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Tari Landar

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Posts posted by Tari Landar

  1. Pussycat Catnap wrote:

    Some of you are just running around making stuff up because you're afraid, rather than actually looking. Its a bit like the paranoia on Fox News up in here sometimes... While it happens, its not common.


    I can site all kinds of products that I, do not personally like, for *me*. I don't like the way they make certain attributes of mine look-even though I don't need to change sliders to "make it fit". The end result is just something I don't like. That doesn't make them bad, it doesn't mean they're made *wrong(again, I never said ANY of it was made wrong, just not my style). It simply means, I do not like it. I don't believe for two seconds you like ALL designs in sl. Not everything will look the same on everyone, and not everything will even be a style everyone will like. Sort of like rl. It's not, yet another, topic on how mesh "doesn't fit". It's a topic discussing why certain things just don't look right, for certain people, on themselves.

    The butt issue is not rare for all. It may be for you, but that is your experience, and not mine, clearly it's not others' either. I never said the butt sticks out a mile, or looks completely disproportionate altogether. It simply sticks out more than I'd like. You are confusing my opinion of what I'd like my butt to look like, with, well, I don't know what you're confusing it with, lol. The fact remains, I don't like the way the butt looks like in a lot of things.

    Just like I don't like certain clothing styles. It's not the end of the world to say you don't like something. Nor is it some kind of blaspehmous statement made against mesh as a whole. It almost seems as if you take anything remotely not 100% positive about mesh, as some kind of personal attack because you've devoted so much time to mesh-which you clearly want known because you keep mentioning it over and over. Which, again I am sure you'll attribute to my perception being off entirely, because it's not *your* perception of how things should look.  Your perception of things look on you is no more right, or wrong, than my perception of how things look on me It's not paranoia to not like something, and I'm not quite sure why you seem to think it is.

    I have some pants and dresses/skirts I absolutely love because the butt shape made into the mesh itself, actually mirrors my butt shape. It's a nice subtle round, without too wide of hips, and without sticking out too much. For now, I tend to stick with those. That doesn't mean I stop looking altogether. I still buy demos, I still try things out. When I find something I enjoy, I buy it. When I don't, I move on. But I suppose it's not worth going rounds over. My mileage just varies from yours. I can accept that.

  2. UberSkills wrote:

    Thank you for this information i was not aware of this


    But if i have items on the land i do not want people to see, i can not use this feature ? 

    It's not a feature that exists. At least not to my knowledge. I have never seen anything that boots based on (end) camera location. Only systems that boot based on avatar location.

  3. Pussycat Catnap wrote:

    You may have the numbers here, but you're failing to realize that a LOT of mesh items are made to *look* like the butt, or boobs are either too big, or too small.

    I have a mesh clothing inventory in the multiple thousands of items now.
    I have seen that occur less than a handful of times.

    I have pants, capris, shorts, leotards, undies, bikinis, harnesses, catsuits, dresses, gowns, skirts, corsets, armor, costumes, capes, cloaks, etc... Just about anything.

    More often before I wear the alpha, a portion of my rear set to those numbers can be seen slightly coming through where it is mostly flush to the outfit.

    For the general situation, you are imagining this. Exceptions are rare.



    My avatar is 5'3" tall. Mesh clothes made using the 'standard size shapes' which are about 7' tall fit me just fine, and stretch to fit those tallers ones just fine (some of my furry forms go up there or above and still wear the same sizes).

    - The very fact that a poster above me mentioned height tells me some of you are speaking without much actual experience in using. Mesh stretches with the height sliders. In fact it will already deform to every slider not on the list I put in my earlier post, except for those in the head, hands, feet, plus cleavage and breast gravity.

    Some of you are just running around making stuff up because you're afraid, rather than actually looking. Its a bit like the paranoia on Fox News up in here sometimes... While it happens, its not common.


    Umm, no, personal style has a lot more to do with things than you think. It has nothing to do with paranoia or making things up. To put it bluntly, my butt in rl is not a bubble butt. It does not stick out very much at all. In sl, I'd prefer it be the same, that's why I made it the same, lol. What YOU think looks great, others may not agree on. That really is the most simple way to put it.

    The fact that you seem to think you know everything there is to know about mesh and anytime anyone has even the smallest issue with mesh, you start rambling on about the numbers, tells me a lot. I'm not going to say it tells me you know nothing, or very little, however, unlike you. You do know a lot about the numbers about standard sizing, and about bodfy proportions. I too, happen to know a lot...about what I like, what I think is ideal and what I think looks good on me and the shape I enjoy having in sl. I'm no more making up what I think looks good *on me*(I can't possibly emphasize that anymore than I have already-I don't speak for a general public, merely myself) than you are making up what you believe the standards and propper proportions are. I'm not sure why you feel the need to suggest that, lol.

    I don't like bottoms of any sort that make my butt look bigger, or boobs smaller, than I'd like. I don't like it in rl. I don't like it in sl. My butt fits just fine in a lot of mesh clothes, without changing the dial. It actually fits under most mesh, without poking through(even pre-alpha), because I have a smaller butt than some of the size numbers suggest you need for that size. So, to have a butt in an article of clothing that actually sticks out, doesn't quite fit my body style. I am guessing, it doesn't fit others, either. It has nothing to do with setting my numbers in appearance to the right spots, they're fine. It has everything to do with how something looks once it's on-AFTER we can clearly see it fits the shape fine.

    You have a butt that pokes through, without the alpha, so clearly we do not have the same kind of body style. I don't have that problem with a lot of things.

    Not every style will suit everyone. I'm not sure why you have a problem with that. I don't have a problem with others who like those things(in this case, bigger butts, or smaller boobs). I say, whatever tickles your pickle. But it's not my style, and not likely something I would wear, even if it's made wonderfully and by all "standards" it actually fits my shape just fine. How something actually looks on me, to me(and to my hubby, because I trust his honest nature and his judgment, completely) does make a difference as to whether or not I'd buy it. Hence why I buy a LOT of demos, lol.

    You don't need a mesh inventory in the thousands to see what does and does not look right on you. I'm not sure why you mention that, it doesn't much make a difference. It doesn't make your ideal styles any better, or worse, than mine. They're just different. You like what you like, I like what I like. Bigger butts and smaller boobs, don't fall on my list of likes. I do, as others have said, see a lot of creators that make things with those two attributes, and I don't like them. They're not my style and I really wish there was a more middle ground. Or, better yet, no reason for sizing at all and just have the mesh conform to the body properly based on whatever settings I put it at (but that's an entirely different can of worms, as we all know).

  4. Pussycat Catnap wrote:

    • Body Fat: 5
    • Torso Muscle: 31
    • Breast Size: 48
    • Love Handles: 25
    • Belly Size: 2
    • Leg Muscle: 45
    • Butt Size: 34
    • Saddle Bags: 30

    - That's hardly a big rear. If you find it to be so, it might be your perceptions of a normal human body that are off.

    But if you must, you can always wear XXS bottoms with some other size top:

    XXS – Extra Extra Small
    • Body Fat: 0
    • Torso Muscle: 21
    • Breast Size: 32
    • Love Handles: 22
    • Belly Size: 0
    • Leg Muscle: 40
    • Butt Size: 24
    • Saddle Bags: 22


    You may have the numbers here, but you're failing to realize that a LOT of mesh items are made to *look* like the butt, or boobs are either too big, or too small. That's the same problem I have had with things. Yes, changing the dials, sometimes things fit just fine and dandy. But the WAY the item is made, the butt looks huge(to some, including myself). The numbers don't really matter an iota when it's the design of the item itself that makes certain body parts look, well, not my style. Huge butts are a big problem for me too. A lot of bottoms, skirts, and dresses are made with a butt that sticks out much further than mine does. Sure I "fit" under it just fine, but that doesn't mean a big butt looks good on me, or that I'll like it.

    I have the same problem with tops. I don't have small breasts in rl, I don't have small ones in sl either. But some designers seem to think they know "ideal"(not unlike rl of course-I can't say I blame them for that). Which means even when I change myself to fit, according to the dials, and the clothing fits just fine, the way it's made just seems so wrong *to me*. It doesn't look right *on me*. My chest isn't that small, and I don't want the design of a top to make it look like it is or should be(it's also not huge, which is the other extreme some people choose to go for). There isn't a whole lot of wiggle room, or even middle ground-regardless of the size and numbers used. Boobs and butt often "look" not proportioned correctly *to me*. So most mesh, is just not my style, even if I love the item and can get it to fit nicely. That doesn't necessarily mean it will still look ok, despite fitting. Just like in rl, some styles are not so flattering for all body shapes, even if the article "fits" by all standards.

    But that is entirely because we don't have a good enough deformer to account for such things. As already, and better, described, what they're giving us, just opens up an entirely different set of problems, and doesn't actually address let alone solve, most of the problems people have.

  5. Medhue Simoni wrote:

    Aw crap! This can't be good!


    Some1 should tell them they can't have Land Impact as an option in Search, cause we don't even have an option for that in the listings.


    I'd also like to see them redo the inworld search, rather than the MP search.

    I am hoping, and I know this is extremely optomistic of me to hoppe, that by asking what search term options people would like, they plan to incorporate thsoe options for the merchants listing too. So if they see people want land impact, or mesh, or whatever other search term, perhaps they'll add that option/flag for merchants(and require it be filled out/checked).

    I know, it really is terribly optomistic of me, considering I'm not even confident that any of these changes will ever actually be made in the first place, lol

  6. Jacob Cagney wrote:

    All good ideas and I agree with you.



    Keyword spam is the biggest thing I see that is ngatively affecting the Marketplace and making search horrible. 

    1. The store name should not be included in Item Searches.

    2. The avatar name should not be included in Item Searches

    3. The store description should not be included in Item Searches.

    4. Keywords should be limited to a specific number of fields, like 10.


    If I only had 10 keyword fields to describe my item, I certainly wouldn't be wasting that space trying to add a bunch of junk or brand names to try to game the system.

    Keyword spam IS a PITA, but if they limited it to 10 slots, you'd see even more of it. I say that because we already know they don't police it, and want us to. Unless they start hiring more people to take care of those problems, it's going to stay the same way. Which means those who use only a couple of keywords that don't belong, will use ONLY keywords that don't belong. Of course not everyone follows that practice, but enough people do that it's already a problem that isn't going away.

    Now IF they actually policed the keyword spam correctly, limiting it would be more beneficial. Then that change would work wonderfully. But it requires more than I honestly believe they're willing to put forth right now.

  7. Sorry but I completely and utterly disagree with your assesment here. If people cannot be financially responsible for themselves, they probably don't need to have credit cards or bank accounts in the first place.

    I am someone who believes if you cannot pay for it, you don't need it(in the majority of cases). If you buy a subscription to something it is...a subscription. That would mean a continued financial agreement with someone/a company. The only time a specified amount of time would apply is if your agreement was ONLY for a specified amount. Otherwise, you should be looking at subscriptions as permanent, until you (or they) say otherwise. Sl is one of those subscriptions that doesn't come with an automatic end date. In fact there's an awful lot of information out there about premium accounts, right at everyone's fingertips. So there is no excuse to not know this and to simply assume it's for a limited time.

    Does your credit card company allow you to just not make payments because you've decided you no longer want to? No, they keep billing you for as long as they can. Closing an account, or terminating your financial obligations, is how you get out of having those obligations you no longer want. You don't just sit around and wait for them to go away, or wait for the company to terminate them for you(unless you want to put yourself even further in debt, lol, which is exactly what will happen when you don't meet your financial obligations)

    This is one reason why so many who do have credit cards, should not have them. They don't understand financial obligations in the least. Sl is no different from any other subscription service. You want premium, you pay for it. You don't want it, you cancel it. It's NOT difficult at all to terminate your sl subscription, or to find information on your subscription. It's not up to LL or anyone else, to tell you this. You signed the agreement-likely without reading it-it's your responsibility to know what you're paying, when you're paying it and deciding if that's a choice you want to continue to make. It's not like you get penalized for stopping your premium membership. If people don't want their account locked, they should make certain they can pay for what they sign up for. It's really simple. If you find yourself in a postion where you can no longer afford it(and this happens all too often, not just in sl, of course) or even just don't want it anymore then CANCEL it.

  8. Alpha Male closed their doors in October. I think the 12th, but I'm honestly not sure that's correct.

    Unless the creator has since changed their mind, it should still be closed.


    Also, despite what some have tried to say, it wasn't due to the TOS changes, either.(if you search the forums, or anywhere, that's likely what you'll find). Pretty sure hubby has the nc from the store in his inventory, I can ask him.

  9. It's not one of the settings. As someone else pointed out, it started happening when they started fiddling with the backend of things. It may, or may not, be fixed when they stop playing with the buttons.

    It does work, just intermittently right now.

  10. I'm pretty sure the warning you're referring to is about no copy items. That option would be under pop-ups.

    There is  no warning in any viewer I've ever seen that says "you are only deleting part of this outfit" or anything remotely similar to that. So not sure what warning your friends have showed you, but it's entirely possible they're confused about what the warning actually is.

  11. A lot of times the reason mesh doesn't seem to "fit" properly, is because the alpha is made wrong. Since creators include the alphas(ok, most do) people(especially new people) will assume the mesh is simply made poorly when they see gaps, holes or skin poking through.

    That's a huge hurdle to overcome, for mesh anyway. Some creators do truly suck at making alphas. I'm not certain why, or how they don't notice. But I do think that, in some cases anyway, they don't really look all that closely at the article and keep an eye out for such gaps. Some creators, especially those who do not create their own mesh, use an alpha someone else made. Often times, that alpha just isn't made right. That's what typically leads to people needing to make additional adjustments to their shape that they probably don't want to make.

    For some folks, this isn't a problem. For some, it is. There really is no universal standard sized alphas, because mesh varies, even if only slightly. I have some alphas I made that I know will fit a certain style of shirt, or dress, since those are the mesh items I have that cause the most problems. It's usually gaps right where the top meets the breast. Places where gaps just look horrid(they really do). Those are also places that if I continue to edit my shape to remove the gap because of a poorly made alpha, it can distort my shape enough that I just don't like it. That's not always the case, but it's the main reason I really don't like a lot of mesh. The alpha, if made badly, will give the entire outfit(and creator) a bad rep with someone.

    It's not that difficult to make an alpha, but people new to sl may not know this. Then again, some people feel that they shouldn't NEED to make a new alpha. When someone has all their numbers set correctly, as per the advertised sizing method, the outfit should fit right out of the box. All of the numbers/settings that wouldn't normally make any difference in an outfit, should have absolutely no bearing on whether or not an outfit fits. But if an alpha is made poorly, they can. That frustrates people, and it frustrates new people even more.

    I honestly think sometimes creators take so much time and care in texturing their mesh items(this really goes double for people who use templates they texture that others have made) they may not even pay attention to little details....like gaps, holes, skin poking through just slightly. Some of us are **bleep** retentive enough to see it right off the bat and realizing that we'll, again, have to tweak our settings to fit anothers' "ideal" and it's a huge turnoff. I know that's what frustrates me most. I hate having to make a new alpha because someone else didn't take care in making theirs. It's obnoxious, and really shouldn't be a necessary step. I have never minded having to make adjustments to prim clothes, and wouldn't mind needing to, say move , mesh bits to fit properly(if needed, and of course, possible). But having to make a whole new alpha...nah. I don't want to do that.

    Aside from that, the whole standard sizes thing just annoys the living crap out of me. Some people INSIST to the point of causing nausea, that there is only one really true set..with a couple others thrown in for good measure. I have tried on so many demos since mesh came to be I could start my own demo factory and would need several sims to do so. There is a lot more "standard sizing" going on out there and sometimes the differences are really subtle. For someone who doesn't necessarily have to tweak too much, you probably wouldn't even notice subtle differences. For someone who has to tweak more than a couple numbers in any direction, you just might notice. If I have a shape set to all of the numbers specifically listed for a certain standard(I am going to use the most common, aka, those who use the logo, standard) then ALL outfits in that size ought to fit me with no need to tweak. That's not the case. With bottoms, I rarely have any problems. It's the tops people don't pay attention to. That's where I find the most differences, even if they're just minor and will require one number here, one number there, etc.. But that brings me back to my first statements...it's usually the alpha causing it and NOT the mesh.

    Occasionally it's how the mesh is rigged. I've found some creators are either not rigging things right(I'm honestly not sure how they're doing it wrong) or something else is up. Tops that fit just about everywhere, shouldn't cut into shoulders, as if the height placement is off. How that setting can be so off, when everything else would fit just fine if the top were raised up just a bit, is beyond me. No editing of one's shape will make that shirt/top fit. It will always cut into the shoulders. I only know because I've tried, several times, to figure out why/how it does it. There is absolutely no dial you can tweak that will make a top that does this, fit properly(ok, no dial I can tweak for any of the tops I have that do this..your mileage may vary). So that tells me it's something in how the person rigged it/made it. I'm just not a seasoned vet when it comes ot making mesh so I'm not sure exactly how they get it that wrong(or why they put it out there, so wrong, to begin with, but that's neither here nor there, really).

    That's my long winded way of saying, sometimes when mesh seems like it doesn't fit, ok a lot of times, it's not the mesh, it's the alpha. I honestly find that to be a huge turnoff, even if I love the creator. I won't buy their stuff if I have to continually adjust an alpha. No matter how well made, beautiful, or even awesome their stuff actually is. If I have to go through even more work, just to wear it, I won't return.

    As for prims and system clothing going obsolete...absolutely not. There are enough of us left, even if we DO wear mesh too, who love and purchase it regularly. They will all have their place and yes it would do creators well to learn how to utilize all the tools given them and not just a select few, or less. They'll broaden their own customer base and that's never a bad thing. System clothes will ALWAYS have their appeal. Prim clothes will too, especially in the dress industry, because frankly mesh just can't do what prims can do. Even the most beautiful mesh, cannot do what many women(and even men who enjoy looking at beautiful women in dresses) want their dresses to do....flow. At least not yet. When mesh can do this, then those prim dress/skirt makers may find themselves concerned. Until then, those dress makers will continue on making prim skirts/dresses because there us a HUGE audience for them. Despite what some might say, neither prims nor system clothes will ever go obsolete unles LL finds a way to intentionally MAKE them obsolete(the general public never will). Go to a lot of full, active, formal places and while you will see mesh, you'll also see an awful lot of flowing gowns.

    All methods for creation will always have both down and upsides. No method is perfect for everyone. Sl is a vast virtual world, and just as different as each individual user. We all have likes and dislikes and even if we share some similarities, none of us are exactly the same as another. We're like odd snowflakes....because we're all just a wee bit odd...even if our differences are very subtle and can't be seen by the naked eye.

    • Like 1

  12. A3123 wrote:

    You people are all sitting at a computer and you can't be bothered to search for the names of the continents?


    7 continents.jpg


    I can guess your post was an attempt to put others down for their lack of map skills, or inability(perhaps lack of desire) to find a map that lists the continents. However, you should know this map is labelled incorrectly, and that alone will prove to invalidate your point to many people who would reply, lol. North and South America are reversed here. Regardless of what others may call the two America continents(be it one, or two), they don't magically switch places just because. They still remain right where they've been all along. They're not twins so switching places to trick people isn't something they could easily pull off. I'm also pretty certain that if they did manage finding a way to switch places, it would not be so friggen cold here right now.

  13. I happen to like your pictures too and I think anyone who is determined enough can easily make a name for themselves in sl(at whatever they want).

    But I will say, when I am looking at photography work, the post processing means very little to me. While I know it takes time and talent to do a lot of the things some people do in their post processing....there are also many programs that do all of the steps for you. So determining where the program's work begins, and yours ends, can be difficult when you focus your work entirely around the after-effects and post processing.

    Your pictures are beautiful and I can tell you love what you do. That's a very good first step. Your nest step should be to play around in world with difference scenes. Lose the photo studio look. Create your own scenes with exisiting backdrops within sl. Random sims are perfect for this. You don't need a million poses, gadgets, lights and other things in world. So please don't let anyone tell you that you do. All the lighting you could possibly need can be found within your own viewer...absolutely free. You're really only limited by your abilties and the graphics your pc can handle.

    Go around and have fun with your photos. Take random shots, not just planned sessions. When you enjoy what you're doing it'll reflect in your work. Don't worry so much about touching the photos up in any external program for now. You should focus more(I think this of all photographers, not just you, please don't think I am being judgmental, far from it) on being able to capture the essence of your surroundings and your subject, without needing an external source to create it,  when you first start out. Then, when you've got a good handle on that, you can start to focus a little more on post processing, having special poses, creating a specific scene with props and whatnot. Post process, to me, is overdone in most cases. It should be used to touch up, not create the image you're going for. If you can create the image you're looking for, with perhaps minor flaws without needing all that extra work, you'll get much further.

    Anyone can make an ugly pic look good in post processing. It takes talent to take a beautiful pic and make it amazing with little to no touchup work. That's what every good photographer needs to aim for, imo.

    I think everyone has the potential to be great. It's whether or not they're willing to put the footwork in that will determine if they actually do or not.

  14. Orca Flotta wrote:

    Oh, I'm quite sure I know more about American socialists than you know about European ones. That put aside if Rudy and Alicia based their whole chain of arguments on my person, and repeating the same lies about Mandela, I notice a kinda familiar strategy here. One I know from various GOP party leaders.

    But you're right, I didn't learn anything new about the USA since I'm in SL. After a couple of visits to the US and my daily dose of media consumption I guess I know enough to engage into a discussion with the inhabitants of that strange country. Unfortunately I'm not able to get your mindset and my laguage skills are rather basic, which makes me a loser ... lol, loser was another term I had to learn a new definition of after talking to Americans.

    So anyway, I was shooting off my mouth about Rudy mainly and Alicia partly, because I found their posts to be very mean spirited and yes, evil! And they were worded and spun in a way I only know from certain Americans of the unlikeable sort. I'm quite sure most Americans are decent people but as it always is, it's the most loud and radical aholes that make the greatest impression. So far Rudy and Alicia failed as representants of the USA, same as I failed as representant of ... oh what do I represent anyway? Just me i guess. Anyway, I failed.

    Doesn't matter: they tried to tarnish Mandela's reputation and I couldn't let that stand. Particularly since they attacked him for all the wrong reasons.

    Orca, I understand your verbal hostility and why you don't agree with certain posters, but you do often lump all of the USA into things, when you get into a tit for tat match with people on the forums. Saying that you're quite sure most Americans are decent people, doesn't change the fact that you lump all of the USA together, and still are, even in this post.

    One small percentage of people does not equate a country. Just as every other country in the world has it's general buttholes, so does the USA. Contrary to what you may think about the USA, many of us are pretty free thinkers. We have minds, opinions and mouths of our own. I don't agree with everything ANY government or country has done, including my own. Regardless of my heritage, or where I live now, I think for myself. I teach my children to think for themselves. I teach them to take what they read, what they learn and what they hear, with a grain of salt. I teach them to never base an entire group, on a small portion of it's membership. That applies just about everywhere too. We could all easily look back on history and say "well, such and such people from such and such country did/said/were this....so we shall just lump them all together and say they are...(insert whatever insult needed  here)". But we'd be 100% wrong in doing so. Even if we felt strongly about our opinion(s), we'd still be wrong.

    Perfection isn't something any human, let alone group of humans, will ever achieve, no matter how hard they try. If you let those who speak the loudest, those with opinions you dislike, speak for everyone...you are closing off your ears to things that might just give you a better understanding of people in general.

    This isn't me belittling you and I hope you understand that. I'm not attacking you in the least. Because I do understand what you're saying, in part, whether or not I agree with the statements, I can understand. I can also understand that being angry with someone will often fuel a discussion/debate. That's a human characteristic and very few people can truly pull off never allowing another's opinion have that affect on them. We all do it at one point or another, perhaps maybe not on the forums, but we do all have that sort of reaction from time to time.

    Please stop lumping all of one country together like that. You only seem to do it when you have somethign bad to say about them/it. Not all of us are so arrogant that we feel our country.gvernment/citizens is/are without flaw. Me, personally, I am perfectly capable of seeing the flaws, they hardly make up the majority of our history(or even present day). Just like they don't for any other country. I can't imagine judging a country based on those who speak loudest, because more often than not, I don't even agree with the ones who speak loudest. I can look back on history and if I chose to look at only the things I don't like, I'd have an awful lot of countries, people and governments that I could say an awful lot of bad things about. But I don't, because I know they don't speak for an entire nation, only themselves.

  15. JacobSteven wrote:

    hmm I listen to music práveže SL not only in SAM Broadcaster but still do not understand why it is so far behind, and as if I changed it ...:matte-motes-smug:

    You did not do anything. There is supposed to be a delay. Do not worry about the delay.

    Ty si nič neurobil. Tam byť oneskorenie. Nebojte sa o meškaní.


  16. Please... and Thank you, in advance :D

    I'm helping someone piece together an av. This is for a project, so while I don't want to sound like a cheapskate, she doesn't have a big budget and most of her funds are going into things like skin, hair, and such, for now. I'm helping where I can. 'Tis the season for high utlities and all ;)

    I will tell you what she's looking for. Now, I have to say in advance, I CAN make these if need be, but I've kind of got a lot of other projects I'm working on, lol. So if we can find these fast, it'll help. If we can't find any, I'll make them.

    She wants a darker brown, NOT prim(that includes mesh), relatively realistic looking, no fancy pictures or extra shimmer, nothing that  looks diseased.

    That said, I'm not asking for anyone to specifically find those eyes, lol. All I want are links to your fav places to get eyes, that may fit those qualifications. We're searching, mp, and inworld. It seems a lot have ventured into the prim/mesh eyes area, and she doesn't want that. The grid is pretty vast and search being what it is......If I can just give her some good links, or lms, that would be a great starting off point for her. I never change my eyes, which is why I am of little help to her in that area, lol. I'm not exactly someone who enjoys shopping :p

  17. Aeriabella wrote:

    Wow. I've been looking for a Premium Home for three days and now consider myself among the homeless.


    I initially switched from a home I never did really like to begin with, got into one that was ok, but was too small. Now with abandoning my small home, I see there are no homes to be had. Meaning, there is nothing on the premium membership homes list available that I would spend time or money decorating.

    Why has there not been an update of homes available?  Why have there not been any new homes or designs released at all in 2013?

    As a paying member, I don't feel I should have to choose from the dregs of the available designs just to have some place to participate to make use of the money I have already spent. And I certainly don't think I should have to pay above and beyond my premium membership to have a home, when I am clearly entitled to one of my "choosing".

    Which leads me to my next point. How can we choose a home when we can't see all the designs that are "available"? I've been on here for most of the year, and I didn't realize some designs even existed.

    All premium home designs should be made available for Premium Members to choose from. 

    It's ridiculous that in a virtual game there are availability restrictions in place on what we can move into.

    Tell you what. Give us the 512 land allocation and 117 prim limit and let us build our own then. That would solve it.

    I hope more of the "desirable" homes are released as soon as possible, so I at least have something worthwhile to choose from. Otherwise, I can't renew my lease.


    Necropost, but since your question is actually valid..I'll answer

    Sometimes, you'll see there aren't any homes available. But they do become available quite often. You are only restricted by what is currently open(aka, not occupied) and the designs they have. I don't believe they add new designs all that often, and I doubt you'll see very many ever being added, to be honest. They have a, somewhat, decent selection as it is. They just aren't always empty. Linden homes have not always been available to begin with. They're one of the more recent(I use that term very loosely) additions to the premium membership

    However, that said. You CAN use your 512 land and 117 prims allotment to build your own home. Just find a 512 plot, and you can "buy" it.  You do NOT have to use a linden home, at all. People tend to use linden homes because they come with one perk...the house doesn't count against your 117 prims. Where an empty 512 plot, anything you rez will cost you however many prims( or land impact) you have. The finding of the perfect plot, is the hard part, for some anyway :)

  18. Innula Zenovka wrote:

    Pussycat Catnap wrote:

    The hide option only hides the people inside. People inside can still see outside. Its one way not two way.


    Are you sure about that, Pussycat?   It's a long time since I tested it, but my recollection is certainly that it's two way, and that's also what the Knowledge Base article seems to suggest:


    Second Life provides several features to provide parcel owners:

    Ability to hide avatars on a parcel from those outside the parce
    l and vice-versa.

    This feature enables you to hide avatars and their activities and conversations from those outside a parcel
    and vice-versa.

    Ability to restrict sounds emitted by avatars on the parcel.

    I'm not pussycat but the place where I am at, currently, only hides us inside the parcel from people outside. I know there is no way to set it so neither can see, it's just a basic option setting you can turn on or off, not specify. I can still see people outside the parcel. The only time I can't, is if they are also on a parcel with that privacy turned on. Which is extremely likely if you live somewhere that rents out multiple parcels. A lot of rental places seem to automatically turn that option on for all parcels they rent out. The place where I am, is sort of set up like a community, in that there are multiple parcels but there is a road(or space anyway, depending on which sim you rent on) between them, that doesn't have the privacy turned on. I can see anyone in that space from inside my parcel, but can't see over into the next "yard" or "house" as it were, because that's another parcel with the privacy turned on. If that description makes any sense.

    I would take anything the KB says with a grain of salt, it's not the clearest explanation of, well, most things. About as clear as mud, in many cases too. That may be how they intended the privacy thing to work, but it's definitely not how it works everywhere(I can't explain why, I'm definitely not that smart, lol). A friend also uses the parcel I rent and she has an issue with a few people determined to generally be a nuisance. They can stand outside our fence, on that "public"(lack of better term) road/sidewalk area and I can see them from the yard or house (she can't, they're muted to her). They just can't get IN the parcel(blocked) and can't see us on the other side of the fence.

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