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Welcome centres not so welcoming????

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16 wrote:


about locking people up. linden used to do that by sending offenders to the Cornfield. not anymore. became a badge of honor to get sent there for some people that did. is still on the grid tho and sometimes is opened up to the public. usual at Halloween. Cornfield went south about the same time as the linden Police Blotter




I knew it!

Lindens = Buck N Roy N Pickin N"a Grinnin!

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jejejeeeje (:

is a tractor on the cornfield. it used to go once. not anymore now. i think you was supposed to like weed the corn on it or something. but most times just drive and run over any of the criminals there. me i was never a criminal. am innocent me. not like them other ppl. so was ok to run them over. well the ones not sitting on the tractor anyways jejejejejjee (:


about being a criminal

when i first was on here way back. i have a big spit about getting caged by this random flyby dude. didnt know that that could happen on my own parcel at the time. so i done some stuff

anyways, a actual forreal linden came to my parcel in a grim reaper outfit and he say to me that if i not behave then my life going to be very short.  they used to do that kinda thing in them days it  turned out. but i didnt know at the time that lindens actual had their own linden inworld accounts

i just thought he was another random greifer faking it and i was still pretty upset about what happened to me. so this greifer reaper random dude was giving me the verbals about how he was gonna make my life on SL short. he was on my land. so i shot him with a orbiter and shout: shorten that dweeb jejejejjee (: it turn out ok in the end but lol i not do that again ever or might have to go and weed corn again (:


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Knowl Paine wrote:

What!!!! No Easter Bunny?


You lie; it says, "from the Easter Bunny" on the basket.

What more proof do you need?

I'm going to tell the Easter Bunny what you said.


this reminds me of a good friends episode where monica and chandler are meeting parents of an adopted boy..they are talkign to other parents that have adopted kids because this is the onyl way they can have a baby...

so chandler head to the bathroom and see's the little boy in the hall playing with his toys..

the child looks all happy in his cubscout uniform..hi mister..

oh hi there little billy..wow you look pretty happy ..nobody could ever tell you were adopted..

the little boy says.. WHAT!!!!??? I'm Adopted??!!! \o/


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Hi. Ahern/Morris, Waterhead, Violet,Orientation island public, Help island public are some of the worst welcome areas you can possibly go to.I used to pop in there once a while, but it took me less than 10 minutes before i got annoyed and left. Now i avoid these places like a plague. Seeing how oldbies poke fun at newbies literally make my blood boil.People tend to forget that newbies are SL's future. Todays newbie could be tomorrows land baron, business man, your favorite fashion creator and so on. NCI is the only help/welcome area i go to. Yes, it still gets hit by griefers, but usually theres 1-2 land officers around.

I joined SL back in 2007. My first home was Bear infohub. People there seemed quite welcoming. I dont remember a single case where i got bullied as a new user. Instead i met some fabulous people who helped me all the way. Guess i was lucky.Nowadays you would get your butt kicked at the very least.:matte-motes-frown:

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UncommonTruth wrote:

How sad... I didn't make it to a welcome center when I joined. SL freaked out on me and I was stuck in the start tutorial thingy. I eventually figured out how to tp out of it lol. I haven't seen that greifing, haven't spent but a few minutes ever at a welcome center. Now I want to go adopt noobs. Start a group maybe,
Noobs helping Noobs
, somethin like that lol. At the very least, I will start finding welcome centers to help out.

neither did I, but seen it countless times elsewhere. I have a different start experience, I never saw the tutorial thingy. SL crashed during account creation and I ended up at one of the LL game sims when I first logged in, no clue how to even move :)

There are several organisationf for helping newbies. Places like NCI (New Citizens Inc.) are great and actively hunt down griefers in their sims.

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I always think that if a newbie can survive the freakshow that is the welcome areas they'll survive anything else SL can throw at them.  The problem appears to be that few do survive it to log back in. 

I wonder if the introduction of voice hastened the decline in the newbie retention rate.  Certainly if I'd heard half of what I've heard reported about voice when I was a newb I probably would have run and not looked back. (I don't use voice unless forced to at LL meetings, so I've missed the *ahem* charm of the pondlife)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Someone posted a video recording of his last experience on the info hubs. I wish I could find it. It was pretty much the same experience I had


You're probably referring to the SecondDrama Youtube channel right?


There's over a 100 videos on that site that show griefers at welcome areas doing their thing.

If you ever decide to hang out at welcome areas for the first time (which I don't recommend), the videos on that channel should make it fairly obvious as to who you should avoid and how to protect yourself from griefer attacks.

I also agree that Linden Lab really needs to either abolish these places altogether or find someone to moderate them.

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