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conrad Evanier

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Everything posted by conrad Evanier

  1. the flaw in this would be that your group needs to be open for people to join for a script to send a link to join so if they just searched the group they could join for free, you could just use a group invite script then make the group pay to join instead.
  2. I made a game along these lines but only the owner pays out so you set a prize amount anyone or group only click to join then after a set time it selects a winner at random and pays them this way its with in the terms of use as players don't pay to play works a treat to generate traffic but as the owner you pay the prize amount
  3. Hi not been on the forums for a long time and when I take a look what do you know your asking for something I made ages ago for a customer I will send you a copy when next in world. Its along the lines of what has been mentioned on here each dancer wears a dance ball then the leader wears the hud that can start stop the dance routine, you can add multiple animations and set it to play through them. Will contact you soon if you still need it
  4. Hi everyone I have decided I need a kind of sales rep / promoter type person to come and work for me lol basically its a dead easy job for someone who loves traveling around second life visiting new clubs, malls and the like. If you find it easy to chat to new people, enjoy making new friends, and have a kind and friendly manner (patients to take time to explain a few instructions to customers) Then this will suit you down to the ground. The main product you will be promoting is a game I invented to help increase traffic to peoples land, the game has a group following of well over 300 and owners have rights to send out notices to the group and invite people over to play. Your job will be to simply travel second life mainly clubs introducing your self to the owners and telling them all about this product and hopefully increasing sales and the group. I will get you all clued up on all you need to know and where they can buy it from or come to my place to test out. If the sales go up you stay in a job and enjoy getting a few lindens for having fun and clubbing :) The salary will start at L$250 a week and if all goes well could increase according to sales. There's no contract if sales don't change then we will call it a day, No set working times just as and when you can, of course if your not in world much then it wont last long lol Above all if your friendly and love meeting and chatting to people in clubs this wont even seem like work :) If your interested send a note card to me in world saying a little about yourself and why you would be right for this and we will chat soon TC ;)
  5. Nice work darkie I will set a collector up at our place we get a lot of visitors and passing traffic hope it helps
  6. Hi just thought I would put this on here incase anyone else is having same problem it was to do with Hotmail now outlook they seem to stop any emails from sl with out any option to change this thanks Hotmail really handy NOT. Luckily I have been setting a new gmail account up for Conrad and have changed over to this bit of a pain as I sell a few items that email me details and had to update all those great fun hey SO in short I recommend Gmail for anyone needing reliable emailing from second life
  7. Hi just wondering if anyone else has had this problem, all of a sudden my IM's have stopped been emailed to me when im off line. This is a big pain as I rely on emails from certain objects and customers. I use sl viewer just had the new update with the dumb chat and im's in the same place whats that all about lmao way to easy to type in the wrong box not the best idea they have had lol. Any way I was still getting emails after the update then about a week after update they stopped I have check my settings and all is ok box checked to send and all that any help would be welcomed :/
  8. LMFAO i would love to know what goes on in these peoples heads ... second thoughts no i'd rather not.
  9. Hi yeh this is possible and wouldnt take long to do il give you a shout when in world
  10. Sooo you copy someone else's idea ever heard of copyright? then you want loads of other people to build it script it and best of and i love this bit HOST the bloody thing on their sim lmao oookay good luck with all that mate. Now wasnt there someone else on here whos going to build a pokemon game for crying out loud these are other peoples creations i dont think they are going to be to happy about it! too funny i do love reading these posts its a right laugh
  11. Hi this is the wrong forum for this post should put it in wanted, that said i make all kinds of auction rental systems and offerboards will give you a shout in world
  12. Hi i have recently done a rent system for a customer like this, the owner can set the amount of weeks they wish to rent lessons for by note card also along with loads of other options you have the option to have it email you the tenants info. Give me a shout in world if you would like to take a look best send me a note card as ims get capped
  13. Yep thats the best way dora i use that for most of my stuff, the only reason to use the script is if you wanted to set it to a group only or white list then could be handy.
  14. Hi all you need for this can be found here LOOK HERE
  15. Hi you could make it a bit more fancy and involved like making it attach and all that but this will get you started integer toggle;default{state_entry(){llStopSound();llSetTimerEvent(0.2);}touch_start(integer total_number){toggle=!toggle;if(toggle){llOwnerSay("Sound on");llSetTimerEvent(0.2);}else{llOwnerSay("Sound off");llSetTimerEvent(0.0);}} timer(){if (llGetAgentInfo(llGetOwner()) & AGENT_WALKING){state walking;}}}state walking{state_entry(){llSetTimerEvent(0.2);llLoopSound("uuid",1.0);}timer(){if (!(llGetAgentInfo(llGetOwner()) & AGENT_WALKING)){state default;}}}
  16. Thats what i was thinking ela, you could have the perms asked in a state if not granted then it doen't work. The club owner has his or her key hard coded in a split set by them the dancer can only use it IF perms are granted its easy anoth script to write and i think a good way to do it as the person paying sees in payment the dancer, and the dancer knows they are going to pay the split so alls good
  17. hi if you want the people paying to see that they have paid the dancer you could always script your key in as a split in the money event, then give a tip jar to your dancers, this way they rez their own tip jar and when paid the money goes to them then your cut is sent to you from the dancer. The person paying only sees they have paid the dancer
  18. I love this post lol first off why the hell are you creating your latest mind blowing creation in a flipping sandbox lol do your self a favour rent some land build a sky box thousands of miles from the nearest avi and script in some good security that way no ones going to be sniffing round stuff you have spent hours building. And how can you not get something as self explanatory as ANY ONE CAN COPY lmao the ANY ONE is a major clue, but i do like the warning pop ups idea if only RL had them life would be sweeeet......................... Are you sure that you want to get married? This may cause your life to be ruined beyond belief and take many years to get over the divorce! [ ] No (what the hell was i thinking) [ ] Yes, I want the stress. [ ] Yes, and stop warning me. Are you sure that you want to leave your keys there? This is a crap place and you will foget them the instant you drop them! [ ] No (what the hell was i thinking) [ ] Yes, i like looking for them just as im about to do the school run. [ ] Yes, and stop warning me. Are you sure that you want to drink another bottle of wine? This may cause a hangover from hell and ruin your liver! [ ] No (what the hell was i thinking) [ ] Yes, im fline annn slop ashking me dum queshons. [ ] Yes, i love youuuuuu. ahh that was fun
  19. Hi setting the running state of the script wont work as the particles are the property of the prim so would continue to emit. Have your particle system in the same script as the menu then in you listen event have something like this, if (msg == "steam on") { llParticleSystem( your particles); } else if (msg == "steam off") { llParticleSystem([]) this will stop particles as it is an empty system }
  20. If its the pic of the person rezing it then thats the owner right so why do a sensor for them? just use agent = llGetOwner();
  21. Like darkie said its hard to tell much from this but looking at it i would do away with the brackets and just start a new line for a nicer read out like this. targetlist=(targetlist=[])+targetlist+ llGetDisplayName(target) + targetname + "\n"; this should just start a new line for each name and look nicer as your brackets are on their own line and look messy.
  22. Yep i had the same thing happen not long ago all the timers on our land stoped but the scripts still worked, the cause of the problem was ll rolling out the new path finding tools. After a reset all scripts worked fine was a pain in the ass tho lol
  23. thank you Rolig its nice to see that at least a few people actually read my question, but very entertaining to see that most just jump to the worng conclusion lol
  24. Hello again everyone this post grew legs didnt it lmao @ jwenting and a few others that seem a bit confused about what my post was. Basicaly i had a customer ask if i could make a greeter for them to show the flag of the country the last visiter was in with a list of names and their country, not a bad idea i thought so i looked into it and found they only way to do this was check the ip address, SO i posted on here to see if there was anyother way to do this. As i can see theres not and to be honest have lost any interest in this bleeding greeter lol, but it did make me laugh going from a lil greeter to jwenting ranting about credit card details lmao tooo funny maybe a lil to much caffeine hey mate lmao still it made me smile:)
  25. conrads is "second star to the right, and straight on till morning" lmao
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