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Entries in this blog

Strawberry Linden

Elora Mysterious - 13.png

"Whether you're a newcomer or longtime Resident, your Second Life experience will benefit from using the maps. I always keep my mini-map open. Not only do I find it useful to navigate the mainland, I also use it to determine where avatars congregate and as a gauge to how busy a place is. It's also invaluable for finding friends when I've gone in-world shopping and we get separated in big stores." Read more on the blog.

Strawberry Linden

"Full avatar was only $163L!!! There's one thing I'm not good with - a budget but today I will be creating an avatar, finding a home, possibly a job for just $5usd.  The goal is to set this avatar up so they won't need to upload and can begin enjoying living their Second Life... for only 5 bucks so yes, we'll be exploring some freebies. Free but make it cute." Click to watch the video on YouTube.

Strawberry Linden

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"So, I  was thinking about profiles today.  I wondered what information do people look for in profiles? What information makes you want to even bother talking in local chat or IM a person? Your profile is your initial presentation to the (virtual) world. It can say a little or lot. Remember that there is no such thing as the perfect profile. There is, however, the perfect profile FOR YOU." Read more on the blog.

Strawberry Linden

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"Not everyone knows that you may be able to reduce the number of prims used on your property simply by linking objects together. Saving a few land impact units allows you to add more objects to your SL property. In this example we combine two objects. Right click on one of the objects and select edit, the edit window similar to that shown here will appear." Read more on the blog.

Strawberry Linden

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"I work in Gimp, a free photo editing program very similar to Photoshop. The first thing I do is duplicate my layer and change the new one to soft light mode, then I work on its transparency level. I try to not over do it, so I start with it on 100% transparency, so that the changes are invisible, and then I gradually decrease transparency until I’m happy with the result. This gives me a more controlled, less hard contrast tool." Read more on the blog.

Strawberry Linden

"Hello everybody. In this blog I show you how to make sure that the color of an object is the same or very similar to that of another object, such as a hairbase that you want the same hair color or as in my case, when I want to put a lipstick which does not totally cover the lips, and so I have to use a lipstick that covers the lips and I have to make it similar to my skin." Read more on the blog.

Strawberry Linden

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"One of the most recent of the latter to pop-up is the Dripping Wet Swimming Suite, created by Sakasi Hasudo (HerdMother) and marketed under her Lactopia brand. It is designed to provide a complete Second Life swimming experience for four-limbed human avatars (it will not by default work correctly for merfolk), I found the description and outlined functionality intriguing enough to give it a go." Read more on the blog.

Strawberry Linden

"Today I want to talk to you about rigging using Blender. The rigging is the operation that lets us have in second life an outfit that adheres perfectly to our character, that is, to our avatar, and that follows the avatar’s movements while moving. The ideal would be to have a rigging that perfectly follows the avatar’s movement even while dancing, therefore making any movement. However, this kind of rigging would take hours, would certainly be very demanding, and we could call it real art." Read more on the blog.

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