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My avatar and its hair acting up for no reason


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Hi, my avatar itself is acting up on any Sandbox island, wiether I teleport to a Sandbox island or I am already on a Sandbox island, my avatar was fine all morning and afternoon but then at around 5pm carrying on until 7pm right before I decided to just log out of the Secondlife program for the day my avatar started acting up.

I do not know as to if I just kept landing on some kinda odd pose spots that someone had been messing with on Sandbox island or if its something else thats going on with my avatar, all I know is at 5pm until 7pm lastnight my avatar started acting up while I was attempting to edit it and open purchased items for it to try on.

What exactly my avatar appeared to be doing, well I dont know what it was doing exactly, but what it looked like to me was somehow while I was trying to open an item up to be able to apply it to my avatar, it was just a simple lip gloss shine item, and all the sudden when I clicked on it to open it, my avatar runs or something, like does very fast running motion before it then seems to run into something huge like a black wall or something and then after it does that theres a huge club room showing up to the right of my avatar which was not there before, and when I try to see my avatar, I find her laying on her side on the ground of the island, in what appeared to be some kind of sexual Humping pose, but I couldnt get her out of it, no matter where I clicked, I clicked on her to try to get her to stand up or even to sit down, I tried making her move like walking or running or flying and all that did was drag her in that pose she was in around the island, it was extremely odd and embarrassing because it really did look like she was in some kind of sexual humping pose where the male avatar is supposed to go while he is to be holding a female avatar right infront of him as if humping the female avatar from behind while laying down.

I couldnt get her out of this odd pose thing for about 1 to 2 hours before some random male user decided to add me to his friendslist and then he and I got to speaking a bit, but like only a few sentences before I mentioned to him that my avatar was having an issue and I couldnt get her out of the appearant pose she seemed to be in, he then tried to teleport my avatar to where he was on second life to help me get out of the pose issue I was in, which worked, but he ended up taking me to not even another Sandbox island but a random teenage hangout place, my avatar did turn to normal, meaning it stood up correctly and stopped with the wierd pose while there, but everytime I tried to teleport to a Sandbox island my avatar seemed to be continuesly falling from the air and everytime she was about to land on the island ground, she repeated falling, she wouldnt stop doing this no matter what I did, in fact half the time she didnt even come close to landing on the ground she would just be falling in the air and then midway down shed keep acting like she hit the ground on one of her feet with the knee bent, while the other leg was bent, basically it simplly looked like how she landed was in a males wedding proposal kneel with the male on one foot and the other on his knee as he proposes to whoever hes trying to be married to, but the difference from my avatar doing the full proposing pose was that her legs were in the correct posistion for a few seconds before she was on both her hands and her head was down as if she was trying to do the instinctive bracing ones self as it assumed it was really going to fall to the ground or run into something, but then a few seconds later she got back up as if she had tripped and fallen like that but didnt fall completely but instead kept bracing herself so she didnt fall completely, then she got back up from where shed apparently fallen and then she went back to falling again, I couldnt get her to stop so I just decided to log out for the night.

While she was falling she looked like she was shocked to even know she was falling, she looked as if she was freaking out a bit infact while she was falling, I do not know what was causing it, I tried to move, run, walk, fly, adjust camera angle and what not but nothing helped at all, I have yet to log back into the program today because I really do not want to find out the problem I had lastnight is still occuring, its really embarrassing because not only am I a noob to this game, but I am also extremely new to this game and from how Ive been online on programs like these, being new to these kind of virtual worlds has always been shunned by various users be they noobs themselves or pros at these programs, either way its definitantly not fun at all being laughed at about this, being bullied about this or even being seen doing this because I cannot seem to control this at all and it seems to just be random that my avatar is doing this.


Not only this problem I am currently facing on Second life but I am also facing another problem that also started occuring lastnight, it started at the same time my new male friend who was trying to assist me in the game teleported me to where he was so he could actually help me and see my avatar, after he teleported me and could see my avatar he asked me if my avatar has any hair to wear, I asked him why hed ask that and I answered him and said "yes, my avatar does have hair to wear, shes currently wearing a free hair now", he then told me he  infact could not see the hair at all and that my avatar just appeared to be "bald with little puff balls on both sides of your avatars head" (that is exactly what he told me), I told him those puff balls were just my cat ears, but I was a bit concerned that my hairstyle I was wearing was not showing to anyone else but me, he told me to try switching hairstyles to see if its just an issue with the one I was at the time wearing, I did and he told me that while it was loading he saw it but then after it loaded I ended up being bald again, we waited for 20 min but still no hair showed up at all, he told me to try relogging into the program, I did, the result from him was that I was still bald from his computers screen view, yet the whole time I wore any hair I could completely see it the whole time, only when I removed any hair was I even bald, so I do not know what the heck is going on with my hairstyles but apparently they will not show up to anyone but me, they are free hairstyles but if I were to purchase a non free hairstyle I fear id be spending my virtual money on secondlife for nothing if the non free hairstyles refuse to be visible to anyone besides me while I wear any hairstyles at all too.


I dont know how to fix these problems Im having, I dont know what to do about this, I dont know why my avatar keeps acting up randomly, I dont know why no hairstyle I have to wear will not show to anyone who isnt me seeing my own avatar.

Help, answers, anything that will help me or even fix these issues Im having Id like very much to recieve.


Also I have another question that is not exactly related to my issues with my avatar, but more of a question Ive had ever since I started using second life last year, my question is

Why does my avatar look like shes 30 years old no matter what skin and what facial changes I make to her head, shes always looking like some 30 to 40 year old mother, shes got tons of wrinkles and even when she wears a teenage looking skin, she still looks like shes some sort of model body form stressed out 30 to 40 year old mother, so she looks young from everything but the face, but when it comes to the face the skin looks youngish but the way her facial features show such as wrinkles and such, the skins I buy do not have any of those issues from what the catalog shows, but while I wear the skin it looks like my avatar is a 30 to 40 year old mom, its really annoying.


Well I logged back into the program this morning just now and everything with how my avatar is moving seems fixed and all good now, I dunno if my free hairstyles are visible to anyone else or not though. I googled about why my avatar looks aged, according to most of the answers I found, the reason is the skin, so depending on the skin I make my avatar wear, it will change how old/young my avatar looks. So all the issues appear to be fixed except the hair issue but then again that hair Im wearing is free since I am still on the search for epic non free hair for my avatar, so it might just not work right because its free, I dunno, but I do know ill be buying a non free hairstyle and hopefully my male friend will be online when I wear it so that he can tell me wiether or not my hairstyle is then showing up or not.

It's ok now everything is working properly, thanks for the advice/help... Sorry for making my post stuff so big.
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6 answers to this question

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You're probably too young to get this reference, but you sound like a 33 1/3 rpm record played at 78. :smileyvery-happy:

Try picking just ONE problem, and state it in no more than five lines of text.  Your keyboard will thank you, and so will we.

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You describe, as far as I can make out, multiple issues.

I would suggest -- quite seriously -- that you do a clean reinstallation of your viewer -- that is, completely uninstall it and then reinstall it, as explained here, that you check your graphics drivers are up to date, and that you also reboot your cable modem by unplugging it from the power supply, leaving it for a minute or so, and then reconnecting.

That should fix most, if not all, of them.

I'm a bit puzzled about your being stuck in animations -- that would make sense if it was confined to a particular sim, but not if it's really happening in all the sandboxes you visit but nowhere else.

Anyway, try what I suggest and then let us know what happens.


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I finally read the essay posted and I think that Rainbow has a bad internet connection.

Losing packets would explain a lot of these issues where the local session fails to get all the information needed to render the correct in-world status of Rainbows avatar. The lack of corrected avatar scripting states and the differing views of the avatar in the local versus observed in-world POVs all point to lost packets and information between the PC SL Session and SL Servers.

Rainbow - Please make sure you have a "wired" connection to the router giving you access to the internet and test again.

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Okay, I can relate to being wordy when trying to explain something.........I'm guilty of that myself.  But your post, besides be wordy (which I can forgive), you wonder all over the place with issues.  That makes is almost impossible for anyone to offer any meaningful help.  A basic tenant of troubleshooting is to work on one issue at a time, fix that and see what's left to fix.  When I run into what appears to mulitple problems I take the first issue that comes up..........in your case that appears to be the animation problem.  When animations happen unexpectedly they are usually some worn item.  The first thing to try would be to "detach all".......if the problem is caused by a worn item that should stop it.  They see if you have the other problems........if you do then work on that issue.  Keep doing that until you find and fix the problem....yeah, it can be tedious but sometimes finding a fixing problems are a little tiresome.

Try that then come back and tell us if it fixed it or what problems still exist.  As others have mentioned, use the "Edit" feature for your post to add information or comments instead of starting a new thread.

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