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Welcome to the Second Life Blogger Network! SLBN is a curated showcase of posts from Second Life Bloggers (and vloggers) in our community. 

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Entries in this blog

Strawberry Linden

"It's been a while since I recorded a video in Second Life. I usually Livestream. But Iso and I have a NEW Concept going where we will have Tutorials every Friday. I hope you like these videos, and if you have any questions or suggestions that you want to see and learn, you can reach us in second life. I'm Darkana Mysterious in Second Life and my Friend  Iso Redgrave In World." Watch the video on YouTube.

Strawberry Linden

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"The latest Firestorm release has a new feature (albeit one that I still consider experimental), the "performance floater". In recent blog posts, I've explained  why I created this, in earlier blogs and most recently, in "Upgraders of the lost ARC" I explained a bit about what it does. This post is all about "How to use Performance Floater". Bundled with the Performance Floater is the Autotune FPS feature, I'll also explain how this works, and how to best avoid getting yourself into a muddle with it." Read more on the blog.

Strawberry Linden

"Hey les secondlifers on se retrouve pour un tutoriel demandé et avec BollycocoFR mon avatar du guide du débutant 🥰️, le MARKETPLACE, mais alors comment ouvrir sa boutique quand on est débutant pour vendre ses produits, et oui on peut vendre tout et n'importe quoi du simple prim au plus élaboré et complexe des mesh, jusqu'au service ! Je vous montre dans cette partie 1 l'étape essentielle celle de la création de la boutique les bases donc rendez vous dans la partie 2 pour savoir comment mettre les produits à vendre sur le marketplace !"

Click to watch the video on YouTube.

Strawberry Linden

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"If you’re new to customising your Second Life avatar with mesh heads and bodies and you’ve maybe been playing around with demos (or with one of the generous gift heads and/or bodies that creators sometimes give away), you’ve probably already realised that it’s not as simple as ‘Wear shape, wear head, wear body, and you’re done’. In fact, if you’ve followed that very simple guidance, you might be looking a bit… odd. The simple fix for that is to wear the shape included with your mesh head instead of the shape included with your mesh body, but… what if you don’t like what that ‘mesh head shape’ does to your body? This post will help you get that fixed in no time at all." Read more on the blog.

Blogger Network

"This is the penultimate video in my land tutorial series which is designed to give all the knowledge required to become a Second life virtual land expert! This is an extra special episode as I have an exclusive offer to share with you, the details of which are revealed in the tutorial.  I hope you enjoy watching and learn something that you didnt know before." Watch the video on YouTube

Strawberry Linden

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"Recently I was asked about SL Hotels on a Facebook group.  How do they work?  Is there RP?  Are there really staff on hand to assist you? It occurred to me that most SL residents are probably like I was 1+ year ago, when I only had the vaguest notion that SL Hotels and Resorts were actually a thing. So here's a quick guide to the Second Life Hotel landscape." Read more on the blog.

Strawberry Linden

"In this Second Life Tutorial, I'll be showing you the updated 2021 Environment Editor settings for the Firestorm Viewer. This is Quick and Easy, and suitable for anybody who wants to set Personal Lighting and Fixed Environments. These can either be applied to yourself, or your parcel/land." Click over to watch the video on YouTube.

Strawberry Linden

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"Depending on how you manage your inventory and outfits, you may find yourself in situation where you need to replace the same item in many outfits. This can occur when a new version of an item becomes available, or when you simply decide to replace an item with something new. It would be extremely time consuming to have to edit every outfit. Instead, you can use the Replace Inventory Links feature in Firestorm." Read more on the blog.

Blogger Network

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"We’re back to it, my sartorial darlings, holding our collective breath and diving back into the virtual chaos that is our inventory. Today’s focus is on eyeballs, but I have an added bonus for you in this post: a deceptively simple tip that will help you in your initial inventory sorting, whether you’ve already attempted it once (or several times) or are taking the plunge after months (or years) of avoidance. This tip has revolutionised how I work with my inventory, and I want to share it with you because it could help you, too." Read more on the blog.

Strawberry Linden

"Hey les secondlifers on se retrouve pour la partie 2 du Marketplace, et dans cette vidéo qui finalise ce tutoriel en deux épisodes, nous abordons la mise en vente du produit, comment publier le produit sur le Marketplace, gérer et bien organiser l'annonce du produit, il faut bien suivre les étapes et les bases du marketplace n'auront plus de secret pour vous !" Click to watch the video on YouTube.

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