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LovedWarrior Quan

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Everything posted by LovedWarrior Quan

  1. Hi, Is there anyway to test different textures on my mesh already imported into sl without uploading several textures and paying for them? Say, I made a vase and I want to sell it with different textures so I want to see which of my textures go well on that vase and then upload 5-6 of those. I mean is there like a viewer or a software that i can open my mesh in sl and test different textures on the mesh and then only upload those textures. I of course test textures in 3ds max but still need to see what looks really nice in secondlife amoung the 1000 textures on my desktop :) I appreciate the help.
  2. Thanks a lot! Just incase someone faces my problem I tried so many options and found shell modifier is the best. I just needed to select the new edges between the two sides and delete them so mapping doesn't show on those. This way I dont need to flip anything. The two layers have to also be very very close like 0.001 setting. .
  3. I am guessing this would be same on any program but i am using 3ds max. So i made a nice palm tree with big leaves made of planes in 3ds max. I need the texture of the leaves show on both sides on the leaves. I tried both clicking and not clicking for the textures show on both sides of the leaves (both inside the plane and the outside the plane) in 3ds max but in sl only the outside of the leaves show texture. I don't know how to make a plane show texture on both sides. Can anyone help me? Thanks.
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