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Aislin Ceawlin

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Everything posted by Aislin Ceawlin

  1. Do a search for SLink Resident, send her a friend request. Also send her a notecard explaining your situation. When she is online you can message her, she will tp you to her at the store and personally match your feet/hands. I had to do that with my newest skin, I couldn't match it to save my soul...
  2. I also am noticing the time it was posted. There were a LOT of weird looking avies running around last night (this early morning) due to the inventory maintenance! I had gray skin, my alpha layer was not rezzing,and no face whatsoever...lol! I don't even use a mesh avatar!!! It eventually cleared up, thank goodness!!
  3. Wisconsin is like Michigan, in that you are never more than 4 miles or so from a lake wherever you are! Our stupid license plates say different things depending on the version you pick. I HATE the slogan "Pure Michigan"...just dumb to me...lol! I prefer the ones that say "Great Lakes Splendor" with a view of the Mackinac bridge.
  4. Perrie, Michigan is actually much better known for it's cherries....lol! :matte-motes-wink-tongue:
  5. I'm actually from Michigan, but it ticks me off to hear someone say crap like that!!!
  6. "Two bit, backwater Provinces"??????? REALLY?? Here's information on the economy of Florida, alone!! Economy Strengths: International Trade (40% of all U.S. exports to Latin and South America pass through Florida) Tourism - with 87.3 million visitors in 2011 (a record number), Florida is the top travel destination in the world. The tourism industry has an economic impact of $67 billion on Florida’s economy. Click here for additional tourism facts and statistics. Space Industry - The space industry represents $4.1 billion of the state's economy. The average annual wage of aerospace workers is approximately $67,000. The number employed at Kennedy Space Center (KSC) alone is 13,000 and Florida ranks 4th among the states in overall aerospace employment with 33,000 jobs. Agriculture - Florida leads the southeast in farm income. Florida produces about 67% of the U.S. oranges and accounts for about 40% of the world's orange juice supply. Construction - This industry's strength results from the steady stream of new residents and visitors who are welcomed to Florida each year. Services - growth in high tech, financial & back office operations Software - many small, entrepreneurial companies Health Technology (medical, biotech, laboratories) University Research - more than $500 million per year in sponsored research at Florida universities (Click Here) for more information on Florida's economy
  7. I know someone who has that in their profile picks labeled as real life pics. Now, mind you, I've been around for over 7 years, and know better normally. He told me "Hey, I posted some new pics of me", so I foolishly clicked away without actually reading the link... suddenly "POOF" I was a rabbit! I actually got a really good laugh out of it, because it was my own stupidity...lol! I guarantee, a lesson was learned. I don't care how well I know someone, I'll pay attention to what I'm clicking from now on!
  8. Bobbie Faulds wrote: I had a poor new resident stumble on to my store yesterday. He was a cloud and was stuck., With a little talking, we got rid of the alpha that came with the mesh avi that he had managed to detach. Got him set up with a default avi and some clothes. Took about an hour to get him squared away....It shouldn't take that long. When I first came to SL it took me about 1/2 hour to get going, but then, the original orientation island had you actually spend 1 L for a mail shirt and then put it on, You could always tell who was brand new since they usually had on that shirt and were carrying a torch. The point is, new residents don't get that kind of help...it's sink or swim. The new mesh avis are just.....ugly. The new residents have no idea how to get rid of them unless they run in to an experienced resident that is willing to walk them through getting it off. Sorry, but the mesh starter avis are as bad as the "portals" they had for a while where new residents landed then chose the experience the wanted, went through a portal and were randomly dumped somewhere in SL that might have something to do with what they chose. LL decision to do away with the SL Mentors racks right up there as well. I think the era of greatest retention was when LL sponsored private orientation center that were set up. Those were great. I remember the one for Japan was in Japanese and was set up like going through a subway station,. ...shrugs. OMG...lmao, that just brought back so many memories!!!!
  9. The only advice that I can give you is to file a support ticket on that.
  10. Not sure if my experience with MultiScene was caused by something on my end, but I had serious issues everytime I logged in. No matter where I would set "home" to, I would end up logging into the floor, a wall, always someplace that was just a pain to negotiate my way out of. Also, I had the most expensive of the 3 options, and according to the NC I received, they only allowed 30 prims.
  11. Thank you for beating me to the exact question I was going to ask. Somehow, I doubt we'll get an answer, though.
  12. I remember the day I found SL, completely by accident. I downloaded the viewer, logged in and thought "What the "blank" IS this?" I remember wandering aimlessly through other peoples homes ( didn't seem like many had security set back in the day) just completely mesmerized. I didn't really even have a clue that they actually BELONGED to anyone in particular yet. I was absolutely hooked from the first moment. 7 years later, I still love it. I do miss the wonder that I felt back then, though. I also remember the first time I erroneously wandered into a "free sex castle"...lol! :matte-motes-shocked:
  13. You mean like this??? Good times, good times! I sort of miss some of the glitches from back in the day. They were annoying, but sometimes hysterical! L
  14. Usually, if I am gifted something I don't quite trust, I will take it to a sandbox, rez it on the ground and check the scripts. Not exactly the same situation, but for things like pieces of jewelry that shouldn't HAVE scripts, it's a good idea.
  15. I use Firestorm, and I've been having the same problem lately. Even in messages that I get while I'm online.
  16. MaxineCrow wrote: Whether I'd tune in or not, I'm not sure of either way but I will run my mouth - well, fingers over the keyboard - anyway. First of all, I know there's at least two "regular" (mixed male/female) federations on SL already, I'm not sure if they also post on Youtube or other media besides their own websites, but they do shows in SL. And it works well enough with them, or at least one of them that's built quite an audience. Whether their matches are roleplayed (freeform on-the-go or otherwise) or someone comes up with a script for each match beforehand I don't know, it might even be a mix of these options, but one thing here is what they are doing right, they're taking it serious enough for people to want to watch it. And by extension, they're doing a second thing right - merchandise; avatar t-shirts with their logo, with individual wrestlers' stuff on them... wall-posters with their wrestlers and stuff to spruce up the in-world houses of fans.... while I'm not sure about commercially milking such things, it does show that they are committed enough to their SL wrestling set-up, and people noticed it. Then, in the case of one of those federations, I can add that a bit of boobfest mixed in actually turned out quite well - because it's a bit, mixed in with enough humor so they don't appear too pretentious and up their own bu- ehhhh rear gas exhausts... Imagine the RL equivalents, imagine the old WWF/WCW/any of the old feds doing their shows but not throwing in the occasional boobfest/comedy relief... they'd be turned into a fringe industry catering to just a small fraction of die-hard fans who have no link with reality anyway, while in fact today we see those feds catering to people who feel like they themselves as fans are being taken serious enough. Sure... Mikhael "The Russian Rampage" Stroganoff having a major beef with "Corporal Punishment" and "Major Pain" (fictional names, fictional examples) because Major Pain did something to the Russian Rampage's cousin's goldfish' favorite fish tank isn't very realistic, but that's the whole thing that makes comedy relief/boobfest matter, it shows that you're an industry built on entertainment and that you're not trying to pass your wrestlers' grudges as too serious. So, in short, a bit of boobfest/comedy relief can go a long way in making such a federation.... but I do agree that if they make it a pure boobfest, if it's just another excuse to flash the boys some pixel-smut, well... there's already other venues and easier ways to get that, so if it was all about the boobfest, it'd be broken pretty soon. I can't say if I'd tune in or not, but I'd definitely welcome the opportunity and possibility to see some entertaining wrestling performers do their stuff on SL just as I would in RL... and while "don't try this at home or in your backyard" definitely applies to RL wrestling, SL would be THE place where anyone can be a great wrestler without the repercussions of physical harm (oh bite me, you keyboard-pounding carpal tunnel whackos ). (My emphasis on the last line) ROTFLMAO! Possibly one of my favorite lines in the forums thus far!!!
  17. I am one of the very few who responded in that thread, trying to help. I mentioned the prepaid card that I use. I really hope you weren't mistaking me for that alias....(shiver)
  18. Not sure if this is what you're looking for, but this might help http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Main_Page
  19. It's perfectly clear that they are posting under several alts...not naming names, but it's so obvious. The same writing style, the same grammatical mistakes, the same spelling mistakes, using a term that no one else uses. One of the avies is just under two years old, soooooo....form your own conclusion.
  20. Not sure, but I will check it out when I get inworld. Should be able to, I sign in to my Flickr, and all other sorts of sites.
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