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Baloo Uriza

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Everything posted by Baloo Uriza

  1. Glad to hear you figured it out before I noticed your call for help. and are your friend, in case you need it in the future.
  2. Most viewers will let you turn on local lights without enabling atmospheric shaders.
  3. Ashasekayi Ra wrote: The point is that some people want LL to spell out how it relates to SL clothing and rigged mesh usage. Sounds like a derivative work, to me.
  4. Do you have crash logs from it? Also, have you tried Imprudence? If the only thing you care about is stability and RLV, you might find Imprudence to be a refreshing change.
  5. I am not a lawyer, and don't expect the Lindens to answer a legal question for you. I'm providing some insight based on working with open licenses in the past. Consult your attorney for a definitive answer. Ashasekayi Ra wrote: Thanks for the links Nyx. However, the license file in that zip doesn't state anything about using the SL avatar's armature in a commercial product. Actually, it does. From the LICENSE.txt file included in the fashion template pack: "For the license summary, see http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/." It appears the summary specifically mentions how it applies to commercial products. There are some people that think the license gives other people the right to modify and resell their work (without permission) if it includes the SL armature or part of the SL avatar mesh. Other rights (such as rights over modificatoins) are not affected by this license. If the Lindens had included the "Share-Alike" clause, which they did not, then the license summary would read more like this one. All you have to do to satisfy license requirements for fashion made from this kit would be include a notecard giving attribution to the Lindens for the armature and an explianation of what you did that makes it "value added" over the basic armature. Personally, that isn't how I interpret the license. But, it is unclear because an issue like this isn't specifically defined by the generic wording of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license. It would be great if we could get some clarity on that. It's pretty specific; you can read the full text of the license the Linden's chose in it's entirety if you're interested. The Creative Commons folks are generally fairly helpful in answering questions about the licenses they wrote.
  6. I think Imprudence has something closer to resembling a proper editor. But then again, there's always editing offline in EMACS or some other text editor where you can get syntax highighting...
  7. Dado Kronfeld wrote: how they will manage to fight with copyrights? They won't, nor do they need to. It's up to the copyright holder to enforce their copyright, not some arbitrary third party. People seem to forget that it's a civil matter, not a criminal one.
  8. Your switchable graphics have switched to the Intel graphics. Try disabling switchable graphics and lock it into discrete graphics in the BIOS. If you're on Linux, you absolutely must do this (use the "onboard" or "discrete" modes instead of "switchable") to get either graphics chipset to support their full feature set (thank Intel and AMD for not documenting this well).
  9. If no last name is shown, their last name is "Resident."
  10. Your last name is "Resident."
  11. Have you tried asking a forum where this is actually relevant? Like the Phoenix forums?
  12. Knowl Paine wrote: Just over 2 months since the OP and I have noticed some improvement. I suspect that some of the current challenges were created by Roadbuilders who got a little curve-happy. One road I looked at is over 4 years old and in dog years thats like 28 years, from that perspective the road is old and out of date, imo. The LDPW needs to improve some road sections. Eeh, save for a relative lack of signals, consistent surface markings and signage that would make driving some segments much more authentic or easier, the highways are overall in good shape.
  13. Luc Starsider wrote: That is a very good point, Peewee. For a Mac user, windows don't normally close when you close them. They didn't use to anyway, although more and more programs do quit these days when you close the last open window, so it is perfectly possible they will be slightly confused about this. It's been 10 years since that's been true.
  14. Sounds like a user education problem, given that closing the window is the universal way to quit...
  15. I believe Bay City Municipal Airport in Hau Koda is probably better known.
  16. You could break it out into attachments, which is how modelers handling furry avatars do it today.
  17. Melissa Yeuxdoux wrote: Not quite sure what you mean. I have 64-bit gstreamer and associated codec packages installed, but 32-bit code can't directly link to and use 64-bit libraries, as far as I know. (I tripped over that when I tried to replace a library Google Earth uses which was the cause of ghastly-looking text when running the program--I didn't realize that the Linux version of Google Earth is 32-bit.) As it stands, I have ia32libs installed, which appears to suffice for everything but streaming media when running a 32-bit SL client. I'll go back and look at the post which lists the packages that some people have mentioned Fedora has and that they say suffice to get streaming audio to work if you install them. There are no corresponding Ubuntu packages, but perhaps that will give me a complete list of the libraries to grab with getlibs. Might also try Debian instead, more packages in that distro.
  18. Rufio63 wrote: I downloaded the 2009 version viewer 1-23-5-136262. It downdoaded great, but how do you log on with only 1 username? It looks like with that old version you had two names for logon. Your last name is "Resident," whether you want it or not.
  19. Cerise wrote: The following will make the "serious gamer PC" types cringe, but this will be OK for the casual user. That's usually a good thing. Remember that "serious gamer PC types" are typically wannabes who don't really know what they're talking about. If we were talking about cars, they'd be the ones trying to fit into a crowd of gearheads, yet drive something along the lines of this monstrosity. If they had an opinion that mattered, they would have a career in IT.
  20. If you're stuck with Windows, which is notoriously bad at memory management, at least turn off the Aero interface by switching to a classic windows theme: The glassy effects take up a lot of GPU time and memory. With the older GPU, and the small amount of RAM, I don't think it's a question of "which viewer" but rather "is Windows the right OS for this machine?"
  21. This problem is negated significantly by networks that cache LL's HTTP requests (rare to date, but worth investigating doing in-house if you host more than one SL user on your own home network).
  22. Albert Starsmith wrote: so does this mean all those breesable prims and the scripts running in them are alllllllllll laggless i doubut it the sims did not have all this lag before all this breeding started . Seems i go to a sim there is corrals full of horses and you can barely walk due to the lag and its not my computer with 8 gig of ram and a one gig video card and a quad cpu. Blaming the lag on someones comuter wont stop the lag all are experiencing You're confusing client side and network lag with server side lag. We're not talking about server side lag. Go start your own thread about that problem.
  23. Reduce your draw distance or get yourself a faster connection. Your draw time can be stimated roughly by π·240² seconds at that draw distance for a ballpark figure for your average high-end DSL/low-end cable connection. Halving your draw distance will shorten your rez time exponentially.
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