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Michel Morningstar

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Everything posted by Michel Morningstar

  1. As a long time user of Macs (since 1984) I can confirm everything that Gavin said about them, on SL performance, on FS viewer for Mac and on reasons not to use Windows. I use the LL viewer because on a Mac I get a better performance with the LL viewer than with FS: less crashes, better image quality, better FPS. The Performance Improvement viewer basically doubled my performance wherever I go. Twice the fps, much faster loading, but with more ups and downs in fps when I move.
  2. For years now, I have been using a 3DConnexion Spacemouse to move in SL. Since version 3.8.4 of the viewer, the SpaceMouse does not seem compatible with SL anymore: when I activate it, I start to move uncontrollably, in avatar view or flycam. Driver update did not help (in fact, 3Dxware 10.2.1 allowed partial movement, but latest drivers seem worse). MacOS X, iMac, Intel Core i7, 4 GHz, 32 GB What should I do? Edited: I tried increasing dead zones. Effectively, if I set dead zones to 1.00, then the problem stops. So do my possibilities to move the avatar with the SpaceMouse. I also tried with older drivers, then some moves work, some don't. Edited 10-02-2015: the latest version of the SL viewer for Mac seems to have solved the problem (Second Life 3.8.5 (305528).
  3. my avatar is a demon so I just set height to 66.
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