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Frigga Freidman

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Everything posted by Frigga Freidman

  1. I've decided that the houseboat designs don't suit me as well as the traditional houses will, so I will be relinquishing my parcel in Barnacle in the next few minutes. Nice views of beach grass, etc. depending on which of the styles you choose (I just don't get on well with curved walls, and am less interested in a large deck area.)
  2. Just got a houseboat in Barnacle 1:16 British time! Not what I wanted, but I'll take it for now.
  3. 19:07/08 UK time - just missed 3 trad houses; sorry notice.
  4. I'm beginning to miss my very homey Grayson house. *sniff*
  5. I read on one of the threads in the forum that the intention/hope was to release some new properties on Mon/Wed/Fri - is that what is happening? If so, any indication of a release today (as opposed to the occasional relinquished property)? Getting my Meadowbrook house 8-9 (?) years ago was a doddle compared to this!
  6. Quick question: when I go to the registration page and every time I refresh, Meadowbrook is shown first. When Bellisseria is available, does it default to the first choice? Or is it always necessary to click on the drop-down to check? Thanks-
  7. Thank you all so much! Madelaine's method appeared to be the simplest as the object was descriptively named and easy to find on a list - and it worked! (FWIW, I'm using the latest SL viewer.)
  8. Hi! I put up a one-prim strand of Christmas lights in my Linden Home. Sucessfully stretched it a bit, but have not been able to select/move/remove it on a subsequent login. It is highlighted along with all my other objects when I go to World> About Land> Objects> Show, but still not selectable on its own. If I click on the Return button next to the Show button, will I be given a list of objects I can select from? Or will clicking Return send *everything* on my parcel back to my Inventory? Any suggestions for getting rid of this object much appreciated!!
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