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How well does the GeForce GTX 560 Ti graphics card measure up?

Sinister Vortex

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Getting a custom built desktop to use for SecondLife instead of trying to use my laptop. Specs are listed below:

CPU - Q9550
Motherboard - XFX 780i sli
Ram - 8GB DDR2 (4 sticks of 2GB)
Hard drive - Seagate Momentus XT Hybrid SSD 500GB
Graphics Card - MSI GTX 560TI Twin Frozr II edition
Operating System - Windows 7 Premium 64bit

Right now, I can't enable shadows, DoF, etc.... would like to know how this would measure up. I've tried to do a search for thi graphics card but I'm not too savy on hardware.

Thanks for any help!

NOTE: I am not having this built, I didn't choose these specs. I found this online for sale and will be trading my HP Envy laptop for it.

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Yep, I absolutely know what you mean there.  'Answers' is an incredibly bad interface.  The trick is to click 'Permalink' under someone's post to leave a comment (how obvious is that? ^^).  As the OP you have to use Options > Edit on your first post in order to add or change it as you can't reply directly.  It sucks but it's free :-(

BTW: There's no problem with posting here too but anyone answering will probably want to know what has already been said in the other thread, that's all.

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The CPU, Rams and motherboard are pretty much outdated. Unless you are getting all 3 parts for ~100 dollars and it is meant as a temporary solution i would advise against buying it.

The parts (with exception of graphics and disk)  are about 4 years old, and while they can still perform decently, they are also 3 generations behind of what is current bits.

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Don't buy that motherboard, not now, not ever. The XFX 780i is not only outdated technology but the XFX brand itself has proven to be unreliable, in my opinion and experience. I used to build custom pcs for a company that sold them, so I have had a lot of first hand experience with them.

I would be looking at getting something using an i5 or i7 technology as far as CPU goes. EVGA is a reliable brand and Asus has been building some very solid boards as well.  Graphic cards, don't spring for a Frozr II edition, not worth it, all they have is extra cooling and I think a factory overclock if I remember correctly and that is not worth it. If I may ask, what were you spending on the system you posted specs for? I have a feeling whoever is selling it is over charging you, and if thats the case, I might be able to point you towards a few companies who can custom build something better.

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A GTX560TI is great if it is a recent build with at least 256 memory bandwidth. The first editions only had 192 if i'm correct.

There is a limited edition available too now with 320 memory bandwidth. More memory bandwidth makes a huge world of difference. Make sure the card has at least 256 of it.

I would avoid Msi however. They are cheaper and less reliable.

But the motherboard... gosh that is so old (4 years or so?). A huge no no really. SL has avdvanced too much since then. At least go for an i5 or i7 (i3 is too weak). I agree that Asus is a very solid platform btw.

Best of luck.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm running a GTX 560 ti with 1.25 GB VRAM and an Intel i7 2600, running off an SSD with 256GB

I get good results with Firestorm ranging from 40-80 FPS. SL viewer 2 gives me 20 or less.

Hope this helps. I took ages trying to decide on the video card and whether to go ATI or Nvidea.


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  • 2 months later...

Like someone previously said, I would avoid the rest of the specs this person is building for you as they are probably overcharging you. As of 2012, you don't want anything less than DDR3 RAM. I can't comment much on motherboard but you could do with an iSomething from Intel or an AMD bulldozer. Graphics card is fine as long as you have an adequate power supply and if you get the DirectCUII version from Asus, cooling won't be a problem.

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