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Blaise Glendevon

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Everything posted by Blaise Glendevon

  1. Alwin's avatar is a real edge case for me, because either that's a young man under the age of majority or any number of the trans guys I've known before the vitamin T kicks in.
  2. Sis, it is against terms of service to depict minors, real or imaginary, in sexual situations.
  3. I do wonder if people would be tempted to uncharitably rate gender-nonconforming avatars as suspect, because of the weird cultural perception that gender non-conforming people are performing a fetish.
  4. I think you've missed the point. The new policy forbids the sexualized depiction of minors. It doesn't matter who's doing the depiction.
  5. I would disagree. There were only one or two clear "child" avatars, but several avatars that could read as either teenager under the age of majority OR teenager over the age of majority.
  6. When I joined SL, I was a wee sprite of a girl. Now I wear insoles in my party shoes.
  7. I think we're dialing in on the distinction here. Body type is probably not going to be the dividing line between whether an avatar is welcomed to Total Orgy Island or wherever. Faces are probably going to be the first line of scrutiny, and context going from there.
  8. I feel like we can discuss our own preferred aesthetics and concerns without denigrating the way other people choose to style their pixel people, tho.
  9. Part of what we were chopping up in that other thread. A lot of the big seller mesh heads for women have very youthful features - plump cheeks, big eyes - because that youth coding in our society is also sold as a benchmark of attractiveness in an age-obsessed culture. They're not supposed to look like children, but they are very much supposed to imply a girlishness. Teenagers, in specific, vary in height dramatically. My best guy friend in high school didn't crack 5'5" until junior year. In our class, there was a 6'7" kid in 9th grade. And in my case, I was fully "developed" at 13 but completely unprepared for the attentions of adult men not bothering to pay attention to my generally still-childish conversation and demeanor. Rave culture, Japanese street fashion, and certain vintage aesthetics would like to have a word. Avatar age is a highly subjective interpretation. Those of us who wish to be in compliance with a very vague set of rules have an interest in getting it right.
  10. My opinions are not formed by that smear article. My opinions are formed by actual clinical literature, and testimony by mental health professionals who work with people who offend against children.
  11. Calling it a "child avatar" confuses the issue. LL is cracking down on sexualized depictions of minors. And, as has been stated by other women in the thread, some adult people have very youthful figures and some minors are developed in body before their brain has a chance to catch up.
  12. I was going to redirect my reply to Codex Alpha here, but I lost it. Phooey. So, I'll try and sum up. First: I think calling the avatars in question "child avatars" muddies the waters, because what LL is really targeting is any sexualised depiction of minors. Yes, clearly, the Zooby babies shouldn't be on Naked Spanking Island or whatever. The pic I posted was me in my everyday shape - petite in height and figure, but not 'childish'. I've never been mistaken for a minor with my daily driver heads - demonstrating a review copy of a head. In the before-times, I wouldn't hesitate to wear it out and about to a shopping sim or the like. Now, I'm scrutinizing things through a different lens to try and comply with what appears to be a very vague rubric.
  13. Redirecting this post to the commentary thread.
  14. If you think the avatar looks like: a child (17 or younger) then react with a like, for an adult (18 and over) use thanks, and use confused if you can't tell based on physical appearance alone.
  15. The only way I'd co-sign on this was if Linden Labs paid Lelutka commensurate to the development time and resources EvoX took to create. Until then, it's theirs to approve - or not - as they wish.
  16. May be time to switch to a new, updated head.
  17. I have really enjoyed Noel and Kaya, but Gaia is my most used and favorite head from them. It's my daily driver, basically.
  18. I miss Fae Eriksen from Fishy Strawberry. She was one of my favorites from when I was new. And also Drinkinstein Sorbet, who designed The Sea Hole - the colors and designs were always so unique! She was a dear friend, as well.
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