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Toysoldier Thor

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Everything posted by Toysoldier Thor

  1. Hi Sylvie, Its good to see someone else from the SL grid come out and mention their sim and related large events on the sim is experiencing SML (Sudden Massive Lag) syndrome. I have talked to a lot of people inworld and this problem is noticable and it has happened around the time just after the Pathfinder code was pushed into the sims. Unfortunately a lot of sim / event owners are very scared & reluctant to post their experiences here on this thread/forum for fear that if it is not a bug but a new form of griefing that their sim might be vunerable and also targetted more than it already is. Others are reluctant to publically mention it because they feel that it it shows weakness of their venue and it might scare away visitors (this is a lame argument in my opinion since SL residents have become more than used to the fact that the SL Grid is a major lag fest most of the time at any reasonable sized venue events and would not be scared off by this). So its good to see someone come forward other than just me about the problem as LL likely thinks this is just the ramblings of one person. As for your theory that it could be caused because of the load the sim experiences when a large number of avatars are arriving into the sim at the same time - and even possibly at the same coordinately on the sime..... that is a great theory. Many of the SML events I have experienced often happens near / at / around the early portion of the event. This is when the sim experiences a major shift of avatar arrivals / departures. I have often seen like 5 - 10 avatars land on each other within the minute. But I have seen the SML hit in the middle of the event when the avatar arrivals have stopped. This could be because the sim went sick earlier and as the event continues, the symptoms continue to degrade until the sim crashes / goes stupid. I have also noticed that some sims seem to be very resistant to the MSL and even the rash of instant crashes that I have been noticing in the past couple weeks. Problem is that this thread has been opened and talked about for months. I have also pointed this problem out to the Lindens directly when I was able to attend the Friday weekly user group meetings (before they cancelled the meeting). Yet there has been no visible actions being taken by LL on this problem. They are all single-minded focused on pushing out new features onto the grid and fixing old bugs and creating instability on the grid is not a priority for them. As such, it just seems this is the NEW LIFE IN SL we must all need to live with - those that stay around. LL staff are never inworld to experience these SML and crashes. They are not directly impacted at the disruption and financial loss from hosting a major event only to have the sim crash because of this instability. That is why they have also done nothing to fix the Notice Attachment bug. But thanks for being brave enough to come forward with another example.
  2. And maybe if I report here every time the sim I am at crashes at a big show... maybe LL staff will notice. Since LL doesnt even know how unstable they have made the grid ( since they rarely come in the grid to experience it for themselves - like watching a great musician just to see the crowded sim crash), maybe reporting each one i get hit with will if them a hint how many times the sims crash. What is ironic is that I read a Nalates blog recently where she said LL belives their latest sim code upgrades have had no bad effects and all looks good. COUGH COUGH.... of course it looks good when they never live in the gri themselves. ANYWAY... I am posting here because once again today a music sim crashed when it had a lot of avatars on it Stay Tuned.... likely post again soon.
  3. I sure hope that the LL staff dont think that the Large / Busy Event crashes that have plagued the grid since PathFinder code was released has somehow gone away. In fact over the past few weeks it has has gotten worse. In the past 4 days I have been to 4 venues/events where the sim kicked everyone off instantly without warning. I am writing this now as I wait to return to a venue that was in the middle of a concert with about 45 ppl at it and crashed. The grid stability with all LL's new shiny features being pumped into the sim code when they havent even fixed the stability likely caused from the pathfinder code is so frustrating and impacts so many that try to host and play events. But I guess LL really doesnt care about grid stability as this thread has gon on so long with no LL attention and no resolution. They also do not address long standing problems like the NOTICE ATTACHMENTS FAILING that showed up on the grid last summer as well.
  4. Hey Carlo, Read your post / request. I thought I might provide a few points regarding the "Art Gallery" community inworld of SecondLife. From your offering and terms I have to assume this is the first art gallery you have built and run within SL. Am I correct? As one of the countless artists in SL and one who has been invited to exhibited my art in more art galleries than I can count over the past 2 years (I will estimate about 20), I would think you might be challenged to find many artists that would be interested in your terms unless they are a very new artist and have not been able to get galleries to invite them and as such are willing to pay to be in a gallery. First thing to know is that I would guess there are well over a 1000 Art Galleries in SL. Last I remember, the virtual art gallery tour / hopping system that my own personal art gallery is part of had around 500 listed art galleries itself over a year ago. But basicly, it should be known that your art gallery is competing to be noticed among a very large community of art galleries. Many galleries I have pariticpated in - even many are are established and known with reasonable weekly traffic - run their Galleries simply for the love of promoting art and do not charge anything. They encourage artists to show their works by not charging. Other galleries that do not charge are those that are very new to the SL Grid and are trying to get known. Since they have no reputation and no one knows them at all, their traffic is very low. As such, these galleries use established artists that draw crowds as a way to get their gallery known. Several other galleries - i.e. those with a very strong experience Curator and/or strong backing from a RL sponsor like a University or a well establish SL fashion designer or player in the large SL Art Community - do charge Artists for exhibiting. They invite Artists but under their their understood fee structure. The most common (i.e. almost always) fee structure is a % of the sale. The highest I have ever experienced is 20%. I would guess there might be a few that charge 40% but I have yet to encounter that AND I have exhibited in many of SL's most popular galleries with amazing traffic and a following of "art Collectors" that have a good history of actually BUYING art. 50% commissions for a brand new gallery that has no reputation in the SL art community and no proven traffic or followers is just - well - out of wack with its competition. The only artists you might attract with that high commission will be new / desperate artists or those artists that have zero interest is making any revenue from their artworks. I have not encountered any gallery that charged a flat fee of any kind. If I did I would avoid it since making sales of art in SL is very very tough. There are a lot of art lovers in SL but only a small percent of them will back up their love by purchasing the art they run into and love. Also, because there are so many art galleries competing for the attention of the art lovers and because most art galleries do not have the experienced Curators to setup, run, and promote a gallery, the traffic at most art galleries is often very low. As such, it would be a high risk for any artist to spend a flat fee to exhibit art at a galleries under those conditions. You would have to first prove you have actual solid larger traffic flows. Even the most well established art galleries have modist traffic unless they are hosting and heavily promoting several large events - with traffic attracting live music artists. I might be wrong and maybe you are very well established and have some very strong connections with the SL art community and have some secret innovative ways to draw a lot of Art Buying traffic, but I suspect by your thread posting asking for artists that you are relatively new to the community. I am not posting this to dismiss your business model or to scare you. I am just providing insight on the art gallery business in SL. Suggestion if you are new and just starting to get established.... Keep your commission % low at least until you become popular enough that you wont scare artists away from the higher commissions - I suggest 10% at first. You should look for and try to encourage some of the more popular artists to show their works if they would be interested. Many of the popular artists tend to get overwhelmed by requests to show their art (I have had 4 since october). They get burned out and therefore they often decline newer unknown galleries even if they are invited with no commissions. Finally, get into all the aspects of the SL Art Community. It is large but there is a smaller hard core community among this huge community that are very active. Networking among them and attending their exhibits is of huge value. Good Luck to you !
  5. Gabriella Murfin wrote: I wish I had read your post before I bought an enhancement. L$899 and there's little likelihood that people will even see it? Shame Gab..... Is your Listing Enhancement still active - i.e. is your listing enhancement still within the 7 day active or has it expired? If it expired did you press the option that says not to auto-renew the subscription? IF YOU DID, how long has it been since the subscription expired? Do me a favor.... read the following thread I started about MP Listing Enhancements.... I am curious to see if your subscription is actually still alive if it did expire. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Merchants/Setting-MP-Subscription-to-NO-RENEW-Deactivates/td-p/1800525 You are correct that generally the listing enhancements are a complete waste of advertising / product promotion within MP but there may be a bug that prevents MP from expiring a "DO NOT AUTO-RENEW" listing.
  6. Czari Zenovka wrote: Couldbe Yue wrote: I swear I'm going to set up a fan club for you. I can't be the only one who adores your posts. Second the motion. /ME starts investigation fan club merchandise for adoring fans.
  7. Ooopps Stupid me - I didnt read your question properly. You wanted to know if the listing in question is still editable. ANSWER = YES Tested it by changing the description and saw it on the listing changed.
  8. Couldbe Yue wrote: I swear I'm going to set up a fan club for you. I can't be the only one who adores your posts. LOL -- What did I do right? As for your next post's question on being able to "EDIT" the subscription.... I was nervous to play with what was working in MP's "broke" mode, but I clicked it FOR YOU. Here are the options that show up (of which I did not try ANY of the options to see what would happen)..... Notice that one option is to "DELETE" enhancement... and Nope I am not going to press it. I already did my job regarding this listing enhancement by telling them that I DO NOT want the subscription to auto-renew. If this is the bug that a listing enhancement can only stop being active if its deleted then that is 100% a coding error. I assume from this "DELETE" option that LL is offering the feature that a listing enhancement can be made NOT ACTIVE but not deleted in case the Merchant might in the future want to re-engage it (as the options also seem to indicate). But if deleting an enhancement is the only work-around to a bug that benefits me ---- its not my place to press it
  9. AN UPDATE on my January 5th "1 WEEK ONLY" Home Page Listing Enhancement Subscription - a month after I created it and where it was supposed to expire after 7 days. As you all recall, I showed that days after the Jan 11th expire date came and went, it appeared that my listing enhancement was stuck into permanent "expiring" mode but still active. Also, thankfully LL was RIGHTFULLY not charging me for a continued service that I clearly requested to expire after the first 7 days. So before I show you the current status of this long expired listing enhancement I want to point out that I could just shut my mouth and quietly enjoy one of the rare bugs in MP that actually benefits the Merchant.... but as you will also see, I will show just how ineffective the listing enhancements are for Merchants to spend money of to get their product known.... Below you will see a snapshot my listing enhancement subscription status: So my homepage listing in the past 29 days has supposedly had 5807 homepge impressions (that comes to about 200 per day). You can also see that in the past 29 days my listing enhancement has only had 17 click throughs! That equates to about 0.6 click thrus per day or 4.1 click thrus through what would have been the 7 days that I paid $899L for the pleasure. I dont know about you all, but to pay $899L for 4 interested click thrus??? Dont seem like a great deal to me. Thankfully, thanks to one of LL's countless unresolved MP bugs, my $899L investment has been stretched to a month with no sign of expiring (not that I would cry if it ended as it has generated zero sales). You can clearly see that the enhancement has not stopped even though the next image shows that it should have expired prior to the next billing of Jan 12 but its still in expiring mode. Now, I would not recommend this as we all dont know exactly what the trick is that would allow a Merchant to exploit the MP bug to receive a never-expiring Listing Enhancement, but I can see some Merchants taking a shot at it in hopes that the roulette wheel ends up lucky for them like it has for my enhancement. Take your own risk if you are stuck with a listing enhancement that is forever stuck charging you for enhancements you wanted ended or were lucky like me and got an enhnacement that wont expire but the MP system is not charging (which they shouldnt be).
  10. I used to use Sculptris a lot to create the base organic model for what would ultimately be my mesh in SL. I just loved Sculptris for its sheer simplicity and its ability to let the artist/creator work with a model like a RL sculptor works with clay. That is what attracted me to Sculptris. It also did a pretty good and simplistic way of decimating the enormous number of vertices it creates when you work and expand the model. Its freehanded texturing was also fun. But it was limited in that it did not have a way of of exporting the resulting model & textures to Collada. Lucky for me I also use Zbrush because Pixologic (owners of Zbrush) saw the huge potential of Sculptris's voxel modeling and bought Sculptris and hired the creator. They immediately introduced GoZ to Sculptris that allowed an effective means of moving the Sculptris model into ZBrush (and other graphic software) where the model could be further refined, easily decimated, UVmapped, and exported into to Collada. But better yet, as of Zbrush 4R2b, Pixologic went one major step further and introduced a major new feature called DYNAMESH which is basically Sculptris as an advanced function in Zbrush!! This has been a Godsend for artistic creators like me that love making organic mesh models. Dynamesh is Sculptris on Steroids (topological-free sculpting process). Too many features within Dynamesh to list but neat things like merging model compenents and in a click turn them into one. Instant re-meshing the model, exapnding polygons when needed (as opposed to stretching the hell out of what you got), polygrouping, and integration with most all of Zbrush's other features. With DynaMesh, I have let go of Sculptris. No need for it anymore. But I will always look fondly of it. But you are right as are others.... tools like Zbrush and other costs $ (and not trivial unless you are a university student where you could get the software at a discount). But, if you want or need to model with Zero tool investment you can still use Sculptris and then learn the complexities of Blender and make things work between the two of them.
  11. Maybe its because of what I create with mesh that I can get away with it (static objects like sculptured art and animals and props that have little need for any physics). As such, my LI has been able to stay quite low simply because I often set my lowest LOD to 3 vertices and then tell the mesh uploader to use the lowest LOD for physics. So far I cannot recall uploading a mesh with its texture to be more than $21L have initial rez LI of generally 1 (sometimes up to 3). Since I normally leave my highest and medium LOD resolution alone (as determined by the uploader) and cut the lower LOD by about 25% (if any at all if the mesh already has an LI of 1 before touching it), I can usually walk halfway across the sim before the mesh is simply too far and small to even care what shape it looks like when it finally hits the "lowest" LOD. Yeah - it sounds simple but so far it seems to have worked very well for me with almost no additional construction effort on my part to perfect something that cant be seen anyway. I have also never had one complaint about how my mesh sculpures perform based on this model. This is in light of the fact that my Art Sculptures can be larger and are often in art galleries with high traffic / visitor visibility (and an audience that is often not afraid to be critical if they have to be). Galleries are often large open spaces and the art gallery curators want to know that all their exhibited art / sculptures can be seen from across the room in the form they look like when up close. As such, so far my methods are simple but work. Maybe this method does not work for mesh objects that are more interactive and/or involves scripting or a more more precise physics. Not sure.
  12. For those SL Creators of 3D mesh models that use the Zbrush modelling tool, my recent set of detailed tests I did to better understand the impacts of polypainting LOD resolution as well as SL's handling of imported texture resolutions might be of interest to you. Today I performed a set of tests which I created a detailed blog posting of all the results from my model texture resolutions when using ZBrush to polypaint a a range of polygon densities from really low to extremely high. You can read all the details at the link below: http://toytalks.weebly.com/1/post/2013/01/zbrush-polypaint-resolution-tests-for-secondlife-mesh.html For those that just want to read my conclusions and don't care about actual example from the tests, following is a clip of my conclusions: When ZBrush PolyPainting for an SL destined mesh model, try to make the top LOD where polypainting will be applied to about 1.5 million polygons - just be safe.Make sure when building the model's structure not to have sharp / dramatic changes of the polycounts unless its in an areas that the texture cannot see the resulting distortions. The densities do not have to be evenly distributed (although preferred) but if the densities change, it should be done gradually.Its proven again that there is no value creating a UV Texture map greater than 1024x1024 for SL destined models. In fact, I even tried increasing the native DPI from 75 to 300 and it also had no noticed differences.Hope you fellow Zbrush'ers find the information helpful.
  13. OK Folks... to give you all an update / conclusion of my Brain Lapse idea of wasting $899L on a Marketplace Homepage Listing Enhancement. As you all could read on my OP, decided to trigger a listing enhancement for 1 week (7 days) starting Jan 5 and ending on Jan 12. That was 2 days ago. Well below you will see an image clip from my listing enhancement report as it was generated a few minutes ago - JAN 14. This is important to note when I generated the report you see below (2 days after the enhancement automatically EXPIRED): And this next image will also be very important for me to explain my 2nd observation. The image below was clipped from my MP listing enhancements status that I generated a few minutes ago - JAN 14, 2013. Just notice that - as I had set very shortly after starting the enhancement.... I set it to expire and NOT AUTO-RENEW. TWO OBSERVTIONS: I wasted $899L for a whopping total of 8 click thrus ! This is $112L per click. Ohh BTW - zero sales from these added 8 clicks. So it was an expensive reminder to me why MP Listing Enhancements are useless. Guess i needed an expensive mistake to smarten me up. So did you notice that my daily enhancements count is still climbing today - two days after it was to have expired? Did you also notice that the Listing Enhancement Performance still shows ACTIVE? Even though my Listing Status says its EXPIRING and should have EXPIRED JAN 12? So my biggest fear right away was that LL's Listing Enhancement code is screwing me like it did Pamela and many others by not expiring and continuing to take $L from my account even though I clearly set it to NOT renew. But then I looked at all my transaction history and there has been no further $899L taken from my accounts. So..... if there is some small good news, it seems that LL's code screws them as much as it has screwed Merchants. I would be real excited that LL is offering free non-request enhancement renewals except for the fact of observation #1 - they are useless. Thought you all would like to read this update.
  14. Marcus Hancroft wrote: OK...your explanation helps me better understand the "linden dollars are worthless" statement. I'm not so adrift now, so thanks, Darrius. Im glad Darrius's explanation helps you understand why he thinks "linden dollars are worthless" but his explanation is not exactly correct unless I have been deceived all these years or unless Darrius was trying to be sarcastic about how Lindens are not worth anything (since I know Darrius is a very knowledgeable man about all things SL). So this is how I have always heard and understand how it works in LL (Dartagan might know the details even more great): LL / SL's Linden currency is based on a Sinks & Sources model of which LL manages and also must abide by in order to get RL US$ from as much as we all do. As such, LL does not get ANY RL US$ into their corporate accounts at the time that a LL/SL Customer exchanges $1 US for the about 248L$ he receives from LL when LL sells $Linden to him/her. That $1US LL receives from its customer goes into a special in-trust account that LL manages but cannot touch. The $US cash flowing in to this in-trust account are considered "SOURCES" to this special account. Therefore, LL has NOT received its value from the sale of LINDEN TOKENS from a customer yet - they have not EARNED this $US yet - they were simply playing the LINDEN $ Central Bank role for the Linden Currency. The denominations of any currency even in RL are only "tokens" representing the respective currency but it doesn't mean the token has NO VALUE. Now.... lets continue this story... This special in trust account of $US value/currency/tokens obviously will continue to grow as the sources feed it. But, then the question is "how does any $US come out of this special protected account?". The only entities (customers or LL itself) that can draw from this special account are those that have acquired a pool of $ LINDENS and wishes to exchange it back into $US. This holds true for both the LL Customer population as well as LL. As such, drawing from this special trust account is a "SINK" to the account. But again, the entity has to have a pool of $Lindens that it has generated from the SL economy in some way in order to have something to exchange with $US from that account. We all know how us SL Residents earn these Lindens.... being creator/merchants, having inworld service businesses, collecting tips from music or DJ or Dancing or Escorting or or or, from gambling, from gifts handed to them, or what ever means that another SL resident with Lindens hands you Lindens into your personal account of Lindens. Funny - it works the same way in RL. BUT.... LL has to earn these $Lindens as well in order to exchange their collected pool of $Lindens for $US from this special in-trust account. How does LL do it? Many ways including the 5% commission they receive from all MP sales, their Listing Enhancement fees for advertising on MP, their weekly inworld advertising fee, etc. When LL has enough $Lindens, they exchange their Lindens with the special account and draw $US cash in return. THIS IS EXACTY WHEN LL HAS MADE REAL US$ that they can put into their LL Corporate coffers. Therefore, $Lindens do have value for all parties that engage with them - EVEN LL! LL does not just pump worthless zero-value $Linden tokens for $US cash from purchasers. They know full well that the $Lindens have value to them as well as us... even moreso than any of us. They also know yet do not seem to care that in order for them to earn $Lindens, they need to provide a service that encourages its SL customers to give them $Lindens for the service. LL legally states in the TOS that $Lindens have no value but if ever challenged in a court of law I am pretty sure their TOS position of $Lindens having ZERO RL value would likely be quickly dismissed. So.... Contrary to believe, LL Commerce Team should care deeply about the Marketplace service they provide since it directly determines how much RL $US income the Commerce Team generates for LL's corporate account.
  15. Parrish, dont mess with medhues purist logic by feeding him commonsense logic and facts. Extremist theories only make sense if you dont apply real world details and logistics to them. You will stress him and his followers out.
  16. Thanks amethyst and luna for also speaking up to tell medhue that his never ending ultra right wing libertarian government is evil and corporations are angels beliefs are straight out wrong and only mskes srnse in the theoretical minds of these kinds of extremeists. I really wished medhues ultra right wing political ramblings would stop as it falls far outside this thread and it borders on the edge of ensighting political debate on a virtual world commerce thread. Medhue... Pleasr stop your extremeist political prptions. Its wring in so many ways. Sorry I am on a smart phone
  17. That was exactly my thought. I would like to include that his map get removed even though he proved he paid for my pack since he violated the terms of my agreement. But I am not sure how to provide instructions to the DCMA to LL that would only remove my maps from his inventory and not my maps entirely from the asset db. I also agree with your reasons why I should still file. Thanks too, Czari
  18. Well a bit of good news on my issue with this violator of one of my Sculpty terrain packs. On Sunday I sent him a very formal notecard clearly explaining to him that he is in clear violation of my IP, what the exact content and violation(s) are that he is in violation of, what actions I demand he takes, and by a demanded deadline of jan 8 6pm slt, and what would happen if he does not take these actions by the deadline - i.e. I would initiate a DCMA on his violations. I also warned him that because of the sheer number of listings in his store (42 pages) of which there already appears he might have other violations and that I have made his store known to fellow merchants whom are also looking at his content, he also runs the risks that multiple filings against him could trigger further LL actions including removal of account for LL TOS violations related to this issue and that he would be wise to review his listings and take similar proactive takedown actions on any other listings he knows himself to have violated. I was already preparing for no response and was beginning the work of filing my first DCMA when I got a noetcard & IM response from him where he posted proof he bought my content (a sales transaction from 2010). Also, although he did not say anything further, he also removed his violating content off Marketplace. That is good news at least for me and for this one instance. Unfortunately a few outstanding issues I have: Since he bought my content in Sep 2010, and if I were to assume that shortly after purchase he posted this listing on Marketplace (although I have a feeling it was more recent since there were almost no reviews except for someone stating that his version is copy violation of mine), there could be several illegal copies of my volcano packs that were sold under him out on the grid. Would I have to file a DCMA and change the wording a bit in that the violator has agreed to my accusation in that he has removed his violating listing BUT that I request that LL remove all copies of the prims sold by this violator? OR Could I contact LL and under the situation whereby he has removed the listing, I could simply ask LL to remove all sold prims from this pack? I suspect LL would not listen to me and only a DCMA would get them to act. If I do not file a DCMA against this violator, and considering that his MP store likely has several other violations (already notice another likely violation of another creator's work), LL would not have evidence of his violation of my content and it reduces the case for his removal from SL if other creators file a DCMA. i.e. should I file a DCMA as a record of violation in LL's books? Thoughts? PS I want to thank all you that posted your advice... and I want to thank Arwen for the tons of detailed DCMA filing advice she gave me in private. I felt much more confident about going through the process and her tips on the logistics were invaluable! I will be keeping her notes for the next time this issue comes up. Cheers!
  19. Dilbert Dilweg wrote: Pamela Galli wrote: Madeliefste Oh wrote: Perrie Juran wrote: Banning would still be at Linden Labs discretion. I'm too lazy to look up the pertinent statement in the TOS right now, but the Lab states repeat offenders are subject to having their accounts cancelled by LL. The question is though what does LL consider to be a repeat offender? How many time do have to repeat before you are banned? And how many fresh alts can you use? Another question is: How many land must you own to get away with it? (I know about a repeative infringer, who uses an alt to sell his illegal content in world. The main avatar pays for two sims, both main avatar and alt are still around in SL. Banning this person seems not an option for LL.) BINGO! You don't accidentally copybot and/or accidentally sell other people's content. It is possible to accidently sell content that is not yours and or copybotted if the seller purchased the items on another site or even on MP not knowing it had been stolen.. But it is no accident to copybot But that being said. Content theifs generally do not respond/challenge DMCA I agree that it could be accident that someone could BUY content from a merchant on MP or inworld not realizing the content was stolen / copybotted by the seller (i.e. the unethical merchant selling the copybotted content did a good job re-packaging it to make it look like he/she is the rightful IP owner). But it become sfar less accidental when someone makes the decision to BUY content with the intent to RESELL the same content. By doing this, you would have to be ignoring some clear red flags or are honestly not too wise in not seeing them. The first red flag would be, "why would a creator / merchant allow you to buy his/her content and resell the same content whereby he/she loses all the revenue from your sale of his/her content?" The most likely reason is because he / she is not the rightful owner of the IP in the first place and doesnt really care. Second, the practice / theory of buying content simply to resell the same derivative of the content is already a questionable practice. So if you are consciously persuing this practice you should be more careful than ever to make sure that the content you want to resell is from the rightful owner and that you have contacted him and asked for explicit written permission allowing your intended reselling action. Third, whenever you are selling anything whereby you are including content from others - it would be wise to make sure you 100% fully understand the EULA of each component coming from other creators. If you have any doubts at all, contact the creator and even have him/her confirm your concerns questions in writing as backup. So... I would say as Pamela said... there is VERY LITTLE AREA of accidentally reselling of other peoples content that might have been copybotted. Anyone that is reselling another creator's content is going into this eyes wide shut.
  20. I did some experiments on my subscription by clicking my listing back to NO AUTO RENEW last night. Yes you are all correct in that the count is still going up even though the status is "EXPIRING". So just a poor use of words. As for my lapse in commonsense and trying out the SL Marketplace Listing Enhancements (especially in light of all the problems the enhancements were having in 2012 in not turning off) as well as the value.... From the statistics I see in the listing enhancement report - IF THEY CAN BE TRUSTED - its proving to be an utter waste of my $899L for the week. I started the enhancement 3 days ago and the current count for my home page listing is: 146 / 467 /467 aon listing displays Day / Week / Month. More importantly, the click through is only 0 / 6 / 6 for the same period. In other words I have only had 6 people click on the ad since. AND.... NO DIRECT SALES from the ad nor from its related listings. Ohh well... We all gotta do stupid things every once in a while
  21. Thanks Czari for the hugs! When I first was notified of this violation of my content by this creep, my feelings were mixed between a lot of anger and also some fear since I know that LL's history of support on taking prompt action against IP violators on their Marketplace and inworld has been spotty and slow. Also since this is the first time I would have to go through the formal process to address violators like this, I was (and still am) a bit nervous about the DCMA process (i.e. cost, complexity, time, effort, roadblocks). But I will say that since I have brought this up with my fellow merchants (both here and at the inworld group), a lot of my nervousness about going through this process the first time has eased. Also in hindsight, I feel good that there are a lot of good people in the SL community and also within my customer base that will stand up and expose these creeps. Its sad that it looks like he didnt only target me but at least one other and likely more, but, on the good side if the other creators he violated also formally go after him MAYBE LL will take strong action against him and not only remove the listing and my content from his inventory but even delete this avatar for his violations. I sent him a formal notecard yesterday clearly spelling out that he has violated my IP under two instances. The note says that I would give him until Tuesday 6pm slt to execute 4 self-imposed take-down actions (remove the listing on MP, remove any other distribution of this violating content inworld and any other VW, delete my original content from his inventory since my records show he has never been a purchaser of my product and as such has received my content illegally unless he can prove otherwise, and to notify me when all these steps have been completed). I informed him if I do not see these actions by then I will initiate the formal DCMA against him. I informed him that this would potentially risk not only the loss of this violating listing but also possible further actions by LL up to and including the loss of his account if it is proven that he has multiple proven LL / Marketplace listing TOS violations. If he doesnt want to risk these actions against him - it would be wise that he take actions prescribed to him by me. His account is 2.5 years old and seems like it is his SL established account that I suspect he does not want to risk losing. As such, I am hoping he does the wise thing and removes all his violating content - not just mine - before the deadline for fear of possibly losing his account. Anyway, thanks all of you for your valued input on this thread. I am crossing my fingers that this dude does the wise thing and cleans up his act.
  22. Medhue, Lets just say that I completely disagree with your views of world politics and economics.... as basically does the vast majority of ALL people of all countries that operate a wide spectrum of economic models. Why do I say that? Because if the "Libertarian" fully free market economy is the utopia perfect model which all world economies should strive to attain to solve all their woes.... then why has NO country come close to operating this "perfect model". Heck even the USA that is arguably the the most free economy in the world (or at least they think they are) is as you openly admit not even close to a libertarian style of full free market economy. I wont ask you why because you will come up with a laundry list of soapbox theories / reasons that I don't want to hear. But the facts speak for themselves.... its a model that is simply not feasible and can only exist as a "fantasy" great model in the minds of libertarians and the extreme right wing teacup parties. None of these people - you included - has any real life posterchild example to show anyone else that a complete free market economy can work because no country is stupid enough to experiment with this fantasy economic model. As for your one response to my comment suggesting that I said the USA is an example of a "Free Market"... try reading my post again. I said the USA has experimented with simple smaller scale examples of moving the country toward a more free market economy by doing stupid things like deregulating industries. AND we all saw the instant result from these failed / failing experiments... all the national and global impacting massive disruptions / collapses of economic stability. You can only image if it was a full scale deployment. As for your logic on how a Free Market economy would have solve the corruption on wall street and Eron and savings and loan and mortgage back securities etc.... WOW I shake my head at your understanding of economics. Thats like saying "The house is on fire but if we only threw more gas on the fire this would never happen". Your perceptions of economics are so skewed its only value is that its entertaining and comical to read. What ever you respond to this posting - as I know you will - I will no longer be engaging in this topic. There is no value.
  23. sorry but I do not believe in your libertarians beliefs of the economy. There are countless examples of even minor hints of libertariab practices that have failed the micro macro and even global economies. Lack of government involvement and removal of regulations and involvement to control full out free market economies is why the usa and even world economy is in the shambles its on now. When the primsry driver is to male as mich profit as possible, unethical practices and corruption is assured. Do you not recall the savings and loan scandal? Do you not recall enron? The countless wallstreet corruptions that took the world economy the brink of global collapse. All the jink bond scandals. The pyramid schemes. All these are posterchild examples of the results of libertarian philosophies only partly experimented. Reganomitics. Sorry bit libertarian economies would very quickly corrupt itself. But I hope you do stop promoting your rl eco political beliefs on these threads. Its not becoming and not an appropriate placeto promote your beliefs.
  24. Perrie Juran wrote: Toysoldier Thor wrote: Once its established that his listing is an IP violation by LL, can I ask LL to provide me a record of all sales this listing has made under this account? Thoughts? Linden Lab does not make the judgement whether something is an IP violation. That is entirely up to a Court of Law. Linden Lab only follows the Law that says the content has to be taken down unless challenged by the offender. Failing to challenge the Take Down Notice is not prima facie evidence of a violation. Thanks.... So then its an accurate assumption that seeking penalties from the violator is a Court of Law effort and since his sales likely and my probable compensation would not even equal the first hour with a lawyer.... seeking any penalties from the violator is a waste of time. How bout his continued participation on MP? Would a proven DCMA not equate to a direct proven violation by this Merchant's of MP or SL TOS? As such it would be in LL's right to ban this merchant from MP or even SL if they so feel?
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