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Maturity Changes in the Marketplace

Brooke Linden


Hi all,

As  many of you know, the teen grid was shut down on Friday. This week, we  will be rolling out some changes in Marketplace to ensure Residents  under 18 will not be exposed to adult content. Here is a quick summary  of what changes will be occurring.

Phase 1: 1/27 Release
On  Thursday, the Marketplace will move to the General, Moderate, and Adult  content levels already in use in the Viewer. Just prior to this release  (starting on Wednesday), we will be running a process that will add a  content level to existing items. Once the release has been completed,  you will be able to review the ratings set on your Marketplace listings  by viewing your inventory: there will be a new column “Maturity” showing  what level the item falls into. Search will now support viewing general  or moderate/adult content. Please view the updated listing guidelines (link points to the current guidelines) on Thursday for more details.

Note  that, in addition to automated process to migrate listings, it will  continue to be possible to flag listings. Please take some time after  the new guidelines are posted to review your listings and make sure they  comply. People will be able to start flagging listings based upon the  new guidelines on Thursday (though I do not expect that we will see much of this right away), so the sooner you can do this, the better!

Phase 2: by 2/28/2011
Before  the end of February, Marketplace will be updated to allow setting  maturity level preferences at a more granular level than is currently  supported, such as allowing Residents to view moderate content without  adult content included.

Why was this done in 2 steps? Timing, pure and simple. We  wanted to ensure we had the proper controls in place as soon as  possible for the teens entering the main grid. Phase 2 will provide  further refinement.

A quick update on Maturity is on the agenda for the Marketplace Office Hours on 1/26.



Recommended Comments

Pamela Galli wrote:


How about this one: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/male-in-bed/1242787

Noooo, nothing showing at all!

The MP just needs to be off limits to teens, as it has in the past.

according to the guidelines it's pg.  His genitals are covered.  He's not performing a sexual act (could just be scratching or adjusting).  Technically it's PG even though I know most 16 y/o's parents probably wouldn't want them to have it.

it's just a flaw in the system.  The guidelines are too damn vague.

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Pam and Loving,

You are looking at the listings after they had been moderated:

Dragonlady Boa wrote:

actually, that has to been the FASTEST i have seen things change in the MP. ALL of the items I flagged have been changed now, and 3 have been outright REMOVED completly! I am seriously flabberghasted!


I can assure you there was nothing PG or even mature about the listing entitled "eat it" or one or two of the others that are no longer visible. In fact,the correct category for those listings should really be pornography and not adult.

Actually this example indicates a serious shortcoming in the way that LL have implemented the rating system. By using the catch all term "Adult" to encompass everything from partial nudity to hardcore pornography, LL have completely ignored the large sector of the adult population who are not adverse to nudity yet are not interested or uncomfortable with viewing explicit sex.

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Yes, I know, after moderation.

Before this, I was a schoolteacher. Now, apparently, I work at a place that sells porn -- TO CHILDREN!

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actually, the one pam posted still shows as general to me.  I can view it without logging in and at the top it says General.

ab Vanmoer wrote:


Pam and Loving,

You are looking at the listings after they had been moderated:

Dragonlady Boa wrote:

actually, that has to been the FASTEST i have seen things change in the MP. ALL of the items I flagged have been changed now, and 3 have been outright REMOVED completly! I am seriously flabberghasted!


I can assure you there was nothing PG or even mature about the listing entitled "eat it" or one or two of the others that are no longer visible. In fact,the correct category for those listings should really be pornography and not adult.

Actually this example indicates a serious shortcoming in the way that LL have implemented the rating system. By using the catch all term "Adult" to encompass everything from partial nudity to hardcore pornography, LL have completely ignored the large sector of the adult population who are not adverse to nudity yet are not interested or uncomfortable with viewing explicit sex.

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Having followed this thread since it began and read through the transcripts of the meetings it has become clear that this entire situation is a monumental waste of time; based on spurious notions of care and even more spurious notions of potential litigation. SL like several other organisations fall flat on their face when they divert from understood and accepted patterns of web use. The smart thing to do, that is understood on a global scale where 'adult' content may be found on a site, is to have an age verification page up front. I think it is perhaps SL's misplaced guilt about hosting adult activity that prevents them from using this accepted form at the entrance to Marketplace; which, also reflects in the pointless introduction of Moderate no doubt following the Cinema format and not the www format. It is clear that the keyword filtering of products will not ever work without a massive policing force within SL and ironically SL have abansoned the best policing force they could have, the merchants themselves. This is a trust issue that 'nanny states' fall foul off. By far the best corporate, commercial and social direction to take is a simple age verification for adult and merchant/user policing; then the precious time available within SL could be spent on improving it's disasterous search engine. Fundamentally fear and deceit are driving this current process when it should be driven by confidence and trust.

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Trimmer.Navarita wrote:


...the pointless introduction of Moderate no doubt following the Cinema format and not the www format.

They have to make the distinction between moderate and adult clearer or else almost everything that should be in adult will be put into moderate

Moderate Content Is Only For 18+ Year-Old Residents.

  • Mildly sexual content, including:
    • References to sex, as long as they are not explicit or frequent.
    • Intimate avatar animations, as long as they do not depict sexual activity that is explicit or highly realistic.

Adult Content Is Only For 18+ Year-Old Residents.

  • Strong sexual content, including:
    • Depictions of anatomical nudity, including exposed genitals and/or female nipples.
    • Sexual avatar animations, including ones depicting explicit or highly-realistic sexual intercourse or oral sex.
    • Content or items intended for use in, or primarily associated with, erotic or sexual roleplay.
    • Explicit or frequent references to sex or sexual activity.

These definitions lead people to believe that if they tame down images, i.e. block out the naughty bits or show clothed people having sex, then they can classify the sex animations as moderate. Anyone can look at anything and say 'Well, in my opinion it is moderate'.

'Intimate avatar animations, as long as they do not depict sexual activity that is explicit or highly realistic.' What does this mean? We are using avatars so in my opinion nothing is highly realistic.

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The point is that they cannot make such a distinction clear in this medium; it is excrutiatingly difficult in cinema only managed by teams of people analysing each and every film to classify it. The only resource SL has capable of simply categorsing between under-18 and adult are the merchants and users; even that will be hugely variable depending on different world views. SL has entered a myre here and should get out as soon as they can by adopting recognised patterns of use in the web - the situation can be managed more subtly in-world.

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I just read the transcript from the meeting with Brooke.


I consider there are three main points that i will be very happy to see implemented, being:

First, saving you preferences from the last session you closed. With that, you set your preferences once and pretty much you won't be dabling with those ever again.

Second, by default, import your SL settings right to the MP. And maybe i'm mistaken, there was a bit of confusion in the discussion when this was broached, but the settings to be imported are the SL settings on the general tab of preferences (the main guidelines to what your SL overal rating is), not the individual settings that you have the 3 check boxes to chose from, when you are using search. Would appreciate clarification on this.

Third, an alert when you do a search and you have set a "lower" maturity rating, that there are other items not being listed due to your current maturity setting. Which i mentioned in comparison to the old xstreet, in my last post.


On the topic of the check boxes or drop down menu for the 3 (or 5 levels) to chose from during search. I think making those check boxes, will feel more familiar for the user, since it's the same way it presents to us when we use search inworld.


With these measures implemented, i'm quite alright with having a "gorean chair" rated mature. As long as the maturity rating in MP reflects by default what your inworld maturity rating is, and stores it. At the same time making people aware "there is more to see".


As a final note.

Really, i still resent the fact i keep getting commerce email for xmas specials or halloween specials or commerce opportunities, and didn't get any word on these changes. My alert on what was going on was the fact i had zero sales since these were implemented. The mailing list exists so, please figure out which one to use and use just the one.

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The problem is even worse when you search on the word "Torture" with both Mature & Adult boxes unchecked. There are many, many items available to teens under this catagory. Below are just a few of them. (I didn't know if I should flag these because I think torture devices are considered Mature in SL, rather than Adult, another case of American culture being truely screwed up.)





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im grown and verified inworld but i still can enable moderate and mature content  on marketplace cause everything is grey -_- which is causing a problem with me shopping on marketplace how do you suppose i fix this and maybe mergeing the teens wasnt such a great idea... if all these problem keep arising

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can someone please tell me how to change the rating on mine i cant figure it out

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