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This is very sad.

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I have been playing with V3 for a while now and have decided to start using it for more than just standing around seeing where its parts are. One of the things I do in SL is take photos so I have a history of my SL, but there is a line across my photos. Why is there a line across my photographs? Yes I know if you make the photo very small the line is not there, but then the photo is useless.

I am using the Beta Viewer because .254524 was crashing a lot. I am not getting as many crashes with the Beta, but then this photo thing, ewwww.

I have seen this error before but thought it would be fixed by now, new viewer and all.

This is a show stopper for me. I am going back to Imprudence.


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I don't have any problems with snapshots myself. However, this issue came up last autumn in another thread....


and a Jira...


There are various suggestions there to improve matters but in the Jira, the reporter fixed the problem with a graphics card driver update.

Are you using an Nvidia card too and how up to date is your driver?

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Yes, I now have an Asus GTX 550 Ti 1G mem. Drivers are up to date and have been taken back and then brought forward again. And the video card is only a little over one month old replacing my 8800 GTS 512. Same problem with the older card too, as you saw in my other post, forgot about that one :).  Another reason this is so sad.



If you don't have a line, then could I ask what settings you are using to take photos. And your OS too. I am using XP Pro. Could that be where my problem is? I am so happy to hear that others don't have the problem, that means maybe I can fix the problem. Thanks.

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I don't have a line.  have taken at least 100 pix for my blog in the last month.  No Line.  Here are my specs:

Second Life 3.3.1 (254524) Apr 24 2012 06:28:07 (Second Life Release)
Release Notes

CPU: Intel® Core i5 CPU 750 @ 2.67GHz (2660.18 MHz)
Memory: 6104 MB
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 64-bit Service Pack 1 (Build 7601)
Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Graphics Card: GeForce GT 220/PCIe/SSE2

Windows Graphics Driver Version: 8.17.0012.9610
OpenGL Version: 3.3.0

libcurl Version: libcurl/7.21.1 OpenSSL/0.9.8q zlib/1.2.5 c-ares/1.7.1
J2C Decoder Version: KDU v6.4.1
Audio Driver Version: FMOD version 3.750000
Qt Webkit Version: 4.7.1 (version number hard-coded)
Voice Server Version: Not Connected
Built with MSVC version 1600


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If you don't have a line, then could I ask what settings you are using to take photos. And your OS too. I am using XP Pro. Could that be where my problem is? I am so happy to hear that others don't have the problem, that means maybe I can fix the problem. Thanks."


My settings in preferences are "High".  No shadows or depth of field (not because of a line problem but because I think shadows are ugly and the DoF just looks like a blurry mess).  Other than that, my draw distance is almost set at 256 meters, with sky and terrain at medium.......everything else is pretty much maxed out.

My video card is the GTX550Ti 1 GB (just like your's I beiieve).  Driver version 296.10 (the most recent as of a month or so ago).  Windows 7 x64 with 16 GB DDR3 system RAM.

I couldn't tell you if your problem is XP.  I do know XP is getting quite ancient as far as operating systems are concerned.  Microsoft is going to quit supporting it in about a year or so so you really should think about getting a better OS.......soon.

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Wow, a draw distance of 256 meters, I never go over 120 or so, even with Imprudence.  And I don't think I have any settings that are maxed out. My computer is about 5 years old.  But I think I have solved my problem, at least it better solve it.  I just ordered a new computer.  6 core, win 7 x64, 8 GB DDR3-1600 memory (got 4 x 2 so I can add more later if I need to).  Will be a week and a half to get here, spent money on computer and not shipping.
Thanks all for your input.
Crosses finger.

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