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Arielle Popstar

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Everything posted by Arielle Popstar

  1. Aside from the idea that one comes to SL to relax from RL, not have to be aware of even more rules and regulations that are added on a Linden whim. It has reached a point for some, (like me) where it has just become too aggravating and stressful to continue going inworld.
  2. There has been a corresponding uptick of younger presenting avatars coming to other grids. So much so that in one particular instance, a grid has grown to have one of the largest concurrencies on that platform in a short time.
  3. Honestly? The difficulty is in you not seeing it. I don't mean that as a put down Innula but you along with others don't see it but for those having a particular avatar and dress, the immersion can be somewhat fragile and easy to break by changing back and forth between a teen/tween/child and an adult avatar
  4. Betting a lot of parents would wish they had access to a forced TP! Mine would have the way I carried on back then.
  5. No and if anything, I can't shake the feeling that this policy change focused on younger avatars is nothing but an intentional attempt to divert attention away from the real problem.
  6. But a post with more positive responses tends to carry more weight all other things being equal.
  7. What sucks is the whole focus is on removing temptation to child/teen/tween avatars rather then focusing on those who are sexually attracted to them, which is where the real problem lies.
  8. Ok a current release of Firestorm did block access to an Adult region when I reset my maturity rating. Must have fixed it Will wonders cease?
  9. For a few months a few years ago, my one alt had a GM rating that I couldn't get rid of. It would warn me but not prevent my access to Adult rated land or clubs. Maybe that has changed or been fixed in one or more viewers but to my current knowledge, it doesn't work across the board.
  10. This part: Child avatar content creators are required to add a modesty layer which is baked into child avatar skins or bodies, is not transparent, does not match the skin tone, and may not be removed. To do that it would need to be the default skin and not have a Bom or applier option
  11. Well how about the Lab/ Viewer notifies someone if they are entering an adult area? The Lab likes to put the onus on the resident rather lifting a hand themselves to help alleviate that possibility.
  12. Strikes me as the same spirit of authoritarianism we saw in the restriction of social justice issues and other discussions other then SL. For any changes of policy, who did the Lindens actually listen to other then themselves while they make noise about listening to the community? They only listen to the community to see how much drama they have triggered with their new rulings and how they can downplay it. Strikes me as the same slippery slope they are usually on.
  13. Mostly it is only in the forums I see people with angst as it regards -18 presenting avatars. In world I don't see or hear it so much. Considering many in past have said that the forumites do not really represent the inworld residents that well, policies should not so much reflect what the forum residents want or think they want.
  14. Except they really aren't. Just added more layers of complexity is what I see. They could start by showing examples of what they consider child/tween/teen avatars for the sake of Governance action.
  15. The idea behind all this is supposedly for the protection of children, not to worsen their lot.
  16. Yes, without becoming a doormat. Some one wants to keep harping on a behaviour that I have but not rid of yet but trying, one that i have but am ok with or have made amends for, then I can remind another I am in the process but not yet a completed project. Yes If I get too defensive about a behaviour, others will assume guilt or justification of it. That saying comes to mind, let one yay's be yay and nay's be nay. Makes sense to me.
  17. As long as others can accept that someone is being kind when pointing out issues and contradictions that are relevant. Some of my best friends in RL would be seen as toxic by some forum members yet they were a godsend to me because if woke me up to realize I had some self defeating behaviours that were not serving me well. The trick is being kind in how something is communicated, not necessarily what. Sharing something like, "this what i used to do but found it hurtful" Ps- Not directed at you specifically Rowan, just used your post to launch from.
  18. I've seen some change and a bit more thought into the responses as the thread progresses. It can't be easy to absorb all of us taking his inventory and certainly not something i would suggest but I feel something to his benefit maybe realized, even if it is that there is a difference between quantity of posts and quality. Something I had to start paying attention to years ago as I progressed on my journey.
  19. The other was in reference to Luna's post which you covered. So no, all done to this point.
  20. What about just being honest how you feel about those sort of jokes? Not having to direct it at the person but what he was communicating? That to me would be the kindest as it lets the other know where you stand, how you feel but also separating the person from the joke as it was probably something he learned in his culture which he is a product of. He likely didn't realize the effect they had on another and gives him the opportunity to change.
  21. My pleasure. Now you have it, what do you intend to so about it? Ignore and continue. Look within and see how relevant it is? Search out how to stop that unkind behaviour?
  22. Yes that would be though I haven't experienced that myself. Fortunately for me the OP usually has me blocked, perhaps not to have to answer uncomfortable questions I sometimes posit? That is always an out for one if they can't handle the truth about themself.
  23. It is so confusing when someone's responses to a post and their posted words, don't align. Also when a poster continues to do what you asked them not to, is that not the hallmarks of a narcissist?
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