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I'm sick of waiting LL

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I want to be able to login again, but you sure are taking your sweet time with that. :/ Calling them didn't help either, at all. Tried to say some place called CrossWorlds is doing a chargeback on my paypal. I never even used it at all, and have told them this.I found out who did do it, and the person paid me back already. >_>

Sooo sooo soo sick of waiting for LL and this CrossWorlds place to respond. -__-



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With 209 posts in less than 2 months, it appears you're quite active on the forums.  So I'm sure you know everyone here are mere residents, just like you.  So that part of your first sentence really doesn't make much sense (actually your entire post makes little sense).  We can't speed up your being able to log in again......only Linden Lab can do that (and there's little or no chance some Linden will stumble in here to read your post).  Like I said I'm sure you already know that.

But since you posted in the publically available forums I'll give you what I think you are up against, and my suggestions on what to do.  It's pretty obvious someone other than you gained access to your account.  It could be that you willingly allowed such access (not a particularly good idea) but it also could be that your account was accessed without your consent.....meaning your account has been compromised.  An account being compromised is something LL takes very seriously.  Whenever LL learns of a compromised account, the first thing they do is put the account on hold and deny access to anyone.  That's not only for your protection, it's for their's too (they are required to protect your personal data and to remain protected from legal consequences they have to shut off access to the account).  How LL became aware of this (possibly) unauthorized access to your account remains a mystery to me but I'm going to guess.  You saw that charge back to this Crossworlds and called LL to complain (or find out what it was all about).  You probably told them that you did not make a purchase or otherwise do anything with your account to get a charge back......which is telling LL that your account was compromised.  Your account was immediately placed on hold at that point.  I'm sure LL told you to contact PayPal and to change your password (you know the basic and elementry security measures you should already be very aware of).

Now it seems you actually know who did the charges to your PayPal account and that the money has been paid back to you.  That's odd, in itself.  Why, if you knew who it was, did you even call LL?  Maybe it was your son/daughter or husband/wife or boyfriend/girlfriend.....even your most trusted next door neighbor.  Who knows except you?  The point is, your post is confusing and doesn't make a lot of sense to me and raises a lot of questions.........if it does that to me I imagine it does it doubly for LL.  They are going to investigate, look at the server logs, check whatever you told them on the phone.  Are who you said you are?  You told them your account was accessed without your knowledge and they will do everything they can to verify everything you told them before they release your account.

My suggestion..........wait.

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Shelby Silverspar wrote:

Based on the message you have it's possible your avi is ghosted and whatever sim it's stuck on needs a restart. Also - sometimes when I have gotten that message myself, logging in an alt will fix it, sometimes not.

I'm going to try that with this alt. Thanks for the help

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Peggy Paperdoll wrote:

It happens..........but not nearly as much as a year or so ago. 

The teleporting and finding all your prim attachments shoved up your butt occassionally crops up too..........darn I miss those old days. 

No one ever shows me these ghosts any more :matte-motes-crying:  They said in the Beta group chat a couple of weeks ago it was happening again, but no one came up with the goods.

I still sometimes find half my wig missing when I teleport. Occasionally. Depending which wig I'm wearing.

And naughty Linden people teleporting a ton of us over to The Cornfield3 last week (tuts and smiles).

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I've said this before personally; let me say it here.

I still have not seen a more understandable 'how to' in Second Life than yours regarding Ghosting. You described the symptom, you described the reason it happened. Then you gave a way to resolve it with someone's help, adding that there was a DIY method (which you ALSO explained, in detail but in simple easy to understand terminology).

I've done a lot of instruction writing. For several years I worked with someone else who shared my opinion: if you do it right, you should be able to go out the door, bring someone in off the street, and have them do whatever the object was, using nothing but your documentation. We never actually DID that, you understand—a lot of the time the equipment in question was in the quarter million dollar and up range—but that was the standard we tried to meet.

You aced it with the Ghost thing. You should probably go out and find other problems and write about how to resolve them.  After you've finished your broccoli, of course. :smileywink:


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I second that, Dillon.  Marigold has helped so many ghosted people in the past she's a legend, in my eyes. 

Some day I'll tell you how I met Marigold in-world.  :)   A hint: I was ghosted and she found me using her secrete ghost busting method and offered to help me.  But I already knew I was ghosted and had just unghosted myself when I got her offer to help.  We've been on each other's friend's list snce......and that was (what?) two or three years ago?  Marigold has never sought recognition for her help........but she deserves it in spades.

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@ Dillon and Peggy - thanks for the amazing compliments.

@ Dillon. Although when the latest batch of ghosting briefly occured earlier this year, the old 'back door' method wasn't as effective, and it really was essential people got in touch with LL directly, I had a ton of fun, and a great deal of personal achievement. Your comment means a lot, because many years ago when I was at school, an English teacher wrote on my school report that I had a "very unusual turn of phrase", "untidy handwriting", "restless in class".  In RL I write a lot, for various reasons, but the only instructions are in the form of requests, which I type, because I do indeed have untidy handwriting "

@ Peggy.  Yes, it must be more than two years now that you (both :matte-motes-wink:) have been on my friend list.  I remember very clearly how we met.  Your ghost beautifully positioned along the railway line. It was like a treasure hunt, and there you were, a golden nugget :matte-motes-big-grin:

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Dillon Levenque wrote:

Ghostbusting? Did you say ghostbusting?



Sorry, could not resist. But you are
right that Marigold has never asked for or even taken the credit she deserves for all the help she provided for so many people.

Hahaha - superb outfit, Dillon. 

Regarding credit - the main thing was, I wasn't banned from SL for messing up the servers with all those "try and try and try until you log in" instructions I gave out!!! 

/me slides back into my comfy chair. I've had me 15 minutes of 'fame' *chortles*

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Well, it's still not 10:18:11 SLT/PDT yet, is it? You got about half an hour.

P.S. I've heard of people having their accounts put on hold for weeks/months. If it all got resolved in one day, I think I would consider myself lucky. But I'm a glass half full kinda guy.

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Marigold Devin wrote:


@ Dillon and Peggy - thanks for the amazing compliments.

@ Dillon. Although when the latest batch of ghosting briefly occured earlier this year, the old 'back door' method wasn't as effective, and it really was essential people got in touch with LL directly, I had a ton of fun, and a great deal of personal achievement. Your comment means a lot, because many years ago when I was at school, an English teacher wrote on my school report that I had a "very unusual turn of phrase", "untidy handwriting", "restless in class".  In RL I write a lot, for various reasons, but the only instructions are in the form of requests, which I type, because I do indeed have untidy handwriting "

@ Peggy.  Yes, it must be more than two years now that you (both :matte-motes-wink:) have been on my friend list.  I remember very clearly how we met.  Your ghost beautifully positioned along the railway line. It was like a treasure hunt, and there you were, a golden nugget :matte-motes-big-grin:

The bout of ghosting in January was caused by something different, a problem caused by a server "upgrade."

Outside of that I am not aware of a verified case of ghosting in ages.

I did love the humor in this thread last January.


This thread went into more detail on the problem at that time.


Your work on ghost busting has been fabulous.

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Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

Well, it's still not 10:18:11 SLT/PDT yet, is it? You got about half an hour.

P.S. I've heard of people having their accounts put on hold for weeks/months. If it all got resolved in one day, I think I would consider myself lucky. But I'm a glass half full kinda guy.

By the time I read this I figured out why(today). The issue is now resolved. I shall have access back to the account by Monday or so. I've used LL's "support" system to commuicate with them over it. I've provided screenshots of everything, just now in my ticket.

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