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Pixels Sideways

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Everything posted by Pixels Sideways

  1. PLEASE NOTE: I figured out a workaround by placing the original touch script in the root -- however, I would still like to know why this didn't work. Thank you. Hello: I need help sorting out this script. I have a listen script that works except for the avatar llDetectedName(0). The list text comes up into chat but Instead of the avatars first name, it returns all 0's. It worked fine as a standalone touch script but I need it to work in a child prim so created a listen script -- and need to have listens to send instructions to other child prime as well. Thank you! This is what pops up in chat: The answer to your question, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, is Blah blah blah.. This is the listen script in the child prim: list linesofchat= [ "Blah blah blah.", "Yada yada yada.", "la la la la la la la.", ]; default { state_entry() { llListen( 12345, "", NULL_KEY, "" ); } listen( integer channel, string name, key id, string message ) {if ( message == "motorboat" ) { integer j = llFloor(llFrand(llGetListLength(linesofchat))); string av = llDetectedName(0); av = llList2String(llParseString2List(av,[" "],[""]),0); llSay(0, "The answer to your question, " + av + ", is " + llList2String(linesofchat,j)); } } } This is the call script in the root prim: integer channel = 12345; default { touch_start(integer total_number) { ; llSay(channel,"motorboat"); } }
  2. Thanks for taking a look. Foucault's pendulum is exactly what I'm trying to accomplish / emulate. I can somewhat grasp how the rot would have to be incorporated into the math formula, but it's totes over my head. I was wondering if there is a way to add a few degrees to baseRot = llGetRot(); after a certain amount of swings or time so that it would add say 10 more degrees to the previous get rot pos and after 36 times - a full 360 degree rotation, would be reset back to the 0 degrees. Also was wondering what this would be like if it were made physical and how much that would drive the physics lag on a sim. I recall there is/was a group of folks in SL who experiment in making physical objects do "RL" things instead of the smoke and mirrors of client side animations. Still would have to be scripted. I once tried to make a giant physical perpetual motion thing -- with the five pendulum balls and it sort of worked until the physics blew it apart. Anyway, here's the math that explains the Foucault pendulum in the wikipedia here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foucault_pendulum My workaround idea is to fake the Foucault motion by making a couple dozen of the pendulums, setting them up so each is set rot a few degrees from the previous one and sequentially making them visible/invisible -- would have to auto on/off each one in the sequence and timed to alpha/on off precisely at the resting point. Also would have to on/off the swing or have all 24-36 running the swing script which I would imagine would be lagalicious and they would all probably wind up swinging out of sync. Thanks again. I'll try to contact Dora.
  3. Hiya folks -- I have a large pendulum and am using the Dora Gustafson, Studio Dora swing script (below) from the outworlds script library. The text prims are set up and linked as such: pendulum (cube prim, tapered at the bottom), then a cylinder stretched out on z that acts like a rod and at the top, a small cube that is the root and contains the swing script. it works okay, i had to adjust the angle and the steps in the swing script to decrease the swing angle and slow it down -- well, it works mostly okay, it can be kinda jerky every now and then but I can live with that for now. What I'd like to do next is to rotate the root cube so the pendulum continues to swing but via the root, will also slowly rotate within a circular space on the ground so that if you attached a pencil to the pendulum end, it would act like a kind of spirograph. Not sure how to incorporate the rotation of the root prim into the swing script. I plopped in a target omega line of code but it didn't do anything - I'm guessing because I have no clue what I"m doing and that I read somewhere and can't find it there is a specific target omega for physical objects. (?) in an absolutely perfect world, the swing script would also randomly change the angle so that would alter the length of the path / lines. Appreciate any help. Thank you! This is the swing script: // :SHOW: // :CATEGORY:Pendulum // :NAME:Pendulum // :AUTHOR:Dora Gustafson, Studio Dora // :KEYWORDS: // :CREATED:2015-11-24 20:38:39 // :EDITED:2015-11-24 19:38:39 // :ID:1094 // :NUM:1870 // :REV:1 // :WORLD:Second Life // :DESCRIPTION: // Will swing a prim like a simple pendulum pivoting at an axis parallel to the prim's Y-axis // :CODE: // Pendulum motion by Dora Gustafson, Studio Dora 2012 // Will swing a prim like a simple pendulum pivoting at an axis parallel to the prim's Y-axis // The pivot axis will be at the top of a prim with the Z-axis pointing up // Quote from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pendulum_(mathematics) // • A simple pendulum is an idealization of a real pendulum using the following assumptions: // • The rod or cord on which the bob swings is massless, inextensible and always remains taut; // • Motion occurs only in two dimensions, i.e. the bob does not trace an ellipse but an arc. // • The motion does not lose energy to friction or air resistance. // The periode time increase with the Z dimension (the pendulum length)... // If it is too small the motion will not be well because of the time limitation with Key Framed Motions // The parameters set in the script works nice with a 3m long pendulum // If the pendulum is moved, rotated or resized the script must be reset to update the motion float angle=1.0; // max swing from resting (radians) //I CHANGED THIS TO 0.35 float steps=12.0; // number of Key Frames //I CHANGED THIS TO 48.0 float step=0.0; list KFMlist=[]; vector U; vector V; float angleU=0.0; float angleV; integer swing=TRUE; vector basePos; rotation baseRot; default { state_entry() { llSetMemoryLimit( llGetUsedMemory()+0x1000); llSetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_PHYSICS_SHAPE_TYPE, PRIM_PHYSICS_SHAPE_CONVEX]); basePos = llGetPos(); baseRot = llGetRot(); vector v1 = llGetScale(); float periode = TWO_PI*llSqrt( v1.z/9.81); float dT = periode/steps; dT = llRound(45.0*dT)/45.0; if ( dT < 0.11111111 ) dT = 0.11111111; v1.x = 0.0; v1.y = 0.0; v1 = -0.5*v1*llGetRot(); U = v1; while ( step < steps ) { step += 1.0; angleV = angle*llCos( TWO_PI*step/steps + PI_BY_TWO); V = v1*llAxisAngle2Rot(llRot2Fwd(llGetRot()), angleV); KFMlist += [V-U, llEuler2Rot(< angleV-angleU, 0.0, 0.0>), dT]; angleU = angleV; U = V; } } touch_start( integer n) { llSetKeyframedMotion( [], []); llSleep(0.2); llSetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_POSITION, basePos, PRIM_ROTATION, baseRot]); if ( swing ) llSetKeyframedMotion( KFMlist, [ KFM_MODE, KFM_LOOP]); swing = !swing; } on_rez( integer n) { llResetScript(); } }
  4. Last logged into SL a couple days ago -- everythign was fine. Tonight I logged in as usual and saw that my entire inventory was in loading mode - every folder had the word loading next to it, however, it shows my inventory item number but it's aoubt 60k short -- my avatar was just a ruth hair and some mesh flower head piece I had on when I last logged out. Obviously, my avatar is not loading either.. I cleared my cache and logged in again but it's still not working -- now I get the same loading text next to every folder but the inventory number now reads zero and it's not populating. And my avatar is just smoke. I use singularity 64 -- I also tried SL viewer and had the same problem. I've never run across this before -- where my inventory would not load -- especially after clearing the cache. Very concerned. I also can't IM anyone nor does it seem I can teleport. I checked the grid status and saw they did a rolling maintenance main channel earlier today but that was completed long before I logged in. And wondering if that would affect my account/inventory. Also, I haven't made any changes to my computer such as updateing drivers, etc. so nothing has changed there either since I last logged in a couple days ago when everything worked.. Anyone else experiencing this issue? Any suggestions how I might fixt this? Thanks! **** UPDATE - JULY 6, 2016 --- I logged back in to an empty sim -- FURBALL -- no changes to the viewer and the inventory repopulated itself so all is good so far. Cleaning up my inventoyr -- thanks for the help. And the tip on keeping folders under 5K content. Will check all to make sure they stay under the limit. Thanks again! .
  5. So am trying to buy stuff -- keep getting notices that transaction failed, then not enough L's in (have more than enough), then bought more L's and the transaction went through but the total is not reflected/added to the L's I already have. Mega issue needs to fixed asap. Thank you.
  6. So am trying to buy stuff -- keep getting notices that transaction failed, then not enough L's in (have more than enough), then bought more L's and the transaction went through but the total is not reflected/added to the L's I already have. Mega issue needs to fixed asap. Thank you.
  7. I'm particularly happy that Linden Labs has appointed itself as my attorney. I will now direct any legal actions toward me to their offices. However, I will need the private numbers of the Linden Lab legal team in case I need bail or have a pressing legal question that keeps me up at night. I assume that will be forthcoming? I should have Rod's personal number too, just in case the legal team is tied up writing the next version of the TOS. Thank you Linden Labs for covering my ass -- I'll never have to worry about being sued or having to use some pro-bono or court appointed attorney now that you represent my legal interests. NOTE TO LL Legal Team: I may be in touch soon -- apparently there will be a huge protest against Fracking coming up and I plan on chaining myself to a fracking rig and will likely be arrested so please hurry up with those 24/7 phone numbers. xo
  8. To Rod the Humble: Just reading your explanation of your "Marriage Game." I think I need a marriage counselor. Good luck wth the new gig -- there will be lots of whine and cheeze waiting for you.
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