brought forward for longer (possibly until the next day when those grid monkeys report for their regular day's work).  Once reported time has to be allowed for someone to check it out and then notify the appropriate people to advise the users.  On a Sunday afternoon just how long do you think that time frame may be?  5 minutes or even an hour is probably a little unrealistic.

I've been in those grid monkey's shoes.  They are on call and are required to check out complaints after some threshold is reached for such complaints.  They are sitting at home watching TV, maybe eating dinner with their family, perhaps they just put a steak on the grill and get a call.......they have to drop everything personal and go to work (often it's a false alarm).   It's not always fun or pleasant......but they do it.  And the notice was out pretty darn quickly considering the day of the week and the time of day this apparently happened.

Asking here is not a bad idea..........but after LL has been notified.  Someone notified LL and it appears it was no one who's responded to this thread so far.  I know I didn't...........I have no use for Market Place (for reasons I won't go into).

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As I said, I checked the grid status, and there was no info. I'm a Merchant, coming here to the Merchant forum to ask if anyone else is experiencing the issue makes perfect sense. If I'm the only one, then it is my problem, If others have the issue too, then I can file a support ticket.

In any case, it is back online now as far as I can tell.

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Peggy, if the problem is with the end user it looks identical to an LL problem that has yet to be posted on the grid status report.  That's why people ask on the forums.  If everyone says "works for me" they can get a clue from that response that the grid status page will never give them.  The grid status page does not report issues that are end user specific which is why an end user problem and an LL problem not yet posted on the grid status page look identical.  Since there is absolutely no way to know whether or not the lack of information points to the earlier or latter, posting on the forums is more efficient. 


I've no idea why you think being "official" is more important than being timely.  So long as the information is accurate, timely is better.

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>In any case, it is back online now as far as I can tell.

Yes, apparently after finding some other way to assure that no one will order anything, or that, if they order, nothing happens.

Zero new orders is a suspicious number to my own shop by this time.

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Arwen Serpente wrote:

As I said, I checked the grid status, and there was no info. I'm a Merchant, coming here to the Merchant forum to ask if anyone else is experiencing the issue makes perfect sense. If I'm the only one, then it is my problem, If others have the issue too, then I can file a support ticket.

As a suggestion, if you want to contact other merchants in real time, try the group "Second Life Commerce Merchants".

The only thing with a forum thread is that asking "is this working?" be it Marketplace, logins, website or any other aspect of SL, it's a time limited thread that could well be resolved in the time it takes a couple of people to respond.

This thread is 100% dead but will still be here.

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Sassy Romano wrote:

Arwen Serpente wrote:

As I said, I checked the grid status, and there was no info. I'm a Merchant, coming here to the Merchant forum to ask if anyone else is experiencing the issue makes perfect sense. If I'm the only one, then it is my problem, If others have the issue too, then I can file a support ticket.

As a suggestion, if you want to contact other merchants in real time, try the group "Second Life Commerce Merchants".

The only thing with a forum thread is that asking "is this working?" be it Marketplace, logins, website or any other aspect of SL, it's a time limited thread that could well be resolved in the time it takes a couple of people to respond.

This thread is 100% dead but will still be here.

But this is where I checked immediately, and this is where I saw Arwen's post. There will always be some of us who check here first.

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A lot depends on your browser and OS and such, but that message does make me thing you might be using the Google public DNS servers, because I have seen some very similar error messages from that.

And when I switched back to my ISP's DNS, the problem vanished.

The Internet is not reliable, and figuring out where the problem is can be tricky.



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