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Farewell, Dobinson

Triple Peccable

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Yes, I am going to have to retract what I said earlier. I still have one parcel there in Dobinson, and I set it to my home for a test. When the sim had 40 or 41 people in it, I was still able to TP in using the Home button.

Maybe that explains one time when I saw 78 people in a mainland sim. I thought it was just a glitch, but maybe they all had their home set there.


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i went to have a look at the club

was quite a lot of normal chat. hardly any gestures compared to some other clubs

also the owner seems to try to mitigate as best they can. build/voice/fly off and 221 LI out of 937. ktris was about 330. compared to 890 on my linden homes sim

one thing more the owner could do is turn off the option to see avatars on other parcels on sim. if turn that off then can help to reduce the load on the neighbours when they on their parcels close by

also owner could restrict sounds to club parcel. that can help as well to make things better 

not sure what else owner can do to ameliorate resource hogging the way SL works


can def see what is the problem for you tho. is lots of avatars on there so the sim works quite hard to keep up

only fix for this i think is a change to avatar per parcel accounting instead of per sim. would be a good thing if estate owner could have a option to manage that. not sure if linden will ever do that on mainland tho even if was available to estates bc 65536 / 512 = 128 (>40)


is a shame bc is a really lovely sim. can see why you a bit upset. i would be as well


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  • 1 month later...

Well, LL got what it appears it wanted.

I have sold most of my land, stopped most of my advertising, and have only 1 small shop left, dubbed "The Remnants of Triple Labs".

So my tier and advertising is down from $250 to $350USD/month (where it has been for almost 5 years) to $25 USD/month, and I might even just pull out all together.

Way to go, LL.


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  • 3 weeks later...

LL has always made the rules up as it goes along. In the past I've tried in vain to get clarifications on community guidelines, questions which they were totally unable to answer in any consistent way that made any sense on reading of the guidelines.

However, having said all that, this is exactly the reason that I don't buy mainland... because you have absolutely no say over tyour neighbours no matter how much you dislike them. Buy a private region and control the whiole thing yourself.


oh and.. boy that sounds like a very succesful club!


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  • 1 month later...

Ha! This guy has now moved his club to a small 1344m parcel in Bay City!

It will be very interesting, to me if no one else, to see if LL tolerates him destroying a sim in Bay City the way he destroyed Dobinson.

I, on the other hand, have reduced my monthly tier from $292.50/month to $8/month. That is what I call voting with your wallet.

I have basically left SL. Development has stopped completely, and the only reason I still log in at all is for customer support when needed. That is what I call voting with your feet.

Good luck, LL.


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Yeah, but he made a bad choice: he picked a G-rated sim. The avatars (or bots or zombies or whatever they are) seem addicted to not-so-G-rated gesture spam. I'm thinking that won't last long.

Hmmm.  On the other hand, I see Dobinson is also G-rated. Maybe I just caught the spamming hordes over-excited by their posh new surroundings.

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Triple Peccable wrote:

Ha! This guy has now moved his club to a small 1344m parcel in Bay City!

It will be very interesting, to me if no one else, to see if LL tolerates him destroying a sim in Bay City the way he destroyed Dobinson.


So far they seem to be, though I know quite a few Bay Citizens are hopping mad. Much like the experience in Dobinson, he is taking Bay City - Sconset to a crawl, and all on a small chunk of the region. One of those affected is a Japanese landowner who owns large chunks of Bay City, and who contacted me today about this issue. I wonder which will win out: the owner of 1 1344m parcel, or the fellow who owns substantially more?

I find myself VERY suspicious of this club. Not to try to poo-pooh his success, but even some of the top clubs in SL don't pull down that sort of traffic, 24/7. There's almost no one talking. Most are not even dancing or on the dance floor. Just standing in place. They can't be engaged in conversation. I don't see any obvious signs of camping, and the people there mostly don't look like bots but... something does not add up.

I know many have been sending in "abuse of Region Resources" notices. I wonder if much will be done. I've long believed in squeaky wheels and grease, but this time... who knows?

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Marianne McCann wrote:

 I wonder which will win out: the owner of 1 1344m parcel, or the fellow who owns substantially more?

This thread seems to indicate that LL does not care at all about the amount of tier someone is paying (unless you're an Atlas member).

It makes perfect sense to me, because I believe LL has given up on SL in its current form. This type of situation is a perfect example of why: Virtual worlds are just too much trouble.

I think the current path is one of moving away from the "virtual world / resident" model to more of a "game platform / player" model. The word "resident" implies things like rights, disputes, governance, rule enforcement, etc. LL no longer has the manpower to deal with such things.

If I am right about LL making a decision to move in that direction, then issues like this one will be totally ignored.

The only "players" who matter at this point are the Atlas members (those paying $5000USD/month in tier or more). As long as LL can keep them happy enough to prevent them from pulling out, then they *might* be able to survive during this transition to a game platform.

But SL has never been a game to me. I am not interested in games. LL would have to continue to provide a true virtual world in order to get me to stick around, but I have lost all faith in LL to do so. Most of the personnel that are left at LL just don't "get it". They came along after the brilliant minds that created and designed SL left or got fired, and do not have a good understanding of the real virtues of a virtual world.

And with Rodvik at the helm it's games all the way, baby!


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This to me, seems to be another symptom of the fact that LL are reactive not proactive when it comes to the policing (if I can call it that) of the grid as a whole.  They have always relied on the residents to report and from my own experience with the time it takes to resolve any issue reported or AR'd, it has become progressively much lengthier.  Imagine your typical AR - LL, Resident A is spamming Group B with his DJ gigs, or LL, someone is wrong in SL :P  Some of the things I see being complained about in groups are totally asinine and others in the group reply with - oh, AR, file a ticket. 

Also, it has been my experience that you can now ask one question from any number of LL staff & receive that many answers.  This is typical of a system that has grown to a point of being so disfunctional, that getting back on track, is a major task unto itself.  The result is that you have things being patched up and put together with spit and duct tape because it's easier to put out the little fires than it is to actually turn off the torch. 

Bottom line, I think that their main focus would be keeping the revenue streams going as best they can so their major players would be on that end.  Policing would be far down the line and other than 'the squeaky wheel getting the grease' all else sits until someone pulls that AR or ticket out of the bowl.

I love sl and rely on it daily - so my hope is that things improve of course.  I only wish they would become more reactive when it comes to policing the grid.  I think they would realize that leaving the control to the inmates is not such a good idea after all :P  

I remember when I first came to sl and my good friend set me up with a little patch of land on her mainland sim.  I discovered building and scripting and everything else and was in heaven.  Until one day, not even 6 months old I think, the sim was wonky.  She called a Linden who actually tp'd to where we were.  I had actually caused the problem and he thought at first I was a griefer.  Anyway, this all took place in like half an hour.   Not the 4 or 5 months it took for me to have a mega prim removed that was part way through my build deck and sim last year or so.

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At the moment, Bay City - Sconset is completely empty and isn't allowing avatars in by TP nor by region crossing--although scripted objects can still enter and function in the sim.

Can't prove cause and effect, of course, but if I had business on that sim, I'd not be very happy about it.

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It's sad to see a person like you go while the other has moved on to terrorizing other more high profile areas... This shows very poorly on LL and they way they manage undesireable aspects (people) in this game. This is a lose-lose situation for them, they could have and should have tried to prevent this specific situation from escalating to what it has became. They've lost a substancial amount of money and have not been proactive enough in resolving issues that will only create more problems for them and the residents of SL in the future.

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I had a thought - This club was previously in Dobinson, a waterfront mainland sim, even though it didn't really have any reason to be on the water. It created such a load on the sim that people abandoned or dumped prime waterfront real estate. I swung by Dobinson and a lot of it is now on sale for pretty high prices.

Now, this club appears in Bay City, home of probably the highest average real estate prices in SL, despite not really having any reason to be there. It's creating a load on the sim and people are having a hard time using their expensive property.

Is anyone familiar with the term, "blockbusting?"



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I had much the same issue in Nangrim. My brother and I owned some 2/3 of the whole mainland region. A Brazilian casino bought 2048m^2 of land then added another 1024m^2. Soon they kept the sim filled 24/7. I had to sit on the sim edges to manage the business I ran. Eventually, I cammed in and set all my land for sale. My brother did the same. Our only consolation is that the casino paid us a fortune – well more than what it was worth – and within a week gambling was banned. We were able to buy back a couple small lots dirt cheap and we still have land there now.

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  • 1 month later...

There is a suspsious parcel a region over from me that has 34-38 people signed in at all times on mainland. If it was like a big plot of land with like a club you could see then I wouldn't be taking such notice.. however its a plot of 512 land and no matter how much I fly around I cannot seem to find where those avatars are that are all showinging up on world map in that one spot.

on the ground level I have noticed someone put up two lag meters as if to test how much lag is being made between the regions. If land regions on main land can be bogged down by excessive alt account abuse. then whats to stop someone from basicly taking the entire SL mainland grid offline by spaming every region that they can get land on?

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Green dots on the map/minimap, but when you tp in, you don't see them?
There are a bunch of invisible avatars strewn across the grid, usually one per sim.
Set name tags to be permanently on to find them.
It seems, that someone is doing a load test with a load of these.
Also see this thread:

Btw, you have a maps-link or a slurl?


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