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Frigga Freidman

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Everything posted by Frigga Freidman

  1. Maybe something for the garden of your fantasy house? This Moonlight Arbor from Serenity Style is on sale at The Outlet - the resized demo is 11 LI, but no idea if that's the same for the full-size version. PG $175, A $225.
  2. Dreamland Designs has this 17 LI (!) sofa on sale for $50 - PG or A. No color change options unfortunately, but I think it has a nice beachy vibe. The coffee table set (table 2 LI, beach tray 5 LI, rug 2 LI) is also on sale for $50. And if you look to the right of these items, you'll see a gift box (no group tag required) that contains the "peaceful wild garden" - 10 LI, which is easy enough to break down into its component parts. (It looks like this was a gift at SL18B, so if you missed it there you can still pick it up!)
  3. KraftWork's offering is a set of table-top carousel horses (1 LI each; a set of 2 costs $75, each color sold separately). If you're using a circus/amusement park theme, check around the corner for this free group gift - a 1 LI kid's pop-up book.
  4. Some bits and pieces from this weekend's sales - if you've ever wanted a decor electric guitar and amp, Hidecki has them on sale for $75 each. Only 1 LI each, compared with at least 3 LI for Hidecki's other guitars. LODs appear to be really good. Also music-related is this 2 LI snare drum table for only $66.
  5. Yee haw! Done in Photoshop (CS4). 1. Created a white canvas 1024 x 512 px 2. Show > Grid, then took a screengrab of it; saved and opened the resulting .jpg in Photoshop (had to add 2 more pixels to the canvas on the right to make it up to 1024px) 3. Uploaded the grid image to SL and added it as the texture for my 8mx4m wall to get measurements 4. Opened the image I wanted to use as a texture in Photoshop, placed the grid image in a layer above it 5. Created a new layer and drew the bright blue box (fill and outline) to correspond with the doorway (adding a bit extra as the doorframe would cover edges) 6. I needed to flatten the image, but the bottom layer couldn't be unlocked (not sure what I did wrong), so I duplicated the bottom layer, made the locked layer invisible and then flattened the image. 7. Used the Magic Wand tool (with a tolerance of 30) to select the entire blue area 8. Used the Magic Eraser tool to remove the blue area, leaving a transparent area in its place 9. Saved the image as a .png and uploaded it to SL, and adjusted transparency. (Don't forget to make the object Phantom and then Lock it!) Once again, there are many ways to accomplish the same task in any image editor.
  6. Excellent value! Soft-linked, it's all 12 LI, but it's easy to unlink and use the parts individually: pelican 2 LI, large rocks (2) 1 LI each, beach grass in 2 clumps of 5 1 LI each, 'Beach' sign 1 LI, the 3 weights 2 LI, loose rope and the 3 posts 5 LI.
  7. If you like the blocky style of the Llewellyn bed that was on sale at Muniick recently, this weekend's sale at Consignment is worth a look - both the whale sculpture (2 LI) and the console table (2 LI) for 50L$.
  8. I'm a proficient Photoshop user (though still using CS4) and haven't looked at GIMP in 18+ years (when I found its user interface maddening). I've just installed it now and its UI appears to have improved greatly (tooltips! intuitively-organized menus!) I'm still finding selecting a silhouette image (screengrabbed from the web rather than downloaded as a true vector image) with clean outlines trickier than in Photoshop, but with zooming in and experimenting with threshold levels for the selection, it's doable. For those who haven't used a graphics editor, this is how I replicated what I'd already done in Photoshop: Step 01: File > New - I created a canvas of 1024 x 512 pixels with a transparent background. Step 02: I opened a silhouette image that I'd screengrabbed from the web - note that this is not a true vector (which means that if you resize it dramatically, you'll lose a crisp outline) Step 03: I've selected all the white background - Select > By Color (You may need to zoom in to make sure you've selected as much of the white as possible; experiment with the radius and/or threshold options) Step 04: Select > Invert Step 05: Edit > Copy Step 06: Click on the thumbnail of the transparent canvas created in Step 01, then Edit > Paste Step 07: Now you can use the tools in the upper left of the screen to move the bird, rotate it, change its size, change its color, etc. (Actually, it's better to keep the color black and then tint the image within SL, as using GIMP I wound up with a partial thin black outline around a red bird.) Step 08: File > Export As... PNG (Unfortunately, GIMP then crashed and as I didn't save the actual GIMP file first my work was lost, so incomplete screengrabs ) Please keep in mind that with any graphics editor, there's more than one way to accomplish the same task!
  9. Something like Sylvia's mural doesn't need to be a vector, provided you don't need to resize the image much. For the "supergraphics", the real trick is ensuring that your *proportions* are correct - i.e. 1:1 (square) or 2:1 so you don't have to fiddle with horizontal/vertical offsets, etc. and to make the background and everything you don't want to see transparent in your graphics editor. Oops - dinner's being served. I can get back later with more info if you have questions! What graphics editor do you have?
  10. I'm still trying to find an image that works well in my Lauderdale's upstairs hallway - it does look *very* good in your alcove!
  11. I've done something similar, but created a transparent-background .png from vectors that I adapted and re-colored from black to blue. The one on the outside of the house is at 75% transparency and the one in the bathroom is over 80%. They are on 2 faces of a single object. (This is the Lauderdale, and the measurements to use for this wall are 9.8m x 4.9m x 0.2m - just make sure there's no image in the upper corners, and the top, sides and bottom faces are set to 100% transparent!)
  12. Also something I haven't seen before - when your mouse hovers over a region name, the region name (and number of avatars present there) appears in white letters on a black background well below the region name on the map instead of overwriting the label already there, so you can actually read it.
  13. Additionally, if you go to their Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/SLZerkalo) today you can enter your name to win a 1000L$ gift card. (I should look at the email account I use for Frigga more often!)
  14. The hanging rack and bread bin definitely look good at LOD2, even from a distance!
  15. Sales at Zerkalo this weekend: A colorful Foosball table - but only sit or cuddle animations, no game play. (Not sure how this compares to the Foosball table previously on sale at Muniick); PG, 9 LI and 60L$. A rather scary Tattooed Sofa; PG, 15 LI and 75L$. And, who doesn't feel the need for a sofa carved out of a cruise missile? PG, 10 LI and 75L$.
  16. If baking's your thing, Muniick has this set available for 25L$ - all the items except the scale are soft-linked for 4 LI (scale is 1 LI), but individual items included.
  17. 7:46am HB trad Camper Chalet Log Home - gonna be one of those days, I think, when lots of stuff floats around. Good luck! 7:45am HB gone but Trad and others mentioned available. NOW (7:44am SLT): HB, Camper, Stilt on Land, Chalet and Log Home! 4:35am SLT Camper, Vic, Chalet, Stilt on Land At 4am SLT: Only camper and chalet available (Link to check with using a non-Linden-homeowning account: https://land.secondlife.com/en-US//lindenhomes/land-selection.php) Currently available (2:35am SLT)
  18. Well, they just lost my business - clicked on the link and I can't go into the store called Kustom9, even after joining their group. Receive the unhelpful message: " Second Life: Only members of a certain group can visit this area." I see a Vagrant shop (paired with Zerkalo at the Zerkalo location) but that sells only clothing. @Chic Aeon- what's the mystery group one has to join to be allowed into the store? (This is the first time I've ever encountered a vendor who prevented access like this.) Ah, I see it's an event, and it closes today - you'd think that wouldn't mean closing *really early* in the day, wouldn't you? Screw it, I've got no place to use it right now anyway. https://www.seraphimsl.com/2021/03/15/theres-so-much-to-find-at-kustom9/
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