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LovedWarrior Quan

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Everything posted by LovedWarrior Quan

  1. Thanks, I know I do that but usually I upload up to 8 pics and it gets mixed up or even if it doesn't it takes a while. I also forget which one I clicked last. I make about 25 products a day sometimes more so in total it takes a lot of time to edit each item listing. Texturing takes less time than editing the listings lol.
  2. Hi, I love the easiness of MP item listings but I think what's missing is the ability to upload multiple pictures of the products with 1 click. Right now everytime I upload a product pic, I have to click select and wait and wait for it to upload so I can do the second one and third one and so on. It takes a long time to put all the pics up. I like showing my products from several angles so I upload a lot of pics. Please make it possible to upload multiple pics all at once. I appreciate it a lot, if you pay attention to this matter. All the best, LW
  3. I can make u some strawbery plant meshes if u have time
  4. This is not so important but it puzzles me. You know when you submit a product in MP and you use the "quick fill" or "add related product" and your last product shows last in the list that pops up? How come they get jumpled up sometimes? I mean the last product goes up somewhere and earlier ones shows up as last ones. How does that happen? Does it happen if someone checks out those products in your shop so whatever they looked last shows up last? I keep seeing that after a few hours of break and my last product is gone up somewhere and I need to search it to use the quick fill. It's cool if they change according to the shoppers search so i can actually see if anyone saw and what they saw in my shop.
  5. Either that or the vertices on the back are a bit distorted but again you can not do anything about it. By the way I want to congratulate you on the beautiful texturing job you did!
  6. That's a good idea I tried the same but it turned me off when i saw bloggers offer that for like 4000L a month. Maybe I looked at just 1 or 2 and should have done more researches but decided not to thinking all will ask some kind of price. I will make my own blog soon
  7. Dang I tought we would have them soon
  8. Thanks. I have those as well. I don't see an "avastar" made for other programs. Any idea if I buy avastar and export it to use in 3ds max? I know nothing of avastar except all the youtube videos i watched. Every blender user seem to be using it. Is it better than the files for 3ds max?
  9. i had that problem in sl viewer. If ur preferences of grahics is lower than mid u see that problem so u have to take it up higer than "Mid" In firestorm i turned it to lowest and i see all ok
  10. I am new in sl building but not so new in mesh rigging. I see there is slav and default sl avatar and tons of others with 4 sizes or more for mesh cloth making. I see avastar for blender and no such thing for 3ds max... I am confused. Which one do I use to make a skirt for example. Also, I am not sure if i got the right files or not. I have the sl default avatar skeleton and want to make some clothing meshes but it has no animation to see if my rigging of the clothes move right. I made some animations myself but making animations is another skill. So is there any already animated avatar files I am missing? How do you guys do meshes without actually testing them in ur 3d program to see how the clothing moves with the bones you skinned to? Any help will be appreciated.
  11. Hi, I am looking for a place to open a shop inworld for my mesh flowers. I am very new at this and don't know much about buying land. What I desire: -Traffic not important I will create my own with hunts and so on so no restrictions for hunts. I won't make a club or something huge just a flower shop but I shouldn't have avatar count restrictions for the shop. -Near water so I can also display my water flowers like lotus flowers and other kinds -Land should be large enough to add my trees and flowers for sale.- 1024m or more or just a bit less. -I must be able to sell it to anyone later when I grow my business I will probably need a more prim sized place. -I should be able to rent it to anyone if I need to. I am new in my business and there might be problems head such as not making enough sales. - There should be no hidden fees. I should just pay the weekly tier and the buying price in the beginning. - I should be able to use scripts for my products and particles and so on. Let me know if you have a parcel for me :)
  12. I see about 20 sales saying system error and empty folder. I checked the empty folder ones and my products are in there. Any idea what this is about? I am new so not sure why transactions are not going through. I am so upset. I could have made close to 1500L with those sales if they went through.
  13. ok thank you all. That prim tab does not accept anything else than a number so i can not put any explanation there but anyway. It seems you are all saying that in that prim tab i should actually put the LI not the count of the prims. Ok thanks everyone.
  14. Hi all, So I make flower meshes. Each mesh I import into sl is 1 prim, and the land impact changes what size or how detailed the mesh is. I have a question about this prim and LI difference. I have been getting questions from my customers saying like, "you say your mesh is 1 prim, but you say the land impact is 20) When i fill in the "prim count" part of the product info page in market place, what am I supposed to write in there? The actual count of the prim of the mesh or the land impact? I always put 1 prim there and I always put land impact in the "features" tab as well as in product description. Now i have a freeling that 1 prim mesh doesn't mean anything at all but the product page does not have a place to put your land impact count for easy seeing. There should be another tab right under prim count for us to put land impact. Mesh can be 1 or more prims but land impact is something else and it is not stable like the prim count. You change size, u change the LI amount.
  15. Hi all, I am new at building in sl and i have been making mesh flowers. I usually make one mesh flower and texture it with different textures and sell each individually like HibiscusTree-White. My question is, What is the common practice? would it sell more: if I put, say, 5 hibiscus trees in a box and sell them with a higher price? or Make a hud (I don't know how) and make the textures change with a hud and sell with even a higher price or Do as I have been doing. Sell one tree at a time with 1 texture only and keep the price down? And for hair meshes. It would be the same right?
  16. Hi all, I am not used to using skin for clothing meshes can I use physique instead? Do i still need to add all 26 bones and click "1" for each somewhere? I used skin but my skirt looks like a board when the avi walks like she is wearing a wooden skirt lol and somehow i can not skin 1 vertex to more than 1 bone grrrr.
  17. Hi all, So if i make a chair mesh or table and chairs and anything that needs to be sat on, do i need to attach a sitting animation on it or something or just make a chair and people can sit on it? I mean u know those pose balls here and there. Do I need to add a pose ball to make any avatar sit? Just sit; no acrobatics. I haven't made any furniture yet because I don't know if I can sell them as just meshes or if I somehow need to add sitting animations on them. Thanks all.
  18. sheesh i thought if it said "success..." it was actually successful. Thanks for all the replies.
  19. oh ok how interesting. It is a smart idea to have that demo written on top haha. Sorry i didnt't know I shouldnt have messaged here. Thanks
  20. I am new at building in sl. I have no knowledge of scripts. I made some mesh hats with roses and I would like my customers try it first. I believe I need a demo script. Can anyone give me a demo script please? I just put it in the content folders I suppose. is that correct? Are there different scripts for hats and shoes and so on or one script can be used for all? Thanks.
  21. HI all, I have this error happen quiet often when I am transfering my mesh from the outbox to the market place. It says transfer failed due to a network error but the mesh appears in my market place shop. But i don't trust it and keep deleting and transfering again and again until it says "success." I use firestorm beta last version. I am sure you get that error too. What is it all about? Should I ignore it and continue listing the product in the market place? I checked once the mesh was all ok but still I get scared to cause a trouble later maybe the textures won't show up after a while...idk. What do you do with this message? Thanks
  22. Ok finally figured it out lol in Preferences - Graphics - Advanced Lighting Model has to be clicked. Shheeessshh hours of work and that was the problem. Thank you all for helping me with my questions. I found this link explaining the texture spots: http://sldesigner.wordpress.com/2013/11/01/new-texture-tab-materials/
  23. Thank you! However, I tried jpg, png, and tga I see obsulately no difference on my texture. It isnt working for me. Not sure what I am doing wrong. I try the sl's in built bumpmaps they all show on my texture but none of the ones i put makes any difference. Is there a way I can see the sl's in-built bumpmaps inside my computer? Where can they be? I wonder if I can add mine in that folder and there and try again.
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