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Entries in this blog

Strawberry Linden

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"I just collected the update of the Akeruka Advanced M01 male mesh head. The current version is 3.5 and I never picked up the version that came in between this one and the first one. I guess there have been some subtle changes to the rigging, which explains why my shapes for it are looking slightly weird now (no mister director, I am NOT ready for my close up!). Oh well, I do love a little update project! I won’t give you a full list of credits at the end of this post, but I’ll leave some hints along the way." Read more on the blog.

Strawberry Linden

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"“WHAT IN TARNATION DID YOU DO TO YOUR HAIR?!” She almost didn’t register that the question was directed at her. She’d gotten so used to different colors and styles that it completely missed her that someone might not be ok with whatever color she’d chosen that day. It wasn’t until she looked up and saw her mother’s gaze trained on her – and most notably her now magenta toned hair – that she even knew she was being addressed." Read more on the blog.

Strawberry Linden

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"I’m still in love with the Lelutka EvoX Avalon head!!  As an accountant in RL, I tend to think of things from a financial point of view, such as how much money, in RL $, that Lelutka is making on this new head.  Yeah, I’m sure it’s a lot but then I think about all of us who really benefit from their ingenuity.  It’s a win-win if you ask me." Read more on the blog.

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