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Crim Mip

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Everything posted by Crim Mip

  1. Check out http://www.rabbitstats.com/ It's a good system for not only seeing who shows up, but where they spend their time and how long they stay.
  2. Eject, Ban, Mute, Repeat. The griefer will get bored eventually. Also, you might deny access to no payment on file accounts and/or non-age verified accounts for a week or two until things cool down.
  3. Make sure they didn't just tp in and their clothing just hasn't rezzed yet. Unfortunately, there's not much that can be done about this issue. A number of the add-ons like that are supposed to autohide in a G or M sim. The problem is that if a sim has scripts turned off, that won't work. If they don't notice this, it obviously can cause a problem. If you choose to say something to somebody with an issue like this, do it in IM. There's less chance of them feeling they have to save face that way. Remain polite (even/especially if they don't). In most cases I've had to deal with in staffing a G rated sim, a polite request is all it takes. If they indicate they are a 'speshul snoflake' for whom the rules don't apply, then contact a sim/region manager if possible to deal with the issue. Fill out an AR if you wish. This is especially effective if you get a screen shot with the offending bits clearly showing. I haven't had to do that as most people who don't take care of it right away when asked, get the idea we're serious when they get sent home.
  4. I like Sculpt Studio. For the sculpties I make, it's far faster than loading up some external 3d software and made a lot more sense to me than the others I tried. That said, you'll have to invest some time learning it. There are some good online tutorials to get you started and the creators of the software have regular in world classes in how to use it.
  5. I've only been banned once over a disagreement with the manager of another sim. The ban was eventually lifted after we both had some time to cool off. I generally try to behave such that it's not an issue. On the other hand, I've had to issue a number of bans from a sim I help staff. Most of the time, people get IM'd first to be told what the problem is so they can correct it, if that doesn't work, they are sent home, again with an IM as to why and what has to be changed for them to be welcome. If they come back and continue doing whatever it was that got them sent home, then they get banned for some amount of time. This obviously doesn't apply to outright griefers (rare) or things that blatantly violate the SL TOS. Those get immediate bans + ARs.
  6. I suspect it falls clearly in the area of gambling. You're asking people to pay to have a chance of winning substantially more based on a game of chance. It doesn't matter if they are using L's for the actual hands during play. You might, just might eek by if you weren't going to be taking any of the paid in cash as a house cut, but I wouldn't count on it.
  7. It's not the same as what clubs are doing because they don't force you to put L's into the pot to have a chance of winning.
  8. Sorry, I see no real upside to web profiles at all. It was ill concieved and is badly executed. I would have thought LL might have learned about forcing crap on their users that the users didn't want after the Viewer 2 fiasco. I fully plan to strip my profile down to an "Ask for my profile notecard in-world" notice with everything else blank and would encourage everyone else to do the same.
  9. If you can get a Space Navigator for $60 it's well worth it. This is a solid professional tool mainly designed for 3d cad work. It's not a toy. The base is machined stainless steel. Having had mine for a bit over a year, I will say there isn't anything I can think of that will improve your enjoyment of SL as much as using one. I've had three people try mine and within 10 minutes each of them wanted all the specifics on where they could get one. And Torely, if you could PLEASE poke whomever needs to be poked to add the flycam indicator back into the viewer?
  10. Having seen the web profiles, I find them to be pretty awefull. They are slow to load, clunky looking, and take up far too much space on the screen. Beyond that, I don't trust that the privacy settings LL implemented would stop web crawlers and services like Google and Facebook from harvesting info from them. All it takes is one oops to lose all credability. I'm considering stripping everything out of my profile other than instructions to ask for a notecard in world that would then have my profile info on it.
  11. Why wouldn't they be able? I can sit in one sim and cam pretty much the entire area of every sim surrounding it regardless of it's rating. I would hope LL has the sense to place the really underage sims so far out away from anything that that wouldn't be a danger. Now if they'd do the same for the 16-17 year olds and limit them similarly, the issue would be solved.
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