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Frigga Freidman

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Everything posted by Frigga Freidman

  1. At Kazza for Happy Weekend: Sweet Escape - chair 6 LI, palm pot 4 LI, floorlamp 3 LI - all for 60L$.
  2. No additional regions changed status from 'Protected Land' to 'Linden Home' on Friday, so this list is still valid.
  3. Consignment is selling this shelving unit (with all decor) in a darker version of the one I used in my stilt house - 50L$ 6LI.
  4. I think these shelf units would fit in well in a lot of styles where you need to fill a corner (hoping they'll suit the Tortuga's odd indents) 50L$ each, 2 LI at Hive now.
  5. I have to say that my alt - who just landed an OK stilt house earlier tonight - is, for the second time, experiencing serious "abandoner's regret" - first it was the Vic in Century and now it's the Camper in Wood. Isn't it strange that different avi's have different wants/needs? I'm *very* pleased with the stilt I got Christmas day (using the Lauderdale), but I don't want to replicate it elsewhere (unless I get a dream parcel). So that means using one of the three other house types and I just haven't gotten on with any of them. I thought I'd absolutely love the Havana, and that having successfully decorated a Camper with this alt, now having twice the LI to use would be a doddle, but nothing I wanted to do works. So I tried the Santiago - still difficult to do what I want with the kitchen and bedroom. I don't like the Tortuga, but will give it a chance tomorrow... but I am wishing I could return to my place in Wood. Sorry about the rambling - I've all but pulled an all-nighter (5:44am here) and my brain is as fuzzy as my fingers are cold. Tomorrow is another day.
  6. These are the only remaining regions where the houses are still "Protected Land", as of 7:20pm SLT 21st January.
  7. Some houses in No Wake, Popeye, Reeser , and Sal*****er Taffy have been claimed. PS - I'm not responsible for those asterisks! SL is apparently more delicate than I imagined!
  8. That would be great, thanks! (I've run into a problem like this before, when I 'scooped' a Christmas set from Kazza that just refused to rez properly - the creator apparently corrected it twice, so the third time I had it redelivered a couple of hours later everything was OK.)
  9. It would help if there was a 'Read Me' to read! See my response to Sparkly.
  10. Thanks - part of my frustration was that I rezzed it twice, and there was no notecard. I did buy it the day before it was officially advertised as being on sale, so maybe the creator updated it. (The pantry, fridge cabinet and island are the items I was able to re-color.) Will get a redelivery. However, I was unable to resize most of the items, and they're way too big.
  11. For the first time I'm seriously disappointed in a Muniick product - not only are the pieces HUGE, but more than half of them do not give a menu option to change color. Sometimes a bargain isn't.
  12. Ah, then I apologize. I haven't looked closely at the one Pier house I had. Will try to delete the content of the incorrect post! MEA CULPA MEA CULPA MEA CULPA!
  13. For the stilts, I'm looking for a good sunset view from the back deck with at least some view of the water. Framed by palm trees and vegetation a plus (like the OW stilt I have right next to an island). The sound of water as well as the gulls is important to me, so being in the *middle* of OL houses is least appealing, but I've seen several still-available OL houses backing onto the water that I really like. I know I won't find the sense of seclusion/privacy that I have with my trad (*no* visible neighbors, at all!) or log home or even the camper I abandoned yesterday. I'm playing GoH with the camper alt mainly to give decorating another style house a try. (Got to use all that Apple Fall merch somewhere!) Unless she gets a spectacular parcel, she'll be jumping on to chalets or older themes.
  14. You did indeed mention it - so I'm at a loss to understand how the queuing system works, given that OP and OW houses seem to be claimed once a region become active. I've tried for both types in the last 45 minutes, and both have been abandons. (Must keep my grumbling in check - I was intending to demote this alt to basic, but got my dates mixed up and she got charged for renewal, so if things had gone as planned she wouldn't be playing GoH at all.)
  15. But no homes claimed there (only OW and OL) - nothing taken yet in Ponte Squali either.
  16. Status of Ponte Squali has now changed from 'Protected Land' to 'Linden Home'.
  17. Not sure why my response to @LittleMe Jewell has appeared within her question to me. To reiterate: I abandoned the camper, which I've had since July, a little over an hour before it was claimed by someone else. I mentioned this to give an obvious timestamp. Having abandoned the camper at 6:50am SLT yesterday, and then claimed and abandoned 4 stilt houses 2-4 hours later, I *should* have had 1 opportunity to claim a new house after 6:50am SLT today. It is now 9:46am SLT, and I'm still being told I have to wait 24 hours. ************* By now (10:43am SLT), I should be eligible for 2 attempts to get a house. Still no joy. Update 2: Just got a parcel at 10:53am SLT - one that I abandoned yesterday
  18. Squeaky Mole spotted in Puerto Seguro and, I think, was in Popeye immediately before.
  19. <grumble>I'm not sure that LL measures 24 hours the same way I do. I abandoned my camper at 6:50am SLT yesterday (it was claimed at 7:42am SLT) and then caught and released 4 stilt houses between 8:30 and 11am SLT. By my reckoning, I should have 1 chance available now.</grumble>
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