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Lukeh Ghost

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Everything posted by Lukeh Ghost

  1. There are third party websites to purchase L$ from here's a list. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Archive/Third_Party_Linden_Dollar_Exchanges These 2 being my favourite. http://www.xchange4ls.com/ https://www.eldexchange.eu/
  2. Can be several reasons. Most likely you over cook your RAM/CPU or GPU.. try closing all unncessary applications and open Second Life. Reducing your graphics and everything down to Low. Make sure you system meets the minimum requirments. Download a very old Viewer 1 Viewer. Can't help you out when you don't give us information on what this "crash" is when it occours and if any error messages appear, also tell us about your system and the viewer you use.
  3. You will need to be an estate manager for this just click ALT+R or World > Region Details. Head to the Region Tab and there is a little drop down with "Rating:" next to it, set it via that and hit apply.. You can also set it on a Parcel by clicking World > Parcel Details in the Options box is a little tick box which allows you tick if the parcel you're on has moderate content mainly for G rated sims with Moderate parcels puts banlines on people who aren't 18+
  4. Already wrote a little JIRA on this to see if something like this can get going. The marketplace has gotten much better since magic boxes are no longer needed it's so easy to upload and update now! Anyway this is a feature I think merchants will find useful if they want to hold a firesale, or a christmas discount where they can select a bunch or all of their products, enter a percentage for the price to be discounted at enter dates of start and finish then click OK and boom! Mass Sales! https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-4935 I think it's an awesome idea if I do say so myself! Any other things which could make this more useful?
  5. But ignoring the group only SIMs can cut off potentially a BIG chunk of Second Life .. guys who roleplay familys or clans tend to be in group only SIMs and that is a large number of people. They only tend to leave is when going shopping,
  6. Brand New Club ! Opening very Soon! Club Flare opens on the 8th of September at 12pm SLT onwards! throughout this event will be live DJs playing a variety of music from Hip Hip - Dubstep, House to Top 40! These DJs are from places like Europe, UK, USA and I still am looking for more DJs who play any genre! I'm dedicated to create a clubbing experience in Second Life that is NONE-Restrictive. I'm annoyed at how many places in Second Life will say "No Furs" .. "No Vampires" .. "Avatars need to be over 5ft" tall all this crap! Most of us want a place with great music, great people, diverse and respectful to everyone. It's Second Life so let's live it! Anyone is welcome here absolutely anyway! very new comer friendly, vamps, furs, families, zombies, cats, dogs anyone is welcome we really don't mind and same rule applies to DJs anyone can apply to be a DJ experienced or not, if you have a passion for music you want to share I will happily train you 1 to 1! Be sure to come down on the opening night as we will have the money booth throwing out money at random residents every few minutes.. the sploder for everyone to try their luck.. contest board... the 1L thrower which will through coins at your head so be sure to catch them! I've spent the last 2 weeks pouring my blood, sweat, tears and even my heart into this place so check it out it will be worth it :) ! Even if you aren't a dancing person there's a bar for you to go ahead and grab drink at! Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ClubFlare http://www.facebook.com/events/273669566072407/ Second Life Group: http://world.secondlife.com/group/4b84e13c-728a-39aa-2bee-aff4cc5461e3?lang=en-US Second Life Event: https://secondlife.com/my/community/events/event.php?id=5236451 SLURL: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Khisanth/144/97/2502 Oh and also you can grab the Flare Outfit: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/PROMO-Club-Flare-Official-Outfit-50-OFF-INWORLD/3905908 Which includes some sexy mesh jackets which you can buy for only L$50 in world! OR, for FREE on the opening night :) !
  7. The first one you'd need to do for AGES none stop. I mean the amount of sims out there.. then there are private ones to consider and just missing avatars then you have to cycle through ALL regions again. seemss crazy
  8. To be honest finding dedicated RP's is a challenge now days. I RP on a SIM which is labelled "RP" the idea is a grunge streete shoot up etc. but even the owner only RPs a character if he's going in for sex which is freaking annoying. Also when it comes to RP people will type RP whilst Talking OOC on voice instead of the whole (( OOC )) thing. And then if people do RP voice how will people know if they are saying something OOC. I think it could be a good idea for people who love Roleplay it's just finding those people. Those who RP in Second Life can be shy in Real Life so Roleplaying on voice would be a step up but a challenge. And to be honest in a sense it is like "acting" and there are some bad actors out there... it's why not everyone is a voice actor for cartoons. typing RP is like writting a screenplay. voicing is like acting it. Personally I'd give it ago but I can't act at all so if I tried to act I tend to do that really annoying fake american accent ..I don't MEAN to put on an accent but when bad actors act they tend to ...
  9. Same as the other guys I studied Media Studies which teaches photography and videography .. some web deisgn. But everything in Second Life, texturing, scripting and now 3D modelling I've learnt myself. When it came to learning Blender I hate hate HATED it first time I tried making sculpts back in the day... I still cannot get my head around sculpts too much baking and UV texture crap. Mesh is actually easy to produce into Second Life than sculpted prims I would say anyway but it took about a year of me going on and off Blender following tutorials which all have different versions of Blender you have etc. Then I just knuckled down and learnt mesh. To be honest making mesh structures is very VERY easy in Google Sketch-Up. I only use Blender when making clothing or objects with detail and more twists and turns. Blender is more or a sculpting application and Google Sketch-up is like Second Life in way with the way it builds except has a useful tool with SL should think about adapting to and that is you can highlight part of a shape you make and delete it.
  10. Proberly not the issue but if you use Firestorm v4.2.1 then that could be why. That was released with a bunch of issues with rotating scripts. v4.2.2 fixes that. Again might not be the case but it's a small possibility.
  11. Hey there! was curious to if there are any scripts that can like rotate an object facing foward like .. 60 degrees CCW on the Z axis... then 120 degrees CC then 120 CCW and 120 CC and keep going until commanded to stop then it just faces forward again.. Kind like a CCTV but constant, not all the way round but back and forth on it's own but slowly.. I have a smoke machine in a club and I want to stick in the option of making it turn left and right to cover more space on the dancefloor. Thanks in Advanced :) x
  12. https://secondlife.com/my/community/events/event.php?id=5236451 More information on the event page! But if you are interested in working at Club Flare more information below!! http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Inworld-Employment/Become-a-DJ-with-Flare-Training-Given-if-Needed-amp-BE-REWARDED/td-p/1650053
  13. NEW CLUB OPENING SOON. I'm currently looking for a fun staff force to join Flare! Before people look at me like "whose this clown" I'm someone who has been a DJ on internet radio since I was 13, and had my own internet radio fansite for a little game called "Habbo Hotel" when I was 15 managing stream, DJs and events so you're in good hands! Anyway back in 2011 me and friend opened a club called Pulse which was closed when the SIM owner backed out of Second Life.. just can't get the landlords now days. I then ran Teen Beach for a while Summer 2011 and when I ran it I turned it into a club which was open to everyone. The SIM owner didn't like that because Teen Beach was ideally a hangout, sadly it's a had a weird past which I tried to make people forget about with a cool Beach Club I guess some wounds never heal. But after that Pulse reopened but the SIM owner didn't like me after what I did to Teen Beach and shut it down, funny guy. Moving on I helped managed Club Fluffy's 4th Birthday Event DJing, Hosting, Contests, Hunts my god it was hectic but fun! Am I bragging? A Little but I want people to know who they could be working for... Did I also mention I run LG: Store which has been going since I was 55 days old (On Second Life duh) Get to the Point Lukeh! I'm currently working on the building of Club Flare a club which is open to anyone and everyone in Second Life no discrimination just keep your nuts and chesticals away please. Aslong as you have you're covered you're welcome! And if you would like to be a DJ when it opens then IM me in world for a form Lukeh Ghost you can leave me a message on MySL but there is no guarrentee I'll read it immediatly so I recommend IM me inworld. Criteria: Enough Dance Genre Music to fill out 2hrsFriendly and InteractiveGood Quality Microphone (Or Very Conversational inworld)Experience?? Experience is not neccessary so long as you have passion and a great personality. You have those things and a lot of music on your computer ... over 600 Dance songs preferablly but if you can fill up 2hrs constantly then we can work on building your library with requests as you DJ. Anyway If you choose to join Flare and you're accepted then I will personally teach you 1 to 1 how to use the software of your choice.. Winamp VDJ or SamBC. And help you kick start your DJing career within Second Life! Also if you don't have dance music or you prefer playing Rock.. or Dubstep then get in touch still Genre isn't a problem as you can pull your own crowed, think of Flare as a venue for your show. Feel free to IM me in world for more information, I love talking I'm a little weird you get use to it. That's not all during the month there will be a voting panel with all the DJs and visitors can vote for their favourite DJ and who ever is DJ of the month will be rewared with either L$ or vouchers/games on Steam such as music game "AudioSurf" which is so much fun! For other roles such as Hosts, if you believe you can attract a crowd, keep them happy then send me an IM also :) Information on the opening: https://secondlife.com/my/community/events/event.php?id=5236451
  14. I was playing around with Path Finding on the beta grid.. not sure if path finding is fully intergrated yet as a building tool, but it basically is what you want very smooth movement of prims from point to point... stalking avatars etc... http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Pathfinding_in_Second_Life
  15. I've played for as long as 36 hours before... but I was 18 and had no children and I hate the winter so sue me. But I do play a lot of Second Life due to Social Anxiety and Agoraphobia, Ironically when people look at me they find it hard to believe I spend big chunks of my day inside behind a computer screen. Still Second Life doesn't have a demographic I meet people who are office working men, gym going jocks, stay at home moms. My land lady on Second Life sells house in Real Life and Parcels in Second Life she's also a mom and she's online a lot. I like to joke with her about what if she found her son (whose 18) on Second Life doing the dirty, She trys to stear the conversation away, I love that. As for a healthy amount of time... I don't know there's no defenition really, it says you should step away from the computer for 10 minutes every hour to relax your eyes and reduce the carple tunnle syndrom... But there's nothing "medically" wrong with Second Life nore is there anything Unhealthy. People have obsessions. If someone watched a 10 hour marathon of The Office US people would be like "LOL it's an awesome show" yet if people spend 10 hours on Second Life it's like "oh wow that's sad" I don't understand people.
  16. I'm sure a moderator will move this thread to http://community.secondlife.com/t5/LSL-Scripting/bd-p/LSLScripting soon. But it would be easier if you shared with us the script your friend has made, only because I don't understand fully the situation I'm sure someone will
  17. *punches the air* This is awesome glad that llTeleportAgent has been fixed lol! Also will there be any interest with https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SCR-391? The llTeleportAgent and llAttachToAvatarTemp are awesome calls, just the llAttatchToAvatarTemp would prove more useful it had the ability to do more permission based stuff.
  18. Make sure you're mesh house's "land impact" isn't more than what you have available. Click World > Parcel Details then head over to the object tab to see how many you have left. Mesh structures and Skyboxes can use a lot of prims especially the furnished ones. You can also try and make sure that you are on a group owned parcel, If you rent using a box and didn't "Buy the Land" chances are you're renting and you just need to wear a group tag. Issued when you brought the land. Althought you do say it happens more often when trying to rez a mesh structure/skybox so my guess is you are already able to rez and it may just be that what you're rezzing requires more land impact than what you have available on the parcel.
  19. I always spelt it "cumming" but besides the point!
  20. NEW CLUB OPENING SOON. I'm currently looking for a fun staff force to join Flare! Before people look at me like "whose this clown" I'm someone who has been a DJ on internet radio since I was 13, and had my own internet radio fansite for a little game called "Habbo Hotel" when I was 15 managing stream, DJs and events so you're in good hands! Anyway back in 2011 me and friend opened a club called Pulse which was closed when the SIM owner backed out of Second Life.. just can't get the landlords now days. I then ran Teen Beach for a while Summer 2011 and when I ran it I turned it into a club which was open to everyone. The SIM owner didn't like that because Teen Beach was ideally a hangout, sadly it's a had a weird past which I tried to make people forget about with a cool Beach Club I guess some wounds never heal. But after that Pulse reopened but the SIM owner didn't like me after what I did to Teen Beach and shut it down, funny guy. Moving on I helped managed Club Fluffy's 4th Birthday Event DJing, Hosting, Contests, Hunts my god it was hectic but fun! Am I bragging? A Little but I want people to know who they could be working for... Did I also mention I run LG: Store which has been going since I was 55 days old (On Second Life duh) Get to the Point Lukeh! I'm currently working on the building of Club Flare a club which is open to anyone and everyone in Second Life no discrimination just keep your nuts and chesticals away please. Aslong as you have you're covered you're welcome! And if you would like to be a DJ when it opens then IM me in world for a form Lukeh Ghost you can leave me a message on MySL but there is no guarrentee I'll read it immediatly so I recommend IM me inworld. Criteria: Enough Dance Genre Music to fill out 2hrsFriendly and InteractiveGood Quality Microphone (Or Very Conversational inworld)Experience?? Experience is not neccessary so long as you have passion and a great personality. You have those things and a lot of music on your computer ... over 600 Dance songs preferablly but if you can fill up 2hrs constantly then we can work on building your library with requests as you DJ. Anyway If you choose to join Flare and you're accepted then I will personally teach you 1 to 1 how to use the software of your choice.. Winamp VDJ or SamBC. And help you kick start your DJing career within Second Life! Also if you don't have dance music or you prefer playing Rock.. or Dubstep then get in touch still Genre isn't a problem as you can pull your own crowed, think of Flare as a venue for your show. Feel free to IM me in world for more information, I love talking I'm a little weird you get use to it. For other roles such as Hosts, if you believe you can attract a crowd, keep them happy then send me an IM also :)
  21. I haven't though about it that way round but, I could make that work ! Thanks
  22. Can anyone be a dear and help me out... I'm trying out the llAttatchtoAvatarTemp call but it attatches the actual object. Is it not possible to make this call attatch a copy of the object to anyone not just the owner?
  23. I think Second Life is more of a place where you earn your own money directly rather than earning from other peoples success, if that makes sense... Like the best way to make money on Second Life is make content under your own brand name, Sell Regions under your name so you get paid directly. Only acception being DJing but best way to find them is in world. make a 5 minute recording of you and send it to club managers/owners dj managers etc. I'd say dancers to but I think standing on an animated pole, dressed in stuff you brought from the marketplace is a reason to earn money...
  24. Lukeh Ghost

    Rated G?

    I believe it's to do with what groups you have visble... My profile was Adult rated for a while in search but when removing/hidding adult groups my profile was given a G rating.
  25. Quick Russle up for you. default { state_entry() { llListen(8,"", NULL_KEY, ""); } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { if (message == "open") { llSetAlpha(0,ALL_SIDES); llSetStatus(STATUS_PHANTOM, TRUE); } else if (message == "close") { llSetAlpha(100,ALL_SIDES); llSetStatus(STATUS_PHANTOM, FALSE); } } }
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