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how do i get money?


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3 answers to this question

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You can earn L$ if you are talented enough and can make items that other people want to buy, or if you have a special talent as a performer and can convince people to pay to watch (listen) to your work, or if you have a high tolerance for risk and deep pockets and want to speculate in real estate, or you can find games that pay you a meager sum to play them.  The absolute best way to get L$, however, is to buy them.  L$100 is about 40 cents US, so for the cost of a Big Mac, fries, and a drink, you can live like a king.  You can earn enough in an afternoon in RL to set you up for a long time in SL, and it would take you WAY longer to earn the same amount of L$ in world. So..... get L$ by saving your lunch money and bringing it in world with you.

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