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Moon Metty

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  1. Hi Louise, The chatlag problem (BUG-2406) isn't something that LL can fix by doing something technical. Of course LL could pick up the phone, or send a mail to the faulty relay station. I've tried to talk to my provider, but they can't be bothered. Computer says no ... ======= Hi Maestro, My compliments on script performance! I don't think I've ever seen Egglebury run so smooth.
  2. Hi Louise, As you can see on the jira, I'm having the same symptoms. Our traceroutes have one line in common: xe-5-3-0.cr2.lga5.us.above.net [] That thing (somewhere on the US east coast) is broken!
  3. Hi Gadget, "Accepted" means that the bug is confirmed. "Released" means that ummmm ... the bug can roam freely in its own antfarm, lol. (It's nonsense) As a source of information for residents, the jira has indeed become worthless. Also, release notes will be more cryptic than ever, without link to what was wrong in the first place. Oh well
  4. This jira is just over a month old .. https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-8182 https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-426 is slightly older.
  5. Yes Hitomi, Even under these terrible conditions, Qie has managed to find griefing objects, each with 280 scripts inside ...
  6. Actually, maybe we're looking at griefer objects, each containing 280 malicious scripts.
  7. Please see https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SH-3055 Grumpity ProductEngine added a comment - 28/Sep/12 8:39 PM 3.2.4 has been temporarily unblocked.
  8. Hehe, ok Ayesha. In the most simple words: If your region is in this state, it needs a restart, lol. But I know you're not the dunce you claim to be! On a healthy and well managed-sim each script gets a turn each frame, 45 times per second. If there's time dilation, the frame rate drops. Then scriptspeed drops too, but it's possible that scripts still get a turn each frame, right? On the affected regions we see here, scripts only get a turn every 560th, 844th, etc frame. The pattern is clearly in the frame numbers, not in the realtime measurements. So there must be some process on the sim that counts to 280 frames, and it's probably somewhere in the script engine. We don't know the inner workings of the server, but for a developer this pattern can be a nice clue.
  9. There's a pattern in how affected regions behave. You could call this script a "patient timeslice counter", lol. default { state_entry() { llResetTime(); frame = (integer)llGetEnv("frame_number"); region = llGetRegionName(); llOwnerSay("Region " + region + "\ncurrent frame: " + (string)frame + "\nNo lag uptime " + (string)(frame / 162000) + " hours"); while (TRUE) { llSleep(0.0001); integer new_frame = (integer)llGetEnv("frame_number"); integer elapsed = new_frame - frame; if (region != llGetRegionName()) llResetScript(); if (elapsed > 45) { llOwnerSay("FPS = " + (string)(elapsed / llGetAndResetTime()) + ", Frame = " + (string)(elapsed)); } frame = new_frame; } } } It shows the FPS, and how many frames go by before the script gets a turn to run. "No lag uptime" means the time to reach the current framenumber in perfectly lagfree conditions. ======= [8:09] Object: Region Serpentata current frame: 3902516 No lag uptime 24 hours [8:11] Object: FPS = 21.119050, Frame = 1960 [8:12] Object: FPS = 18.227080, Frame = 1960 [8:14] Object: FPS = 21.051160, Frame = 1960 [8:14] Object: FPS = 22.998090, Frame = 358 [8:16] Object: FPS = 20.837030, Frame = 1602 Note that 1602 + 358 = 1960 again ======= [8:25] Object: Region Nolidae current frame: 3922795 No lag uptime 24 hours [8:27] Object: FPS = 18.511800, Frame = 1961 [8:28] Object: FPS = 22.537040, Frame = 1961 [8:29] Object: FPS = 23.074650, Frame = 853 [8:30] Object: FPS = 22.631170, Frame = 1108 [8:30] Object: FPS = 18.577030, Frame = 843 [8:31] Object: FPS = 18.575690, Frame = 1118 Note: 853 + 1108 = 1961 and also 843 + 1118 = 1961 Two different regions, same numbers. ======= [7:04] Object: Region Turnip current frame: 24305650 No lag uptime 150 hours [7:05] Object: FPS = 18.101890, Frame = 1400 [7:07] Object: FPS = 20.265610, Frame = 1400 [7:07] Object: FPS = 26.697500, Frame = 591 [7:07] Object: FPS = 23.388500, Frame = 809 [7:08] Object: FPS = 18.943070, Frame = 591 [7:09] Object: FPS = 17.409910, Frame = 809 The magic number for this region is 1400. ======= [6:53] Object: Region Eggar current frame: 37910844 No lag uptime 234 hours [6:53] Object: FPS = 26.012590, Frame = 1123 [6:56] Object: FPS = 26.867400, Frame = 1122 [6:57] Object: FPS = 20.847310, Frame = 909 [6:57] Object: FPS = 18.683490, Frame = 213 [6:58] Object: FPS = 18.166260, Frame = 907 [6:58] Object: FPS = 25.348190, Frame = 213 [6:59] Object: FPS = 26.396440, Frame = 910 [6:59] Object: FPS = 21.316050, Frame = 214 All very close to 1122. ======= [8:41] Object: Region Laserlight current frame: 5379152 No lag uptime 33 hours [8:42] Object: FPS = 17.480940, Frame = 843 [8:43] Object: FPS = 16.642640, Frame = 845 [8:43] Object: FPS = 18.821870, Frame = 508 [8:43] Object: FPS = 16.920500, Frame = 335 [8:44] Object: FPS = 19.506290, Frame = 506 [8:44] Object: FPS = 15.175480, Frame = 339 Here the number is 844. ======= [5:47] Object: Region Highflyer current frame: 3948278 No lag uptime 24 hours [5:48] Object: FPS = 17.933130, Frame = 560 [5:48] Object: FPS = 21.846250, Frame = 561 [5:49] Object: FPS = 19.775010, Frame = 961 [5:49] Object: FPS = 17.722290, Frame = 160 [5:50] Object: FPS = 21.606740, Frame = 392 [5:50] Object: FPS = 22.683760, Frame = 169 [5:50] Object: FPS = 22.873470, Frame = 560 Note: (961 + 160) / 2 = 560 and also 392 + 169 = 561 This sim's number is 560. ======= 560, 844, 1122, 1400, 1961 .... What do these numbers have in common? Well, they're all multiples of 280. Sorry for the lengthy post.
  10. Thanks for the explanation Oskar. So the name is spelled "Pathfinding Release Channel", but it's pronounced "Second Life Server". It's not a problem, as long as the channel takes part in the regular deploys. It was interesting to see the region run so smooth after 30 days of uptime, though.
  11. Hi Oskar, Egglebury was indeed restarted, it's now running Second Life RC PF The server version is up to date, but does "RC PF" still exist? I mean, if there were fewer release channels, there wouldn't be so many of them, numerically speaking.
  12. Hi Oskar, Last week I asked you about the region Egglebury. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Server/Deploys-for-the-week-of-2012-09-10/m-p/1667993#M7480 Today the region has been restarted, after more than 30 days of (amazingly smooth) uptime. The problem is that Egglebury is still running RC PF, an ancient version. So it looks like one on't cross beams gone owt askew on treadle.
  13. Hi Oskar, Can you please wave your magic wand over Egglebury? The region appears to be running Second Life RC PF The last time CHANGED_REGION_START triggered was 27 days ago. Yet, looking at sim performance, it's as if the region was restarted a few days ago. It's a mystery to me ...
  14. * Scratching head * https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-4968?focusedCommentId=343620&page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel#comment-343620 Here Baker Linden asks you to: - Download and install a special beta viewer. - Go to the beta-grid. - Send bugreports by IM.
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