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PLEs Making Things Right

Linden Lab


Good afternoon everyone,

As mentioned in our previous blog we encountered a bug that was preventing PLEs (product listing enhancements) from updating correctly. Since the bug prevented merchant ads from working as intended for an extended period, we have decided to make things right. Today we will be issuing PLE credits for time lost during the outage. So anyone with an active/expiring (which is active but won’t renew) PLE as of Monday, March 13th will get 14 days added to their account. 

You can see the added time on the MKT Subscription page by looking at the new expiration date. For example, if you bought a 30-day sub on say, March 3rd, your end date will show an end date of April 16th. Please let us know if you are having any trouble or didn’t receive the extra time. 

Happy shopping and selling!

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